Bosnians say NATO Bombs Brought “Angel of Death”
「UNEPの報告は、DUは、直接汚染域の外に、限定された健康への影響があるという、DUについての、主流の科学的考えに基づいた。もっと低い! DUの放射能でも、もっと大きな影響があると考える科学者のグループもあり、彼らは、我々の報告を批判している。」
Bosnians say NATO Bombs Brought “Angel of Death”
Many Bosnians blame high cancer rates on NATO’s use of depleted uranium munitions in 1995, but scientists remain divided over the alleged link.
By Ekrem Tinjak, Faruk Boric and Hugh Griffiths in Han Pijesak and Sarajevo (BCR No 526, 15-Nov-04)
In the Sarajevo suburb of Hadzici, the local imam, Hazim Effendi Emso, looks out over an overflowing cemetery. The field in the middle of this grimy industrial suburb of Sarajevo is dotted with new graves.
”It is only recently that the number of funerals has increased. Almost every day, a funeral,” he said sadly.
The birth and death dates etched onto recent gravestones show a number of those buried here died in middle age. Many are from the Hadzici district of Grivici.
“A large number of the people from Grivici died of cancer but it was only this year that we started keeping records on deceased people,” the Imam continued.
In the remote Romanija mountains, 64 kilometres north of Grivici, some 1,000 metres above sea level, a different local religious leader faces the same problem.
Branko, a Serb Orthodox cleric in Han Pijesak, in Republika Srpska, RS, points to a map on the wall of the head teacher’s office.
“This is the village of Japaga. Around 100 people live here but in 1996 many people died from cancer,” he told IWPR.
“The first was the army base cook, Mrs Ljeposava, who died aged 45, as did Mrs Todic. Then it was Budimir Bojat, who died aged 60, and Goran Basteh who died at 45, all from cancer.”
The priest turned from the map to papers on the table. “Every year in Japaga at least one young man dies of cancer,” he continued. “This is not normal in such a small village.”
At first glance, the communities of Hadzici and Han Pijesak appear very different. One is a mainly Muslim settlement in an industrial zone while the other is a series of Serb mountain villages in one of Europe’s last unspoilt wildernesses.
But residents of both communities say they suffer from an abnormally high cancer rate and they believe it is the result of Depleted Uranium, DU, munitions, which were used during NATO’s September 1995 airstrikes on Bosnia.
The United Nations describes DU as a by-product of the process used to enrich natural uranium ore for use in nuclear reactors and weapons. It is an “unstable, radioactive heavy metal” that emits ionizing radiation of three types – alpha, beta and gamma.
The United States, together with other NATO member states, uses DU in armour-piercing shells for both tanks and planes.
NATO aircraft used DU against the Bosnian Serb army in August and September 1995 to bring a quick end to the vicious three-year conflict in the former Yugoslav republic.
“The aim was to disrupt the Bosnian Serb forces’ command and control structure and degrade their fighting capabilities,” a NATO source in Sarajevo said. ”We were not trying to destroy the army.”
According to NATO, from September 5-11, 1995, their planes fired 5,800 DU shells in the vicinity of Han Pijesak and Hadzici. More than 90 per cent of all such ammunition fired in Bosnia during the airstrikes fell in just these two locations.
NATO states a total of 2,400 DU rounds were directed against at the Han Pijesak army base, next to the village of Japaga. A further 1,500 were fired at the Hadzici tank repair facility, close to Grivici.
Scientists of the UN Environmental Programme, UNEP, discovered DU contamination in air, water and ground samples taken from Hadzici and Han Pijesak in October 2002.
“We found DU ammunition on the ground and we found DU dust in buildings that were being turned into shops in Hadzici,” Pekko Haavisto, chief of the UNEP mission, told IWPR. “In Hadzici we also found two wells that had small amounts of DU in the water, eight years after the conflict.
“At Han Pijesak army base, we found DU dust in buildings, tanks and other equipment and we were concerned that conscripts using this equipment might be affected.”
However, UNEP did not agree that its findings had confirmed Bosnian fears that local high rates of ill health were linked to the NATO bombing campaign.
”The extremely low exposure identified in the mission indicates it is highly unlikely that DU could be associated with any of the reported health effects,” said a report by the UN body in 2003.
But locals in Han Pijesak and Hadzici do not agree with this conclusion. They insist that DU contamination must be responsible for what they say are abnormally high rates of cancer.
Although the UNEP recommended in its report that buildings and ground affected by DU should be decontaminated, an initial investigation by IWPR showed that little or nothing was happening.
When IWPR visited the RS Han Pijesak army base, targeted years before by NATO, we found a destroyed T62 tank still rusting close to the perimeter fence. The sentries who stopped us from going any further said as far as they knew, the sites affected by DU munitions had not been decontaminated.
“We walk across that ground often and nobody has ever warned us of the dangers,” one sentry added worriedly.
In the Federation, the complaints are similar. ”We moved back in 1997, two years after the bombing,” Suljo Drina, of Grivici, said. ”But the ground was never decontaminated. Now my father has throat cancer.”
In 2002, the Federation government allocated 138,000 Bosnian convertible marks to decontaminate the Hadzici sites, and the Sarajevo canton authorities were asked to contribute an additional 123,000 marks, but nothing has yet been done.
The money, it appears, never reached its intended beneficiaries. “We just don’t have the money,” Mustafa Kovac, head of civil defence headquarters of Sarajevo canton, added. “We need equipment to measure radiation, equipment to protect our staff and we need to provide training for them – but there are no funds.”
Pekko Haavisto, of UNEP, told IWPR the European Union had offered to fund the clean-up process but the money had not been taken up locally.
“The UNEP also told authorities in the Republika Srpska and the Federation at a training seminar that we could offer on-site training during any decontamination process,” he said, ”but nobody came forward with a request.”
Bosnian doctors say a lack of publicised research into the health effects of DU has created a climate of distrust.
“What confuses me is that the UNEP report said radiation levels in the contaminated areas in Bosnia were harmless,” Dr Zehra Dizdarevic, Sarajevo’s health minister, told IWPR.
“But on the other hand there were 24 recommendations in the same report about how the area could be protected from contamination and cleaned up.
”It is difficult to establish whether somebody is suffering from cancer because they live near a still-contaminated area. With no research, nobody can deny this claim, either.
“The UNEP report said that more scientific work was needed and that all health claims should be investigated. Yet this has not happened.”
Dr Lejla Saracevic, director of the Sarajevo radiology institute, agrees that lack of reliable information is a serious problem. ”There has not been any serious research on this issue,” she said.
“Although the Federation government has set up an expert working group, of which I am a member, there is a lack of funding and general interest, which means nothing has been done.”
RS doctors largely share these concerns about a lack of information. “While there has been considerable increase into cancer-related disease in Han Pijesak since the war, without research as a part of a serious investigation, I cannot say that this is due to DU,” said Dr Ljuboje Sapic, a lung disease specialist at the health centre in Han Pijesak.
“The little research that has been done on DU is still based on assumption and conjecture,” Sapic added. “We need statistics and hard facts.”
In fact, all Bosnian health officials interviewed by IWPR said the lack of statistical data was a major obstacle in establishing cancer mortality rates in the areas affected by NATO bombing. The dearth of such statistics means it is difficult to track the rate of the alleged increase in cancer during the post-war period.
“I can tell you we have had an increase in the number of cancer patients but we cannot confirm or deny a link to depleted uranium,” said Dr Bozidar Djokic, director of the health centre in Han Pijesak. “We have no statistics with which to make a comparison.”
Colleagues in the Federation echo this. “When we say that there is an increase of sick people, it does not mean anything,” said Dr Saracevic. “How can we quantify an increase, when we do not know exactly how many sick people there are now, compared to last year, or the preceding years?
“We also know the people who lived in Hadzici during the bombardment are now living in the Serb entity. They should be medically examined too, if we are to get to the bottom of this.”
After the 1995 Dayton peace agreement awarded Hadzici to the Federation, most Serbs from there were obliged to resettle in RS. Many now live in the small town of Bratunac, in eastern Bosnia.
IWPR travelled to Bratunac. Although we could find no official statistical data to confirm an increase in cancer rates there, local doctors produced much anecdotal evidence.
According to Dr Svetlana Jovanovic, of Bratunac’s health centre, since 1996 approximately 650 of the 7,000-odd people who left Hadzici have died and been buried in the town’s fast-filling cemetery.
Dr Jovanovic claims that after examining the bodies, she believed 40 of these 650 had died from cancer or leukaemia.
“If approximately 7,000 people from Hadzici moved here, we can estimate that the malignancy rate is unusually high compared to the overall estimated mortality rate in the country,” Dr Jovanovic said.
“But we don’t have any statistics from elsewhere to make official comparisons and conclusions.”
What is beyond doubt is that the overall mortality rate in Bratunac is much higher than it is in Bosnia as a whole. In 2002, the death rate in the country was 7.9 per thousand. In Bratunac, for the period 1996 to 2003, it was 11.2. More people die in Bratunac than in the rest of Bosnia. The question is why.
The 2003 UNEP report, as we said earlier, would not be drawn on the issue of DU and cancer. Citing insufficient information, it concluded that “due to the lack of a proper cancer registry and reporting systems in Bosnia, claims of an increase in the rates of adverse health effects stemming from DU could not be substantiated”.
Scientists from the World Health Organisation, WHO, also are sceptical regarding claims that DU may be a health hazard to Bosnia’s population.
“From the information we have at the moment we don’t believe civilians are at risk,” said Dr Mike Repacholi, WHO’s Geneva-based radiation programme coordinator.
