国際キャンペーンの構成団体 (Membership)

ICBUW ウラン兵器禁止を求める国際連合

Campaign Against Depleted Uranium (UK)

Campaign Against Radiation Exposure (Japan)

Center for Peace and Justice
Center for Peace and Justice, Albuquerque, New Mexico (US)

For Mother Earth
For Mother Earth (Belgium)

Grassroots Actions for Peace
Grassroots Actions for Peace (US)

International Association of Lawyers Against Nuclear Arms (Germany)

International Depleted Uranium Study Team

IPPNW Germany
International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War

LAKA Foundation
Documentation and Research Centre on Nuclear Energy (The Netherlands)

Military Toxics Project
The Military Toxics Project (MTP) is a US based national network of groups working to clean up military pollution, safeguard the transportation of hazardous materials, and advance pollution prevention at US Department of Defense installations.

NO DU Hiroshima Project
Hiroshima Project for a Ban on Depleted Uranium Weapons (Japan)


RISQ (Review of International Social Questions) is an independent foreign policy think tank.

Stop USA
Stop USA Belgium

VD/AMOK (The Netherlands)

ACV-CSC Brussels
Christan Labour Union (Belgium)

Asian Network of Trust in Hiroshima (Japan)

Arab Net for Research on Landmines and Explosive Remnants of War
Works on Landmines & Explosive Remnants of War Awareness and Victims Assistance (Syria)

Association for Peace Exchange with Indian and Pakistani Youth
(Japan) Director: Haruko Moritaki.

Arizona (US)

Baring Witness
(United States) Representatives Donna Sheehan and Paul Reffell.

Bertrand Russell Peace Foundation
(United Kingdom)

Campaign Against Depleted Uranium, Tokyo
Contact: Ms. Chieko Tabe

Center for Safe Energy of the Earth Island Institute
Berkeley, California (US)

Children of Chernobyl Belarus
The aim of the association is to provide all possible help to the children in the Belarus area (France)

Citizens’ Group Against Nuclear Power Plants
Takarazuka, Japan

Coalition for a Strong United Nations (US)

Edmonton Religious Society of Friends
(Alberta, Canada) Contact: Ted Garver

Global Association for Banning DU Weapons

Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space
GN Secretary/Co-ordinator: Bruce Gagnon

Global Peacemakers Association
Atlanta (US). Director: Steve Leeper

Ground Zero Center for Nonviolent Action
Washington (US)

Hiroshima Alliance for Nuclear Weapons Abolition (Japan). HANWA is the umbrella association of anti-nuclear groups in Hiroshima.
Co-Directors: Mitsuo Okamoto, Goro Kawai, and Haruko Moritaki.

Hiroshima Earth Village
(Japan) Director: Mr Hideo Kamei

Hiroshima High School Teachers’ Union
(Japan) Contact: Tamaki Kitamura

Hiroshima Speaks Out
(Japan) Director: Mr Shinichi Suzuki

Human Shield Kobe
(Japan) Director: Seiji Yoshimura

International Institute of Concern for Public Health (Canada)

Indian Institute for Peace, Disarmament and Environmental Protection, Nagpur (India)

Kyoto Physicians Association, Japan

Japan Congress Against A-and H-Bombs

Kosovo Youth Network

Mama Terra
(For Mother Earth, Romania)

Merrimack Valley People for Peace
(United States) Bobbie Goldman, President 

Mouvement Chretien pour la Paix Bruxelles
(Brussels, Belgium)

Nagasaki Testimonial Society
(Japan) Co-director: Mitsugi Moriguchi.

New Humanism Forum – Yokohama
(Japan). Director: Atsuteru Kiriya.

NO!! DU Sapporo Project
(Japan) Director: Mr Shoji Kosaka

Nuclear Guardianship Project
Berkeley, California (US)

Environmental and peace action group with many articles on uranium weapons on their website, Wisconsin (US)

Osaka Medical Practitioners Association
Anti-Nuclear/Peace Committtee (Japan) Contact: Mr Katsuyuki Takeda

Peace Movement Aotearoa

(New Zealand)

Project Ploughshares, Edmonton Chapter
(Alberta, Canada) Contact: Bill and Rhyl Stollery, Co-Chairs.

Prorescate Vieques
The Committee for the Rescue and Development of Vieques (Puerto Rico)

PSR/IPPNW Switzerland
Physicians for Social Responsibility/the International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (Switzerland)

Roy Lynn Piepenburg

Save the Earth Action ’97

Kerala (India)

Sustainable Peace & Development Organization, Peshawar (Pakistan)

STOP! IDU Campaign, Tokyo
(Japan) Director: Toshimasa Imai

The Article 9 Society, Hiroshima
(Japan) Director: Mr Mitsuo Okamoto

The Organization of Women’s Freedom in Iraq (OWFI)
Contact: Sammar Aziz

The Union of the Unemployed of Iraq (UUI)
Iraqi Civil Resistance Front Director: Samir Adil

Bosnia and Herzegovina suffer DU. Who is responsible?

Ukrainian Peacekeepers Association
‘Soldiers of Peace’ (Ukraine)