昨年来日したジェラルド・マシューさんが、他のイラク戦争帰還兵とともに、アメリカ政府に対して起こしている損害賠償請求裁判についてのヒアリングが、 9月6日、ニューヨークの連邦裁判所で開かれました。大変重要なニュースですので、ご参考までに、取り急ぎ、抄訳してみました。
今回の広島大会に参加してくれたハーバート・リードさんも、この裁判の原告の一人ですが、リードさんのお話ですと、今回の裁判を引き受けてくれている弁 護士さんたちは、裁判の結果が出るまでは、”pro bono”(無償弁護)で取り組んでくれることになっているとのことでした。(勝訴した場合は、賠償金のかなりの部分を報酬として得る契約のようです。) ですから、原告側弁護人を買って出てくれている弁護士たちは、勝訴できると判断して引き受けていることになりますが、下記の記事を読みましても、こうした 従軍中の被害に関する裁判にはきわめて厳しいものがあります。そもそも、今回のヒヤリングは、連邦裁判所として原告の訴えを取り上げるべきかどうかを判断 するためのもののようです。
ぜひ勝訴してほしいと思いますが、予断はできないと思われます。今こそ、劣化ウラン兵器の危険性を国際社会に、アメリカ社会に向けて訴えていく必要があ ります。また、こうした裁判がアメリカで始まっているという事実が日本でも広く知られ、「劣化ウラン兵器は危険ではない」としてきた日本政府の見解が改め て問題にされなければなりません。
嘉指(かざし)信雄(NO DU ヒロシマ・プロジェクト代表)
今週水曜日、マンハッタンの連邦判事ジョン・ケルトゥルを前にして行われた2時間のヒアリング(意見聴取)において、帰還兵8名の弁護士たちは、陸軍 は、自らの安全手続きを怠り、放射性の劣化ウラン塵に兵士たちを曝すことによって、兵士たちの病気を引き起こすこととなった、と論じた。
2004年6月29日、彼の妻は、女児ビクトリアを出産したが、ビクトリアの片方の手は、指が三本欠けていた。2004年初め、「デイリー・ニューズ」 紙の支援でマシューは尿検査を受けたが、分析したフランクフルトのゲーテ大学の科学者アクセル・ゲルデスによれば、その結果は、マシューが劣化ウランに被 爆していたことを示すものだった。
「被告側弁護士クロナンと原告側弁護士ジョージ・ツェルマとエリーズ・ハグエル・ランサムの双方が、繰り返し言及したのは、第二次大戦中に原爆実験で被爆 した兵士の先例であり、ベトナム戦争中、エージェント・オレンジ枯れ葉剤のために数多くの兵士を襲った病であり、さらには、70年代、兵士を対象に、軍に よって秘密裏に行われたLSD実験の例であった。
Justice for G.I.s?
Say Iraq Uranium Caused Ills
By Juan Gonzalez/Daily News/September 8, 2006
Three years after returning from Iraq with persistent ailments they believe were caused by inhaling uranium dust from exploded U.S. shells, a group of former New York National Guardsmen finally got their first day in court this week against the federal government.
In a two-hour hearing late Wednesday before Manhattan Federal Judge John Koeltl, lawyers for the eight veterans argued that the Army caused the soldiers’ illnesses when it violated its own safety protocols and exposed them to radioactive depleted-uranium dust.
Army doctors also covered up information about any exposures and failed to provide the soldiers proper medical treatment, the lawyers claimed.
The case is the first to reach a courtroom from Iraq war soldiers claiming harm from depleted uranium – a low-level radioactive metal the Pentagon began using during the first Persian Gulf War to harden artillery shells so they could penetrate enemy tanks.
Assistant U.S. Attorney John Cronan, representing the Army, urged Koeltl to dismiss the lawsuit immediately.
Cronan repeatedly referred to a 1950 Supreme Court decision, commonly known as the Feres Doctrine, that prohibits soldiers from suing the government for injuries “incident to [military] service.”
“Any trial of this would be second-guessing sensitive military matters that civilian courts should not be discussing,” Cronan said.
As the government’s lawyer spoke, Gerard Matthew, the lead plaintiff in the lawsuit, who was sitting with his wife Janise in a courtroom packed with supporters, quietly shook his head.
A former Army specialist who transported destroyed tanks from Iraq back to Kuwait during the first months of the war, Matthew returned home in September 2003 with a variety of ailments for which Army doctors could not explain the cause. They included constant migraine headaches, blurred vision, blackouts and a burning sensation whenever he urinated.
On June 29, 2004, his wife gave birth to a baby girl, Victoria, who was missing three fingers on one hand. Tests of Matthew’s urine sponsored by the Daily News in early 2004 showed that he had been exposed to depleted uranium, according to Axel Gerdes, the scientist at Goethe University in Frankfurt, who performed the analysis.
Gerdes also found that four of nine other returned soldiers from a different National Guard unit, the 442nd Military Police, had been exposed to the radioactive dust.
Reports in The News created a firestorm that reached to Congress and received coverage around the world – especially when the New York soldiers, several of them cops and correction officers in civilian life – accused military doctors of refusing to test them for depleted uranium, or losing or delaying their test results.
Since then, the Pentagon has tightened its testing procedures and some two dozen state legislatures have either passed or are considering bills to require depleted uranium testing for their own National Guard troops returning from Iraq.
Tuesday’s hearing was a chilling review of how the courts have dealt over more than half a century with massive injuries inflicted by our own military weapons against American troops.
Both Cronan and the lawyers for the plaintiffs, George Zelma and Elise Hagouel Langsam, referred repeatedly to prior cases of soldiers exposed to atom bomb testing during World War II, to the massive illnesses that afflicted Vietnam War soldiers from Agent Orange, even to secret LSD testing among soldiers by the Army during the 1970s.
“It can’t be that Congress intended our government to betray its own troops,” Zelma said at one point.
By his dogged questioning of lawyers from both sides, it appeared that Koeltl was giving the claims from the soldiers serious attention. But he gave no hint of how he might rule.
“We’re here to speak for all our fellow soldiers who don’t even know what they’ve been exposed to in Iraq,” Matthew said afterward. “The Army didn’t even follow its own procedures to protect us, and someone needs to answer for that.”