He admitted, however, that the research deficit made final conclusions hard to draw. “We have gaps in knowledge where we need focused research in order to make a better assessment of health risk,” he said.
The International Atomic Energy Authority, IAEA, takes much the same line. Tiberio Cabianca, of the IAEA’s nuclear safety department, was part of the ten-day UNEP mission to investigate DU in Bosnia in 2002.
”From a radiological point of view, the IAEA does not view DU as a health threat to the civilian population in Bosnia and Herzegovina,” he said.
”From our samples, we found that DU munitions had contaminated local water supplies and we also found DU dust particles suspended in the air. However, contamination levels were very low and did not represent an immediate radioactive risk.”
However, UNEP’s Pekko Haavisto qualifies that conclusion, recalling the considerable time lapse between the period immediately after the NATO bombing campaign, when contamination would be highest, and the time of the scientific study.
“When we conducted our ten-day study, our experts could not find any direct impact on human health. But this was 2002, so we could not say what the health impact was in the years previously,” he said. “We did not carry out any tests until eight years after the bombing. “The UNEP report was based on mainstream scientific thinking on DU which says that DU has a limited health impact outside the immediate contamination zone. But there is a group of scientists who think that lower levels of DU radiation have a greater effect, and they have criticised our report.”
But some scientists say the problem is all in the measuring mechanism One scientist who believes DU is far more hazardous than has previously been acknowledged is Dr Chris Busby, of the British ministry of defence’s oversight committee on depleted uranium.
Dr Busby conducted his own studies in Kosovo, where DU was also used. “UNEP say small amounts of DU in the air are harmless, however this is not the case,” he told IWPR, adding that in his view, ”they used the wrong risk models.”
“The conventional risk model is based on a whole human body or organ versus one DU particle,” he explained.
“But when a DU particle is inhaled, what happens is that a very small area of tissue will be exposed. It’s not the whole body we should be measuring the effect of DU against, but the few affected cells.”
Professor Malcolm Hooper, emeritus professor of medicinal chemistry at the University of Sunderland, agrees that this is a better way of measuring the strength of contamination.
“Depleted uranium is a health hazard for the local population because DU particles are first washed into the water system. Then, when the sun comes out, light and heat stimulates the particles and they are suspended in the air once again,” he told IWPR.
“The UNEP report was totally compromised. They went in seven years too late and the sites they went to had been sanitised – the destroyed vehicles and much of the visible ammunition had been removed.”
Finally, Professor Hooper recalled the controversy surrounding former Italian soldiers who served in both Bosnia and Kosovo. The first suggestion of a link between DU and cancer followed the mysterious deaths of a number of young Italian soldiers who had served there.
Italian TV dubbed it Balkans Syndrome and the foreign press soon picked up the story, feeding a media frenzy.
Fears over DU in Bosnia first surfaced in December 2000, with the reported death from cancer of Salvatore Carbonaro, aged only 24.
Carbonaro was the sixth Balkan veteran to die from cancer and differed from the other five in that he had only served in Bosnia, not in Kosovo.
Until then, NATO had not even admitted it had used DU in Bosnia. But in December 2000 Italy’s defence minister, Sergio Mattarella, admitted that the alliance had, adding that Rome had only just been informed of this.
Mattarella then ordered an inquiry, under Professor Franco Mandelli, to investigate the potential association between cancer incidence and DU.
A member of Mandelli’s team, Dr Martino Grandolfo, told IWPR that it had found a statistically significant excess of Hodgkin’s Lymphoma – a form of leukaemia.
“The percentage of cases of Hodgkin’s Lymphoma amongst Italian troops who served in Bosnia and Kosovo is more than double the amount found in soldiers who stayed in Italy,” he told IWPR. “But at the moment, we don’t know why this is.”
The number of Italian Balkans veterans who have since died from cancer rose to 27 by July 2004 ? and campaigners claim that the real figure is even higher.
“The figure is actually 32 or 33, and the number of veterans living with cancer is in the hundreds,” Falco Accame, a former naval officer and military researcher, who is chair of Italy’s Anavafaf veterans’ group, told IWPR.
The public outcry has forced the government to establish a DU parliamentary commission in the Italian senate to investigate further.
But Accame told IWPR that in the meantime, aside from the compensation paid to the dead servicemen’s families, the state had not formally recognised any link between DU and cancer.
“As was the case with [health concerns over] cigarettes and asbestos, we cannot be certain that DU is responsible for the deaths of all these soldiers,” Accame added. “Instead, what we are dealing with here are probabilities.”
However, this official unwillingness to admit any link between DU and cancer may be changing.
In a landmark judgment on July 10, 2004, a Rome court ordered the Italian defence ministry to pay 500,000 euro in compensation to the family of Stefano Melone, a Balkans veteran who died of cancer in 2001.
The court declared Melone had died “due to exposure to radioactive and carcinogenic substances” and listed DU among those substances.
The dead soldier’s widow Paola Melone told IWPR that this was “a historic case”, adding that a civil court had “now acknowledged that DU is a carcinogenic agent and listed it as one of the possible causes” of her husband’s death.
“This case has set a precedent and we are organising a conference here in Italy for other dead serviceman’s families, to help them with pending cases,” she added.
Back in Bosnia, however, there is no such talk of court cases, parliamentary commissions, or even of decontamination.
As the debate rages over cause and effect in Italy, locals in Bosnia say people are continuing to die inexplicably.
Ahmed Fazlic-Ivan, vice-president of the Grivici district, lives 300 metres from the bombed Hadzici tank repair plant.
“We only learned about DU in 2002, when the UN inspectors came here,” he told IWPR.
“My father died of lung cancer in March of this year. There are 700 people living in Grivici and 56 have died in the last two years, most of them from cancer or diabetes.
“Here we often say that Azrael, the Angel of Death, has come to Grivici – and that he takes everyone away.”
Ekrem Tinjak and Faruk Boric are Sarajevo-based journalists. Hugh Griffiths is an IWPR investigations coordinator.
Court adjourns uranium claim case
Court adjourns uranium claim case
Mr David began working at the company in 1985
The case of a former defence worker who claims he became ill after exposure to depleted uranium has been adjourned.
Richard David, 49, is suing aircraft parts company Normalair Garrett – now owned by Honeywell – for compensation.
The firm denies depleted uranium was ever used at the plant in Yeovil, Somerset, where he worked until 1995.
Mr David, who lives in Seaton in Devon, asked the High Court for more time to gather evidence. The hearing is due to resume next April.
Mr David claims the metal’s existence at the plant was denied because it is an official secret.
But he says he now suffers from a catalogue of illnesses, including respiratory and kidney problems, bowel conditions and painful joints.
He worked as a component fitter on fighter planes and bombers, but left work because of his health problems.
He claimed medical tests had revealed mutations to his DNA and damage to his chromosomes that could only have been caused by ionising radiation.
100,000 Iraqi civilians dead, says study
Sarah Boseley, health editor
Friday October 29, 2004
100,000 Iraqi civilians dead, says study
Sarah Boseley, health editor
Friday October 29, 2004
The Guardian<www.guardian.co.uk>
About 100,000 Iraqi civilians – half of them women and children – have died in Iraq since the invasion, mostly as a result of airstrikes by coalition forces, according to the first reliable study of the death toll from Iraqi and US public health experts.
The study, which was carried out in 33 randomly-chosen neighbourhoods of Iraq representative of the entire population, shows that violence is now the leading cause of death in Iraq. Before the invasion, most people died of heart attacks, stroke and chronic illness. The risk of a violent death is now 58 times higher than it was before the invasion.
Last night the Lancet medical journal fast-tracked the survey to publication on its website after rapid, but extensive peer review and editing because, said Lancet editor Richard Horton, “of its importance to the evolving security situation in Iraq”. But the findings raised important questions also for the governments of the United Sates and Britain who, said Dr Horton in a commentary, “must have considered the likely effects of their actions for civilians”.
The research was led by Les Roberts of the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health in Baltimore. Five of the six Iraqi interviewers who went to the 988 households in the survey were doctors and all those involved in the research on the ground, says the paper, risked their lives to collect the data. Householders were asked about births and deaths in the 14.6 months before the March 2003 invasion, and births and deaths in the 17.8 months afterwards.
When death certificates were not available, there were good reasons, say the authors. “We think it is unlikely that deaths were falsely recorded. Interviewers also believed that in the Iraqi culture it was unlikely for respondents to fabricate deaths,” they write.
They found an increase in infant mortality from 29 to 57 deaths per 1,000 live births, which is consistent with the pattern in wars, where women are unable or unwilling to get to hospital to deliver babies, they say. The other increase was in violent death, which was reported in 15 of the 33 clusters studied and which was mostly attributed to airstrikes.
“Despite widespread Iraqi casualties, household interview data do not show evidence of widespread wrongdoing on the part of individual soldiers on the ground,” write the researchers. Only three of the 61 deaths involved coalition soldiers killing Iraqis with small arms fire. In one case, a 56-year-old man might have been a combatant, they say, in the second a 72-year-old man was shot at a checkpoint and in the third, an armed guard was mistaken for a combatant and shot during a skirmish. In the second two cases, American soldiers apologised to the families.
“The remaining 58 killings (all attributed to US forces by interviewees) were caused by helicopter gunships, rockets or other forms of aerial weaponry,” they write.
The biggest death toll recorded by the researchers was in Falluja, which registered two-thirds of the violent deaths they found. “In Falluja, 23 households of 52 visited were either temporarily or permanently abandoned. Neighbours interviewed described widespread death in most of the abandoned houses but could not give adequate details for inclusion in the survey,” they write.
The researchers criticise the failure of the coalition authorities to attempt to assess for themselves the scale of the civilian casualties.
“US General Tommy Franks is widely quoted as saying ‘we don’t do body counts’,” they write, but occupying armies have responsibilities under the Geneva convention.”This survey shows that with modest funds, four weeks and seven Iraqi team members willing to risk their lives, a useful measure of civilan deaths could be obtained.”
Depleted uranium once used in S. Korean weapons
S Korean munitions violated N-accord
Depleted uranium once used in S. Korean weapons
October 22, 2004
S Korean munitions violated N-accord
The News International
October 22, 2004
Depleted uranium once used in S. Korean weapons
October 22, 2004
Representative Cho Seung-soo of the Democratic Labor Party and the environmental group Green Korea United said yesterday that the Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute had produced anti-tank shells in the 1980s made from depleted uranium, alloyed with titanium.
They claimed that the Ministry of Science and Technology had hidden the fact.
In response, the ministry said, “We applied for an inspection waiver for development of uranium armaments and received permission in 1987.” The ministry said that it has discussed the production with the United States from an early stage.
The ministry said the shells were destroyed in 1989 with U.S. Embassy officials present when they no longer had commercial value. Depleted uranium is a dense, non-fissile metal.
S Korean munitions violated N-accord
The News International
October 22, 2004
SEOUL: South Korea produced anti-tank munitions in the 1980s using depleted uranium imported for non-military use and failed to make required disclosures, a South Korean lawmaker and an environmental group said on Thursday.
A government official said depleted-uranium munitions were produced for five years and the government had told the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in 1987 when the programme was ended.
Depleted uranium is a by-product of nuclear fuel production. It can be used to strengthen ammunition and enable it to penetrate armour.
The disclosure comes at a sensitive time for South Korea, which said in September some of its scientists had enriched a small amount of uranium in 2000 and separated plutonium in 1982.
The government said scientists purely out of curiosity conducted those tests, although the IAEA said the failure to disclose them was a matter of serious concern.
South Korea is involved in international efforts to get communist North Korea to give up its nuclear weapons ambitions but the North has said it would not resume talks until an investigation of the South tests was complete.
市民参加がスターメッツ(DU製造大手)スーパーファンドサイトで 必要だ
市民参加がスターメッツ(DU製造大手)スーパーファンドサイトで 必要だ
Roberts: Citizen involvement needed at Starmet Superfund site By Mark Roberts Thursday, September 23, 2004
Roberts: Citizen involvement needed at Starmet Superfund site By Mark Roberts Thursday, September 23, 2004
It has not been in the paper much recently, so you may have forgotten that one of the nation’s worst Superfund sites is located near Acton off Route 62. The Nuclear Metals, Inc. Superfund Site, is located on a 46-acre parcel located at 2229 Main St. in West Concord. In 1958, NMI began manufacture of depleted uranium products, primarily as penetrators for armor piercing ammunition. They also manufactured metal powders for medical applications, photocopiers, and specialty metal products, such as beryllium tubing used in the aerospace industry. From 1958 to 1985, NMI discharged radioactive and other hazardous waste including depleted uranium, zirconium; magnesium; beryllium, 1,1,1-trichloroethane and other solvents into an unlined large pit in the ground. NMI’s activities also resulted in burying drums of radioactive waste in at least two areas and creating a landfill with radioactive and other hazardous wastes.
On Oct. 1, 1997, NMI was renamed Starmet Corporation. In May 2001, Starmet transported 1,700 drums containing depleted uranium from its South Carolina facility to the site, to facilitate its planned sale of that facility. Starmet also had approximately 2,000 drums and other containers of depleted uranium and beryllium wastes stored inside buildings at the site.
Starmet was ordered to remove the 3,700 drums of waste material, but could not comply because of bankruptcy. After negotiations, the U.S. Army has agreed to fund the removal of the 3,700 drums under the supervision of the Mass. Dept. of Environmental Protection.
In June 2003, the Environmental Protection Agency also negotiated an agreement with five potentially responsible parties including: the U.S.
Army, U.S. Dept. of Energy, Whittaker Corporation, MONY Life Insurance Co., and Textron, Incorporated, for the performance of an investigation and cleanup feasibility report costing an estimated $8 million. The site has been divided into 18 separate areas, each of which will be investigated and cleaned up. The Concord annual Town Meeting of 2003 passed a resolution that the site shall be cleaned up for all uses allowable under the current zoning, including residential. This remedial investigation is just the first step in a multi-year process which will be required before the NMI Superfund Site is finally cleaned up.
EPA recognizes that the interests of the public are represented by a citizens’ group, CREW (Citizens Research and Environmental Watch), and the town of Concord through its 2229 Main St. Advisory Committee. CREW is a volunteer citizens group, which has been involved actively since 1989 in seeking a cleanup of the toxic and radioactively contaminated property, working closely with oversight agencies. Grants from the government and private foundations have enabled CREW hire consultants to assist the oversight agencies with cleanup plans. The 2229 Main St. Advisory Committee was appointed in 2001 to advise the selectmen on issues concerning the Superfund process after the NMI Site was designated a Superfund Site. The Committee meets monthly at 141 Keyes Road, Concord.
In December 2003, de maximis, the project coordinator for the non-government responsible parties, submitted a draft Work Plan, an eight-volume report which provided the complete detail of the proposed investigation and cleanup study. In a 70 page report, CREW member professionals and the environmental consultant, GeoInsight Inc., submitted hundreds of comments to improve the Plan. The comments involved historic information, the number, type and location of samples being taken, and provided information showing that the proposed model of the flow of ground water and radioactive and hazardous contaminants in ground water was flawed and needed to be revised. This advice, as well as that of the Environmental Protection Agency, the Mass. Department of Environmental Protection and the
2229 Main St. Committee, was used to amend the plan. There is no question that the plan to investigate and propose cleanup remedies is substantially better now thanks to the advice of all the above. EPA and de maximus have set up an expanded public involvement process with CREW and the 2229 Main St. Committee by having periodic meetings with them about the technical aspects of the remedial investigation, so the interests of, and the contributions from, the public and Concord are heard on a regular basis.
It is only through continued public involvement and oversight that the Starmet Superfund Site will be cleaned up in a manner consistent with the goals of the residents of Concord, that the site be cleaned up once and for all and will not be a permanent blight in town. There are two things that every Concord resident can do to monitor the investigation and cleanup. The first is to regularly check the official Web site set up by de maximus, which will be updated periodically as the investigation/ cleanup goes forward. The Web site address is www.nmisite.org.
The second thing you can do is to attend the public meetings held by the EPA, the next one of which is scheduled for Sept. 28 at 7:30 p.m. in the Concord Town House Hearing Room on Monument Square. The EPA will be discussing whether emergency removal actions are required to address the buried drums, holding basin, the waste landfill and/or the facility buildings without waiting for the completion of the entire remedial investigation/ feasibility study process that will take years. All residents of Concord are encouraged to attend to learn what is going to be going on over the next few months, what health and safety measures are going to implemented to ensure that the investigation does not release contaminants into the environment, and to demonstrate to the EPA that Concord takes the Starmet cleanup seriously and wants this Site cleanup as quickly and completely as possible. Hope to see you there.
Mark Roberts is a resident of Concord, CREW Member and environmental attorney.
「NO DU ヒロシマ・プロジェクト」の嘉指です。
「1993年1月、合衆国会計検査院(GAO)の研究は、「吸入された不溶性酸化物は、より長く肺に残り、放射線による発ガンの可能性をうみだす。摂取された劣化ウラン粒子もまた放射性および毒性の危険をうみだす。」陸軍環境政策研究所(AEPI)による1995年の研究も、「劣化ウランが体内に入ると、重大な医学的帰結をうみだす可能性がある。体内の劣化ウランと関連する危険は、化学的なものであるとともに、放射線医学的なものである」と述べ、健康への悪影響を重ねて指摘した・・・・ こうした研究にもかかわらず、1996年に出された『最終報告――湾岸戦争帰還兵の病気に関する大統領諮問委員会』は、「湾岸戦争帰還兵によって報告されている健康への影響が、湾岸戦争中、劣化ウランに曝されたことに起因すると考えにくい」と述べている。」
これらの結果は、CDC が出している、低線量被曝は累積的であるという結論と一致する・・・・
(『劣化ウラン―危険性評価の科学的根拠』の原文、”Depleted Uranium:
Scientific Basis for Assessing Risk”は、「核政策研究所」(Nuclear Policy Research Institute)のホームページ(documents section)に全文がアップされています。
ウランの健康影響、冊子記述に誤り 原子力文化振興財団
ウランの健康影響、冊子記述に誤り 原子力文化振興財団
小冊子は、米軍が湾岸戦争やイラク戦争で使用し、イラク市民らの病気の原因ではないかとも指摘される劣化ウラン弾について「正しい情報を提供するため」、2月に開いた特殊法人「日本原子力研究所」幹部の講演や資料をもとに、財団の担当者が書いた。A4判10ページ。780部を報道機関や企業などに配った。 (10/17 23:47)
(振津かつみさん 仮訳)
[11.6国際デー国連関連資料](振津かつみさん 仮訳)
International Day for Preventing the Exploitation of the Environment in
War and Armed Conflict
6 November 2003
戦争と武力紛争による環境の収奪を防ぐための国際デー 2003年11月6日
28 October 2002 2002年10月28日
56/4. Observance of the International Day for Preventing the Exploitation of the Environment in War and Armed Conflict
56/4 戦争と武力紛争による環境の収奪を防ぐための国際デーの行事
1. 毎年11月6日を戦争と武力紛争による環境の収奪防止のための国際デーとすることを宣言する;
3. 国連事務総長に対してこの決議の実施を確実にし、国際社会において実施を促進するように要請する。
37th plenary meeting 5 November 2001
第37総会 2001年11月5日
1 See resolution 55/2.
55/2. United Nations Millennium Declaration
55/2.国連ミレニアム宣言 2000年9月
International Day for Preventing the Exploitation of the Environment in War and Armed Conflict
6 November 2003
On 5 November 2001, the General Assembly declared 6 November of each year as the International Day for Preventing the Exploitation of the Environment in War and Armed Conflict (resolution 56/4). In taking this action, it considered that damage to the environment in times of armed conflict impairs ecosystems and natural resources long after the period of conflict, often extending beyond the limits of national territories and the present generation. It also recalled the United Nations Millennium Declaration, which emphasized the necessity of working to protect our common environment.
28 October 2002
Message for 6 November Observance of International Day Says Negative Impacts of Damage Remain after Peace Has Been Restored
This is the text of a message from Secretary-General Kofi Annan to mark the first observance, on 6 November 2002, of the International Day for Preventing the Exploitation of the Environment in War and Armed
Today marks the first observance of the International Day for Preventing Exploitation of the Environment in War and Armed Conflict, which was proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly.
War not only causes human suffering. It can also be devastating to the environment. Long after peace has been restored, the negative environmental impacts of conflict often remain.
The United Nations is now regularly invited to assess how conflict affects the environment. Such missions have identified a wide range of environmental consequences of war, including pollution from oil and chemical leaks caused by bombing; the unregulated plunder of natural resources by armed forces; the danger to land, livelihoods and lives caused by landmines, unexploded ordnance and other war debris; and the negative impact of mass population movements on water, biodiversity and other ecosystem services.
International conventions govern nuclear, chemical and biological weapons, but new technologies — such as depleted uranium ammunition — pose as yet unknown threats to the environment. Damage to the environment in war is also an impediment to the restoration of peace and rebuilding of society.
56/4. Observance of the International Day for Preventing the Exploitation of the Environment in War and Armed Conflict
The General Assembly,
Recalling the United Nations Millennium Declaration,’ which emphasized the necessity of safeguarding nature for the sake of future generations and working for the protection of our common environment,
Considering that damage to the environment in times of armed conflict impairs ecosystems and natural resources long beyond the period of conflict, and often extends beyond the limits of national territories and the present generation,
Recalling Article 2, paragraph 4, of the Charter of the United Nations, which states that all Member States shall refrain from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity of any State in their international relations,
1. Declares 6 November each year as the International Day for Preventing the Exploitation of the Environment in War and Armed Conflict;
2. Invites Member States, entities of the United Nations system and other international and regional organizations to observe 6 November each year as the International Day for Preventing the Exploitation of the Environment in War and Armed Conflict;
3. Requests the Secretary-General to ensure the implementation of the present resolution and to promote it in the international community.
37th plenary meeting 5 November 2001
1 See resolution 55/2.
55/2. United Nations Millennium Declaration
IV. Protecting our common environment
21. We must spare no effort to free all of humanity, and above all our children and grandchildren, from the threat of living on a planet irredeemably spoilt by human activities, and whose resources would no longer be sufficient for their needs.
22. We reaffirm our support for the principles of sustainable development, including those set out in Agenda 21, agreed upon at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development.
23. We resolve therefore to adopt in all our environmental actions a new ethic of conservation and stewardship and, as first steps, we
● To make every effort to ensure the entry into force of the Kyoto Protocol, preferably by the tenth anniversary of the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development in 2002, and to embark on the required reduction in emissions of greenhouse gases.
● To intensify our collective efforts for the management, conservation and sustainable development of all types of forests.
● To press for the full implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity and the Convention to Cmbat Desertification in those Countries Experiencing Serious Drought and/or Desertification, particularly in Africa.
● To stop the unsustainable exploitation of water resources by developing water management strategies at the regional, national and local levels, which promote both equitable access and adequate supplies.
● To intensify cooperation to reduce the number and effects of natural and man-made disasters.
● To ensure free access to information on the human genome sequence.
The war’s littlest victim
The war’s littlest victim
マソーの顔の片側は、毎朝膨張していったものだった。彼は小便するときはいつも恒常的な偏頭痛や、目のかすみや、たちくらみや、 焼けるような感覚に見舞われた。
・ ゴンザレスの記事が、出た次の日、陸軍当局者は慌てて、ロックランド郡に本拠を置く、442部隊の全帰還隊員の検査に乗り出した。
・ 週が終わるとき、パタキ氏が、ペンタゴンに、もっと良い検査と、戦争から帰還した兵士たちの扱いをペンタゴンに求める政治家のリストに加わったので、疑惑は、あるバニーへの道中に広がった。
Originally published on September 29, 2004
The war’s littlest victim
He was exposed to depleted uranium.
His daughter may be paying the price.
Guardsman Gerard Darren Matthew, sent home from Iraq with mysterious illnesses, holds baby daughter, Victoria, who has deformed hand. He has tested positive for uranium contamination.
In early September 2003, Army National Guard Spec. Gerard Darren Matthew was sent home from Iraq, stricken by a sudden illness.
One side of Matthew’s face would swell up each morning. He had constant migraine headaches, blurred vision, blackouts and a burning sensation whenever he urinated.
The Army transferred him to Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington for further tests, but doctors there could not explain what was wrong.
Shortly after his return, his wife, Janice, became pregnant. On June 29, she gave birth to a baby girl, Victoria Claudette.
The baby was missing three fingers and most of her right hand.
Matthew and his wife believe Victoria’s shocking deformity has something to do with her father’s illness and the war – especially since there is no history of birth defects in either of their families.
They have seen photos of Iraqi babies born with deformities that are eerily similar.
In June, Matthew contacted the Daily News and asked us to arrange independent laboratory screening for his urine. This was after The News had reported that four of seven soldiers from another National Guard unit, the 442nd Military Police, had tested positive for depleted uranium (DU).
The independent test of Matthew’s urine found him positive for DU – low-level radioactive waste produced in nuclear plants during the enrichment of natural uranium.
Because it is twice as heavy as lead, DU has been used by the Pentagon since the Persian Gulf War in certain types of “tank-buster” shells, as well as for armor-plating in Abrams tanks.
Exposure to radioactivity has been associated in some studies with birth defects in the children of exposed parents.
“My husband went to Iraq to fight for his country,” Janice Matthew said. “I feel the Army should take responsibility for what’s happened.”
The couple first learned of the baby’s missing fingers during a routine sonogram of the fetus last April at Lenox Hill Hospital.
Matthew was a truck driver in Iraq with the 719th transport unit from Harlem. His unit moved supplies from Army bases in Kuwait to the front lines and as far as Baghdad. On several occasions, he says, he carried shot-up tanks and destroyed vehicle parts on his flat-bed back to Kuwait.
After he learned of his unborn child’s deformity, Matthew immediately asked the Army to test his urine for DU. In April, he provided a 24-hour urine sample to doctors at Fort Dix, N.J., where he was waiting to be deactivated.
In May, the Army granted him a 40% disability pension for his migraine headaches and for a condition called idiopathic angioedema – unexplained chronic swelling.
But Matthew never got the results of his Army test for DU. When he called Fort Dix last week, five months after he was tested, he was told there was no record of any urine specimen from him.
Thankfully, Matthew did not rely solely on the Army bureaucracy – he went to The News.
Earlier this year, The News submitted urine samples from Guardsmen of the 442nd to former Army doctor Asaf Durakovic and Axel Gerdes, a geologist at Goethe University in Frankfurt, Germany. The German lab specializes in testing for minute quantities of uranium, a complicated procedure that costs up to $1,000 per test.
The lab is one of approximately 50 in the world that can detect quantities as tiny as fentograms – one part per quadrillionth.
A few months ago, The News submitted a 24-hour urine sample from Matthew to Gerdes. As a control, we also gave the lab 24-hour urine samples from two Daily News reporters.
The three specimens were marked only with the letters A, B and C, so the lab could not know which sample belonged to the soldier.
After analyzing all three, Gerdes reported that only sample A – Matthew’s urine – showed clear signs of DU. It contained a total uranium concentration that was “4 to 8 times higher” than specimens B and C, Gerdes reported.
“Those levels indicate pretty definitively that he’s been exposed to the DU,” said Leonard Dietz, a retired scientist who invented one of the instruments for measuring uranium isotopes.
According to Army guidelines, the total uranium concentration Gerdes found in Matthew is within acceptable standards for most Americans.
But Gerdes questioned the Army’s standards, noting that even minute levels of DU are cause for concern.
“While the levels of DU in Matthew’s urine are low,” Gerdes said, “the DU we see in his urine could be 1,000 times higher in concentration in the lungs.”
DU is not like natural uranium, which occurs in the environment. Natural uranium can be ingested in food and drink but gets expelled from the body within 24 hours.
DU-contaminated dust, however, is typically breathed into the lungs and can remain there for years, emitting constant low-level radiation.
“I’m upset and confused,” Matthew said. “I just want answers. Are they [the Army] going to take care of my baby?”
We track soldiers’ sickness
For the last five months, Daily News columnist Juan Gonzalez has chronicled the plight of soldiers who have returned from Iraq with mysterious illnesses.
His exclusive groundbreaking investigation began with a front-page story on April 4 that suggested depleted uranium contamination was far more widespread than the Pentagon would admit.
・ At the request of The News, nine soldiers from a New York Army National Guard company serving in Iraq were tested for radiation from depleted uranium shells – and four of the ailing G.I.s tested positive.
・ The day after Gonzalez’s story appeared, Army officials rushed to test all returning members of the company, the 442nd Military Police, based in Rockland County.
By week’s end, the scandal had reverberated all the way to Albany, as Gov. Pataki joined the list of politicians calling for the Pentagon to do a better job of testing and treating sick soldiers returning from the war.
・ Gonzalez’s expose´ sparked a huge demand for testing. By mid-April, 800 G.I.s had given the Army urine samples, and hundreds more were waiting for appointments.
・ Two weeks later, the Pentagon claimed that none of the soldiers from the 442nd had tested positive for depleted uranium. But The News’ experts found significant problems with the testing methods.
Originally published on September 29, 2004
From: “ela cascino”
To: freethoughtinmedia2@yahoo.com
Subject: Interview with “USA”
Date: Sat, 17 Jul 2004 16:02:59 -0500
I have just read the interview with USA and I must say I am very touched and I agree with all that has been said. I am a mom, whose daughter has signed up for the Marines, she has to retake her ASVAB test and then I guess what for her date, but I think she is having thoughts of not going at all now (I hope to God she will not).
The reason for this, is because her boyfriend went to boot camp in March, did his MCT, starts MOS on Thursday and has already been told that his unit will be shipped to Iraq on 9/1.
To say the least, he is now shitting in his pants, especially since his Job is Motor T.and we all know many of them are dying. His recruiter told him and my daughter many B.S. stories, I tried to warn them of this, but they would not listen; now they are realizing that he lied about many things.
I find it awful, that the man who calls himself the president is sending these kids to fight for nothing, especially when he went AWOL.
Why is he not sending some of his family members (sure hope that man has a difficult time sleeping). I think it down right a disgrace that these young kids with hardly any Military experience have to go over there and risk their lives for their GREED, these young men and women are not there defending their country.
It woud be different if they would be going after the person responsible for 9/11, whatever happened to that. What is wrong with America, has not enough bad happened in the world, such as the Holocaust, Vietnam, etc to learn a lesson. Who are we, to go over to Iraq and try to mess with their religion and their beliefs, America would not accept it if it would be done here.
The Hell with Sadam, our leader if you ask, is no different, being that our young soldiers are dying; I believe it was called collateral Damage?
this is America and not Iraq? God, I am so angry and scared for the people over there, how scared they must be of dying and not even for their country. All I can say, I know who I will not vote for.
Is there not a way to have the administration read the interview, sure would make the P?.. feel a little like s?
毎日新聞 2004年9月20日 大阪朝刊
毎日新聞 2004年9月20日 大阪朝刊
イラクで劣化ウラン弾の被害調査を進めてきた市民団体「NO DU ヒロシマ・プロジェクト」の森滝春子世話人(65)=広島市佐伯区=は「原子力の平和利用振興が目的の財団が、兵器である劣化ウラン弾に言及すること自体おかしい。冊子は、根拠なく同弾の安全をアピールし、被害実態を無視した内容だ」と憤っている。
佐藤です 。
This article mentions DU cleanup in Iraq, and at the Udairi range in Kuwait.
Firm cleans up with dirty work
Copyright 2004 Houston Chronicle
Firm cleans up with dirty work
After a boost from a government program, Stafford environmental consultants are going beyond radioactive remediation
Copyright 2004 Houston Chronicle
In the midst of the war in Iraq last year, the U.S. Army called on a local company to collect equipment tainted with depleted uranium.
When weapons made with depleted uranium strike solid objects, like the side of an armored tank, they penetrate and can break into fragments or erupt into a vapor that settles as radioactive dust.
Stafford-based MKM Engineers managed the collection site that gathered and hauled off damaged tanks and equipment contaminated with depleted uranium during the war.
Such government contracts have helped the environmental consulting and remediation firm go from depending on owner and President Khodi Irani’s credit cards in 1991 to $42 million in revenue last year.
The company expects to top $48 million in revenue in fiscal year 2004 and has its eyes on being a $100 million company by 2008.
“We find ourselves excited by projects that have something unique and special about them,” Irani, 43, said.
Special indeed. MKM began with a focus on environmental engineering but ventured into multimillion-dollar jobs at sites contaminated with radiological waste or unexploded weapons, such as ammunition plants.
“When we go in, there could be explosives anywhere,” Irani said of the plants. “At the end of the day, there’s grass growing on this land.”
One contract called for the demolition and decontamination of about 100 buildings at the Cornhusker Army Ammunition Plant in Nebraska. Another had workers sifting through sands at the Udairi range in Kuwait to remove depleted uranium.
Business from Uncle Sam
Most jobs spring from government-ordered environmental restorations.
The U.S. Army has awarded the company contracts ranging in value from thousands to millions of dollars, said Bob Matthys, a former military contracting officer.
“As a small business, they were a phone call way,” he said. “I had access to them 24/7. You don’t always get that with the bigger businesses. That’s the relationship we built up.”
MKM also won contracts from the Department of Defense, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the Department of Energy and the Environmental Protection Agency.
The company’s growth is also partly because of its designation as a small disadvantaged business by the Small Business Administration. The label allows the company to participate for nine years in the 8(a) business development program and bid on contracts set aside for smaller companies.
It’s also helped the company tag along on larger contracts as a subcontractor.
Now in the last year of the program, Irani’s banking on his track record to keep landing large jobs.
“We’ve worked hard on getting jobs on our own merit,” he said. “We do good work, and I like to think we’re one of a few companies that has successfully leveraged the program for our benefit.
With more sites getting restored and funding generally declining, jobs are getting scarcer. And competition has stiffened, said Gurinder Rana, who is the company’s executive vice president as well as Irani’s former employer.
That’s why the company is now looking ahead to designing and building on the land it restores.
‘Expertise is needed’
MKM is also eyeing more jobs through the Department of Homeland Security, such as installing remote camera systems for patrolling the borders and handling seized explosives.
Two years ago, the company helped identify and haul off 4.3 million pounds of illegal explosives seized by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms in Columbus, Kan.
He’d rather not talk about it, but the 2001 terrorist attacks had some positive effects on the business, Rana said.
“It has opened up some opportunities for us because our kind of expertise is needed,” he said. “But we’ve constantly got to look ahead and see where the industry is headed so we don’t get caught left behind.”
Plus, the company’s director of federal programs, Paul Ihrke, added: “We’re doing something to make the country cleaner and safer. There’s great satisfaction in seeing the results of that.”
佐藤周一仮訳,翻訳チェックはTUP(Transtator United for Peace 平和をめざす翻訳者たち)のメンバーである萩谷 良さん)
Uranium Enrichment: Decontamination and Decommissioning Fund Is Insufficient to Cover Cleanup Costs GAO-04-692 July 2, 2004
パドゥカとポーツマスの工場が現在、それぞれ2010年、2006年までに操業を停止すると見込まれるため、エネルギー省は、基金をさらに3年延長すれば、これらの工場を清掃するための 正確な費用推定も含む 計画を立て、さらに基金の延長が必要かを判断する機会を与えられることになる。
Uranium Enrichment:
Decontamination and Decommissioning Fund Is Insufficient to Cover Cleanup Costs
July 2, 2004
Decontaminating and decommissioning the nation’s uranium enrichment plants, which are contaminated with hazardous materials, will cost billions of dollars and could span decades.
In 1992, the Energy Policy Act created the Uranium Enrichment Decontamination and Decommissioning Fund
(Fund) to pay for the plants’ cleanup and to reimburse licensees of active uranium and thorium processing sites for part of their cleanup costs.
This report discusses (1) what DOE has done to reduce the cleanup costs authorized by the Fund, and (2) the extent to which the Fund is sufficient to cover authorized activities.
For example, one recommendation suggested that DOE develop three plans–namely, headquarters level, plant-complex level, and site level–that address and integrate the decontamination and decommissioning of the facilities.
Only one plant has developed a plan, however.
Additionally, DOE is pursuing an accelerated, risk-based cleanup strategy at the plants that it believes will reduce cleanup costs.
The Department of Energy (DOE) has taken steps to reduce cleanup costs by taking actions that address recommendations made by the National Academy of Sciences and by pursuing an accelerated, risk-based cleanup strategy at the plants. In some cases, however, DOE has only partially addressed the Academy’s recommendations.
According to DOE officials, an accelerated,risk-based strategy will accelerate time frames for cleanup, and establish “realistic cleanup criteria” in DOE’s regulatory cleanup agreements.
Despite DOE efforts to reduce costs, we found that based on current projected costs and revenues, the Fund will be insufficient to cover the cleanup activities at the three plants.
Specifically, our Baseline model demonstrated that by 2044, the most likely time frame for completing cleanup of the plants, costs will have exceeded revenues by $3.5 billion to $5.7 billion (in 2004 dollars).
Importantly, we also found that the Fund would be insufficient irrespective of which model we used, including models that estimated the final decommissioning at the plants under (1) accelerated time frames, (2) deferred time frames, or (3) baseline time frames, and with additional revenues from federal government contributions as authorized under current law.
Because the Paducah and Portsmouth plants are now estimated to cease operations by 2010 and 2006, respectively, extending the Fund by an additional 3 years would give DOE an opportunity to develop plans, including more precise cost estimates, for the cleanup of these plants and to better determine if further Fund extensions will be necessary.
ヴィエクスは外れ、ノースカロライナは入る? (アメリカの軍事基地移転問題(1))
ヴィエクスは外れ、ノースカロライナは入る? (アメリカの軍事基地移転問題(1))
NO DU ヒロシマ・プロジェクトMLより
Vieques out, N.C. in?
2004.8.29 Washington Daily News
By BILL SANDIFER, Staff Writer
Eastern North Carolina has long played host to — and generally welcomed — all manner of military bases and operations. As a result, the state boasts the third-largest military presence in the nation, according to news reports, trailing only California and Texas.
But a troubled economy and renewed efforts to expand military use of the state’s land and air appear to be at odds, troubling many who wonder what’s coming next.
Add to that mix the overwhelming amount of information — and misinformation — available through the World Wide Web, and it’s understandable that many local activists now scour distant databanks as avidly as ancients consulted the Oracle at Delphi.
Those searches have, indeed, brought to light a number of documents, including Navy material, Navy studies contracted to civilian firms and information from a number of federal agencies that appear to point to a heightened military interest in dropping more bombs on Eastern North Carolina.
Is there a basis for concern, or are contract planning studies merely the bread and butter of the military-industrial complex?
Via condios, Vieques
One thing is clear: The Navy in the late ’90s realized Vieques Island off the coast of Puerto Rico would not be politically or practically suitable as a bombing range for many more years. So military memos were written, and civilian contract studies conducted to arrange for alternative training facilities.
A December 2002 memo from the chief of Naval operations to the Navy secretary discusses “(t)he expansion of East and Gulf coast range capabilities proposed by Commander, Fleet Forces Command.” The expansion, states the memo, is necessary to fill in the gap left when Vieques is closed.
In a January 2003 letter, Navy Secretary Gordon England writes, “I hereby certify that one or more alternate training facilities exist that, individually or collectively, provide an equivalent or superior level of training for units of the Navy and Marine Corps stationed or deployed in the eastern United States.
The Department of the Navy will provide the resources and will address the environmental issues such that alternative facilities are available and fully capable of supporting such Navy and Marine Corps training immediately upon cessation of training on Vieques. … Training on Vieques will cease no later than May 1, 2003; at which time the alternative facilities will be ready.”
And, right on schedule, Vieques was shut down in May 2003. But before leaving Puerto Rico, according to a December 2002 memo — before the decision to close Vieques was made — the Navy had already:
· “Conducted an Environmental Baseline Survey to document property conditions at turnover.”
· “Completed a ‘Vieques Transfer’ Environmental Assessment (EA) with a finding of no significant impact (FONSI).”
However, the Environmental Protection Agency apparently failed to accept the EA contract study upon which the Navy based its FONSI. Little more than two weeks ago, on Aug. 13, EPA made a disturbing announcement:
“The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) today proposed to add certain areas on and around the islands of Vieques and Culebra, in the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, to the National Priorities List (NPL) of the country’s most contaminated hazardous waste sites. The Commonwealth identified these areas collectively as the Atlantic Fleet Weapons Training Area.”
Preceding EPA’s announcement, international news agencies had begun reporting on conditions that flew in the face of the Navy’s environmental findings.
“Now that the U.S. Navy is gone,” reported the Inter Press Service news agency in December 2003, “residents of the Puerto Rican island-town of Vieques must deal with the daunting question of what to do about the toxic mess caused by decades of military activity. Weapons tested in the firing range included highly polluting depleted uranium ammunition. …
“In what many observers consider a bizarre twist, this wilderness refuge is simultaneously a toxic disaster area. Earlier this month the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recommended that the lands and marine areas polluted by the Navy be declared a Superfund site.”
データ示さず「微量放射性物質」 米軍説明に大学不満
(琉球新報 9月3日)
データ示さず「微量放射性物質」 米軍説明に大学不満(琉球新報 9月3日)
更新 2004年9月3日 金 10:45
データ示さず「微量放射性物質」 米軍説明に大学不満
更新 2004年8月28日 土 10:36
ヘリ墜落事故の証言保存し共有 沖国大教員らがHP開設
沖縄タイムズ<2004年8月17日 朝刊 1面>
沖縄タイムズ<2004年8月17日 夕刊 7面> より
沖縄タイムズ<2004年8月25日 朝刊 27面>
沖縄タイムズ<2004年8月17日 朝刊 1面>
沖縄タイムズ<2004年8月17日 夕刊 7面> より
書簡一枚 揺らぐ主権/米軍検証拒否
市民、飛行再開にも憤り ローター部分とみられる残骸を撤収する米兵ら=17日午前10時25分ごろ、宜野湾市・沖縄国際大学
沖縄タイムズ<2004年8月25日 朝刊 27面>
アンマンからレポート (イラクの白血病で苦しむ家族のレポート)
アンマンからレポート (イラクの白血病で苦しむ家族のレポート)
当然未熟児だったから 76日間も保育器に入れられていた。
Richard ‘Nibby’ David Sues Honeywell for Depleted Uranium Poisoning
Posted on 16 July 2004 by ICBUW
Carolyn d’Hesse Rogers
Richard ‘Nibby’ David Sues Honeywell for Depleted Uranium Poisoning
Posted on 16 July 2004 by ICBUW
Carolyn d’Hesse Rogers
審問はロンドンの最高裁判所で2004年10月4?15日に開かれる。(訳注:この記事が書かれた後、裁判準備のために法廷が12月に延期されることになった。)この画期的な裁判で、高名なQC Michael Mansfield が代理人を勤めてくれることを彼は望んでいる(訳注:これについてもMansfield氏は、他の用件でこの裁判の仕事を引き受けられないことが明らかになった)。
The Balkan Syndrome: Another Italian Soldier Died
Posted on 17 July 2004 by ICBUW
The Balkan Syndrome: Another Italian Soldier Died
Posted on 17 July 2004 by ICBUW
7月13日、バルカン戦争に従軍したイタリアの退役兵士が癌で亡くなった。イタリアの国営テレビステーションRAIによると、ルカ・セペ(Luca Sepe)はバルカンでの爆撃に使用された「劣化ウランの27番めのイタリアでの犠牲者」となった。
Italy: Justice for a veteran’s family in DU related case
Posted on 07 July 2004 by ICBUW
Italy: Justice for a veteran’s family in DU related case
Posted on 07 July 2004 by ICBUW
Letter to Stefano, my husband
Posted on 07 July 2004 by ICBUW
イタリア 2004年6月26日
Letter to Stefano, my husband
Posted on 07 July 2004 by ICBUW
イタリア 2004年6月26日
さようなら(チャオ) ステファノ
あなたの妻 パオラ
( 2004年8月24日)
報道機関への声明 2004年8月23日
Statement to the Press: August 23, 2004
On recent US-led attacks against Iraqi towns and particularly Najaf
We as members of the International Coordinating Group of the World Tribunal on Iraq wish to record the following statement:
An appalling silence prevails about the devastation being inflicted on the people of Iraq. Having staged a show of transferring power to Iraqi authorities, the US has intensified military operations to stifle anything that dares to challenge occupation.
The World Tribunal on Iraq refuses to be part of this silence… Based on our work to investigate and bring out the truth about what is happening in Iraq, we call attention to the following issues of grave concern in relation to the recent escalation of Coalition attacks in several cities in Iraq and particularly in Najaf:
・ Iraqi towns and cities are under intense and indiscriminate bombing and shelling; casualties have been reduced to rough estimates with no names or faces in the absence of official records;
・ There is widespread concern that depleted uranium is being used in these intensive rounds of attack, in which case, the current attacks will continue to kill and maim over generations;
・ There is widespread indignation at and resistance against the recent attacks on civilian and religious sites;
・ Najaf has been declared off-limits for press; all communications with the region has been severed;
・ A most holy shrine of Muslim religion is under attack and threat of destruction; US tanks are razing through a historical burial site with over 2 million graves;
・ Thousands of unarmed people have arrived to shield the place with their bodies; and this is no bluff. Any attack on Imam Ali’s tomb will claim thousands of lives to be added on to the tens of thousands of casualties.
We demand immediate halt to this war on the people of Iraq and on their culture, soil, religion and habitat.
Peoples under occupation have a legitimate and incontestable right to resist forces of occupation. Modes of resistance employed may be contested, but this does not detract from the very basic right to resist invasion and occupation.
We stress that words of anguish in front of the atrocities being committed against the people of Iraq fail to amount to much as long as they are not coupled with an explicit stand against the current occupation.
We stand in full support of the right of the people of Iraq to resist occupation in defense of their freedom and sovereignty.
We demand the immediate withdrawal of all occupation troops from Iraq. This is the only way out of this spiral of violence.
We demand an opportunity for the Iraqi people to truly determine their own destiny.
We demand that the UN and governments throughout the world live up to their obligations to the peoples of the world and declare the criminality of the on-going occupation and the unacceptability of the sham transfer of power.
We call upon the peoples of the world to raise their voices to demand an end to the horrific violence being committed against the people of Iraq by the United States.
And we further call for an end to the silence about the crimes that have been committed against the people of Iraq by the U.S. and its allies and demand that that those responsible be held accountable.
(RISEUP.NET: 2004年7月29日)
(NO DU ヒロシマ・プロジェクトMLより)
(RISEUP.NET: 2004年7月29日)
Pandora DU Research Project, Italy
Patricia: rebelflower@libero.it
Army exercises could harm environment
18:15 AEST Sat Jul 31 2004
Army exercises could harm environment
18:15 AEST Sat Jul 31 2004
Military training exercises at Shoalwater Bay on the central Queensland coast were likely to damage a sensitive environmental area, the Australian Democrats said.
Democrats Senator John Cherry said the federal government had failed to answer serious questions raised by the local community, which would hold a protest rally in Yeppoon on Sunday.
“Shoalwater Bay is a sensitive environmental site and we don’t know what the effects of upgraded training will be, particularly if US forces use explosives utilising depleted uranium not used by the Australian army,” Senator Cherry said.
It was not yet known whether the federal government would contribute more to the upkeep of local roads to cope with heavy military transport vehicles or if the training would increase security risks for the central Queensland region, he said.
Senator Cherry said he intended raising the matters in federal parliament when it resumes next week.
He will speak at Sunday’s rally.
Defence Minister Robert Hill said the Joint Combined Training Centre (JCTC) at Shoalwater Bay would provide vital training experience for the Australian Defence Force as well as providing a valuable boost to local communities.
Senator Hill previously announced Australia and the US had agreed to the concept of developing the Shoalwater Bay training area in central Queensland, the Delamere air weapons range and the new Bradshaw field training range in the Northern Territor
Mike Miles, 51, Green Party congressional candidate for the 7th District in northern Wisconsin, was arrested yesterday at Alliant Techsystems (ATK) in Edina, Minnesota. ATK is at the center of controversy for their production of depleted uranium (DU) munitions.
ATK is the largest producer of DU weapons in the world. Opponents argue that the use of DU shells blurs the line between conventional and nuclear war.
Miles and three others walked up the driveway to ATK corporate headquarters to ask for a meeting with executives about producing munitions that may be in violation of international law regarding poisonous weapons.
Other attempts to arrange meetings by phone were ignored by officials at ATK so the group went to ask for a meeting in person. They were stopped at the visitors・parking area by ATK security staff Toni Morrison.
Morrison told the group that none of the people they wanted to meet with were available and that it would not be possible to schedule a meeting with anyone at their corporate headquarters.
When asked if she would deliver documents to executives on behalf of the group, Morrison said she could not guarantee that officials would see any of the materials they had brought with them.
Miles said he had video footage with him that he had filmed at a pediatric hospital in Iraq showing severe birth abnormalities in Iraqi children that he wanted ATK executives to see.
He also had photographs of deformed children that he tried to show her, at which point Morrison directed two Edina police officers who had been standing quietly by to arrest the group.
The four residents of rural Polk County were taken to the Edina police station where they were booked, given citations for trespass, and assigned a court date of August 25 before being released.
Depleted Uranium weapons were first used during the 1991 Gulf War primarily to destroy Iraqi tanks. When DU shells penetrate their target, they explode leaving a fine residue of dust containing various radioactive isotopes. During the 1991 war, the US military admits to using 300 tons of DU shells, mostly in Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and southern Iraq.
DU shells were also used extensively in Kosovo, Afghanistan, and in the current invasion of Iraq. While 147 US soldiers were killed in combat during the fighting in 1991, according to several Gulf War veterans・organizations, almost 10,000 troops have since died, and nearly 25% of the 750,000 soldiers deployed have some kind of permanent disability.
Many veterans have referred to DU as the Agent Orange of this generation. Agent Orange was a defoliant used widely during the Vietnam War which has been proven to adversely affect the health of people exposed to it.
The Pentagon denies any link between DU and illness. An early study of possible health effects related to DU exposure was performed by Major Doug Rokke, a medical doctor who served in the first Gulf War.
Almost everyone in Rokke痴 investigative team became contaminated and many have since died. Rokke himself has extremely high levels of uranium in his blood and is severely ill. Miles is undeterred by those who say getting arrested is not going to help him get elected.
everyone is talking about supporting the troops and yet neither the Democrats nor Republicans are talking about DU contamination as the number one health risk to US troops,・said Miles. This issue must be put on the national agenda whatever it takes.・He advised that anyone going to Iraq for prolonged periods use every precaution to protect themselves against the hundreds of tons of DU dust blowing around in the vicinity of tank battles.
I don’t know what to tell women, but men who are hoping to have healthy families when they return should think about banking sperm before being deployed to Iraq,・said Miles.
三次ブロック平和学習会 劣化ウラン(DU)弾とイラク派兵・憲法問題
三次ブロック平和学習会 劣化ウラン(DU)弾とイラク派兵・憲法問題
1 (劣化)ウラン(DU)弾とは?
■ 多くの企業や国が製造や販売に関与http://www.h2.dion.ne.jp/~hiroseto/ECO/KEIZAI/20040609.html#c
www.jca.apc.org/stopUSwar/DU/no_du_report18.htm <www.jca.apc.org/stopUSwar/DU/no_du_report18.htm>
2003年 3・2「NO WAR NO DU」の人文字(広島)
3月 イラク戦争開始
6月―7月 ヒロシマから調査団
10月 「ウラン兵器禁止のための国際連合」(ICBUW)発足
2004年 5月 ブリュッセルで会合、ウラン兵器禁止と被害者救援を求める国際キャンペーン開始へ
■ イラク攻撃の背景
○「戦争の民営化」 戦争→占領→復興が全て「ビジネス」。
■ イラク戦争の経過
6月28日 緊急の「主権移譲」
1991年 湾岸戦争「国際貢献」論高まる→1992年PKO法成立。
www.d6.dion.ne.jp/~knaruaki/oosumi.html#satoh <www.d6.dion.ne.jp/~knaruaki/oosumi.html#satoh>
□ イラク占領と派兵の問題点・論点
■ アメリカの占領統治の破綻
■ アメリカの孤立化の中での派兵強行
■ 撤退求めるイラクの世論
■ アメリカのご都合主義(誰が「テロリスト」か?)
「方便」の大量破壊兵器 ツワイサでの核物質流出
■ 違法な先制攻撃の戦争への参加(現状でも、武装米兵の輸送)。
■ 人道支援はNGOが効率的。(自衛隊派遣には300億円予備費)
NGO 六万人 600―700トン 3900万円+イラク人雇用
自衛隊 1万6千人 80トン 403億円
■ 自衛隊員への危険
■ いまこそヒロシマの心・平和憲法・・被爆60周年を前に
「ノーモア・ヒロシマ・ナガサキ」⇔”Remember Pearl Harbor”
■ 「法による支配」を取り戻そう・・日米政府の暴走に歯止め
■ 幅広い運動―――誰でもできる反戦・反核運動
www3.ocn.ne.jp/~gensui/<http://www3.ocn.ne.jp/~gensui/> 広島県原水禁
www.nodu-hiroshima.org/<http://www.nodu-hiroshima.org/> NODUヒロシマプロジェクト
www.d6.dion.ne.jp/~knaruaki/plindex.htm<http://www.d6.dion.ne.jp/~knaruaki/plindex.htm> ピースリンク広島・呉・岩国
www.cadu-jp.org/<http://www.cadu-jp.org/> 劣化ウラン廃絶キャンペーン
www.bandepleteduranium.org<http://www.bandepleteduranium.org/> ICBUW=「ウラン兵器禁止国際連合」
www.morizumi-pj.com/<http://www.morizumi-pj.com/> 森住卓さんホームページ
www.ne.jp/asahi/n/toyoda/<http://www.ne.jp/asahi/n/toyoda/> 豊田直巳さんホームページ
中国新聞 2003年8月7日(木)
報復の連鎖、ヒロシマに共感 中東から連帯訴え’03/8/7
原爆資料館。劣化ウラン弾禁止(NO DU)ヒロシマ・プロジェクトの森滝春子世話人から説明を受けた二人は、廃虚となった広島の復興過程を紹介するコーナーを食い入るように見つめた。「いつか広島のように再建できるはずだ」。厳しかった表情が一瞬、和らいだ。
「専守防衛」様変わり 自衛隊あす発足50年
フィリピン部隊の撤退完了 メディア、米豪の批判に反論 (朝日新聞)
19日朝には、クウェートを16日に出国した部隊11人のうち、パルパラン司令官が民間機でマニラに到着した。司令官は「(任務を)うまく遂行した」と語った。残りの10人も近く帰国する予定だ。 (07/19 23:05)
[ニューヨーク 21日 ロイター] 米ABCニュースとワシントン・ポスト紙が21日発表した世論調査によると、ブッシュ大統領のテロとの戦いに対する支持率が50%と、前回調査時よりも8ポイント低下した。イラク戦争後に付けた同支持率のピークと比べると29ポイントの大幅低下となる。
158億 964万9000
331万 102
※ 「ハリバートン」はチェィニー副大統領の古巣。油田の消火と設備関連の契約はオープンエア方式(目的達成のためにいくらかかっても支払う)。「ぺクテル」は米国最大のゼネコン。前社長はシュルッ元国務長官でイラク復興支援計画のアドバイザー。現社長はホワイトハウスの輸出諮問委員会メンバー。ワインバーガー元国務長官は役員。他に元CIA長官などもコンサルタントに名前を連ねる
イラク戦争:死亡米兵の45%は貧しい小さな町の若者(毎日 7/20)
CIA分析に「誤り」 イラク大量破壊兵器で米議会報告 (朝日新聞)
報告書は情報提供者の保護などを理由に数多くの部分が機密情報として伏せられている。 (07/10 01:19)
NO DU ヒロシマ・プロジェクトMLより
Seattle demonstration against U.S. Navy DU munitions
Ground Zero Center for Nonviolent Action
とき:2004年8月5日木曜日 昼前後に艦隊が到着
水陸両用攻撃船(LHD) 2台の20ミリCIWS.25 4台の25道MK38機関銃
水陸両用輸送ドック(LPD) 2台の20ミリCIWS.25、2台の25ミリMK38機関銃
ドック上陸船(LPD) 2台の20ミリCIWS.25、2台の25ミリMK38機関銃
Local Peace Activists to meet the U.S. Navy Fleet arrival at SEAFAIR
August 5 in Elliott Bay
Contact: Glen Milner (206) 365-7865
Mary Gleysteen (360) 297-3894
Peace activists call for a Nuclear-free Port of Seattle. No nuclear
warships. No nuclear or depleted uranium munitions.
Local activists will stage a water-based nonviolent protest against the
glorification of weapons of war at the Seattle SEAFAIR festival and the deployment of radioactive depleted uranium munitions on U.S. Navy vessels.
Ø Peace activists will meet the U.S. Navy fleet in Puget Sound and enter
Ø Elliott Bay with the fleet.
When: Thursday, August 5, 2004. SEAFAIR fleet arrives around noon
Where: Elliott Bay in downtown Seattle.
The fleet arrival at SEAFAIR is a public relations and recruiting event
for the U.S. Navy. Previous years have brought Trident nuclear submarines and Navy warships used to launch Tomahawk cruise missiles in the first War on Iraq and the War on Afghanistan.
The fleet is on display in downtown Seattle at tremendous cost to taxpayers at a time when crucial socialservices in education, health care and transportation are being cut for lack of funds. The fleet will stay in Seattle for four days.
The Close-In Weapons System, a gun system on almost every Navy surface vessel, and on all five Navy vessels arriving at SEAFAIR this year, is capable of firing radioactive depleted uranium rounds.
This will be the third year peace vessels have nonviolently engaged the U.S. Navy fleet arrival at SEAFAIR.
In 2000, the U.S. Coast Guard stopped a protest boat with banner proclaiming “Choose Life”, and ordered it out of Elliott Bay. In 2003, four peace boats traveled with the U.S. Navy fleet in Elliott Bay. Both times U.S. Navy and Coast Guard personnel brandished large automatic weapons on vessels off downtown Seattle.
Peace vessels and all other vessels are required to stay 500 yards from Navy surface ships. On July 22, 2004, Commander Sellers of Navy Region Northwest warned that if peace vessels came within 100 yards of Navy vessels, crew members could be shot and/or arrested.
The next scheduled Ground Zero Center for Nonviolent Action event will be on August 8, 2004 at the Trident submarine base at Bangor, Washington.
Please see attached fact sheet
Fact Sheet–Local Peace Activists to meet the U.S. Navy Fleet arrival at SEAFAIR on August 5 in Elliott Bay
Almost every surface vessel in the U.S. Navy has the CIWS or Close-In Weapons System, which is capable of firing up to 4,500 20mm rounds per minute as a final ship defense against missiles and fighter planes.
This is the gun system, according to Navy documents released in December 2002, used to fire radioactive depleted uranium rounds into prime fishing waters off the Washington State coast.
The gun must be fired twice each month for testing and calibration purposes. Each test fires approximately 400 to 600 rounds.
The U.S. Navy 25mm Mk 38 machine gun has also been fired with depleted uranium rounds. The Mk 38 is capable of firing 175 rounds per minute with a range of approximately 2,700 yards.
Navy vessel types arriving at SEAFAIR this year, and the gun system capable of firing depleted uranium rounds, are the following:
(1) Amphibious Assault Ship (LHD) two 20mm CIWS, four 25mm Mk 38 machine guns
(1) Amphibious Transport Dock (LPD)?two 20mm CIWS, two 25mm Mk 38 machine guns
(1) Dock Landing Ship (LSD)?two 20mm CIWS, two 25mm Mk 38 machine guns
(2) Guided Missile Cruiser (CG)?two 20mm CIWS, two 25mm Mk 38 machine
Depleted uranium, U-238, is a waste product of the process to enrich uranium for use in nuclear power plants and weapons production. Depleted uranium is 1.7 times as dense as lead and has a half-life of 4.5 billion years.
In a 1995 study, the Army Environmental Policy Institute concluded, “If depleted uranium enters the body, it has a potential to generate significant medical consequences. The risks associated with depleted uranium are both chemical and radiological.”
In 2000, the U.S. Department of Energy admitted that depleted uranium used in Kosovo was contaminated with “transuranic” (heavier than uranium) fission wastes from inside nuclear reactors. Munitions used were spiked with plutonium, neptunium and americium.
Documents released through the Freedom of Information Act show gross negligence by the U.S. Navy in handling depleted uranium rounds. In August 2001, the Navy mistakenly shipped 20mm depleted uranium rounds instead of tungsten rounds to the U.S. Coast Guard in Seattle.
The Coast Guard received and stored 1,700 radioactive rounds at Pier 36 in downtown Seattle and loaded it on the cutter Mellon. When Coast Guard personnel realized they had depleted uranium on their vessel, they turned it over to the Navy?s weapons storage depot at Indian Island, near Port Hadlock.
The Coast Guard is not licensed by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission to handle
depleted uranium munitions. The Navy is not licensed by the Military Surface Deployment and Distribution Command to ship depleted uranium munitions.
This year members of the Ground Zero Center for Nonviolent Action will be mindful of friend and colleague, Jackie Hudson, who on July 25, 2003 was sentenced to 2 1/2 years in prison in Colorado for a demonstration at a nuclear missile silo. Jackie?s actions serve as our inspiration.
除染計画 コンコルドのスーパーファンド法適用地域が前進している。
除染計画 コンコルドのスーパーファンド法適用地域が前進している
Plan to clean up
Superfund site in W. Concord moving forward
NO DU ヒロシマ・プロジェクトMLより
Plan to clean up
Superfund site in W. Concord moving forward
By Davis Bushnell, Boston Globe Correspondent | July 18, 2004
公聴会が、コネクチカットの会社の マキシミス社により今練られている屋外作業についての計画について、労働日の後、ときどき開かれるだろうと、スターメッツ社の土地の清掃を負かされている環境保護庁の救済計画マネージャーのメリッサ・テーラーは語った。
A plan to explore the range of contaminants on the Starmet Corp. Superfund site in West Concord is expected to be approved next month. If that happens, then the first phase of the investigative work will get underway in September,according to the US Environmental Protection Agency.
The 46-acre property off Route 62 went on the agency’s Superfund list in June 2001.
A public meeting will be held in Concord some time after Labor Day on the field work plan now being refined by a Connecticut firm, de maximis Inc., said Melissa Taylor, the EPA’s remedial project manager charged with the Starmet property cleanup.
On Wednesday, EPA officials will review a work plan draft,Taylor said, with members of two Concord groups, the 2229 Main St. Committee and Citizens Research and Environmental Watch. The latter has a $50,000 technical assistance grant from the EPA.
Also in September, the state Department of Environmental Protection is planning to solicit proposals for the removal of more than 3,700 barrels of depleted uranium that are now being stored in Starmet buildings. A contractor is likely to be selected in November, said department spokesman Joseph Ferson, adding that the project probably will get started next January.
The department had hoped to pick a contractor in the spring or summer, but the complexity of drawing up a request for proposals has altered the timetable, Ferson said. The Army has agreed to pay for the removal of the barrels containing low levels of radioactive material.
In the 1970s, 1980s, and late 1990s, Starmet’s predecessor company, Nuclear Metals Inc., made uranium-tipped bullets for the Army.
In June 2003, the EPA cited the Army, US Department of Energy, and three companies for being responsible for the property’s contamination. The companies are: Whittaker Corp.
of Simi Valley, Calif.; Textron Inc. of Providence; and MONY Life Insurance Co. of New York City.
The delay in naming a contractor to get rid of the barrels of depleted uranium will have no bearing on the work plan now being fine-tuned, said Bruce Thompson, project coordinator for de maximis Inc. The Weatogue, Conn.-based firm is handling the field work for the five responsible parties. The total tab for this work is $8 million, Thompson said.
The barrel-removal process is an important component of the investigative work, “but we can plug that into the plan when the timing is right,” he said. The barrels are being guarded around the clock at Starmet’s expense.
The most important consideration is that the environmental protection department is giving “top priority to the final disposal of those barrels,” said Anne Shapiro, the Concord Board of Selectmen’s liaison to the town’s 2229 Main St.Committee, which is monitoring activities at the Starmet site.
Meantime, de maximis, which has drafted a 2,000-page work plan, is gearing up for more than 100 days of drilling on the Starmet property, Thompson said, adding that most of this sampling work will be done in the fall.
The second sampling phase will be done next spring, based on the results of the soil and water samples this fall, he said. Then a risk assessment process could begin next summer, followed by a remedial plan for the site, now targeted for 2008 or 2009.
However, everything depends on the “extent of contamination that’s revealed,” said Judith Scotnicki, of Concord, a founder of the Citizens Research and Environmental Watch group. “It may be that there are other areas” of the property that have to be explored.
The group’s technical assistance coordinator, James West,said, however, that “what’s being proposed so far is a comprehensive investigation, one that will surely uncover the contaminants that are there.”
NO DU ヒロシマ・プロジェクトMLより
Ex UK defense head urges payout for ill Gulf war veterans
2004-07-22 01:53:28 (Xinhuanet)
LONDON, July 21 — A former British chief of defense staff on Wednesday urged the British Ministry of Defense
(MoD) to compensate ill veterans of the 1991 Gulf War.
Ex UK defense head urges payout for ill Gulf war veterans
LONDON, July 21 (Xinhuanet) — A former British chief of defense staff on Wednesday urged the British Ministry of Defense (MoD) to compensate ill veterans of the 1991 Gulf War.
“It is time for the MoD to accept that they have not been able to disprove that the individual’s illnesses is not Gulf-service related and to compensate and apologize to those that have been kept waiting far too long for satisfaction,” Lord Craig of Radley,chief of the defense staff in 1991, told an independent inquiry into the “Gulf war syndrome” in London told the three-week inquiry.
Lord Bramall, chief of the defense staff from 1982 to
1985 and General Sir Peter de la Billiere, who commanded British forces during the Gulf war, also gave evidence to the inquiry that aims to take evidence from 30 ex-servicemen, medical experts and government representatives to establish the facts about Gulf war illnesses and resolve the long-standing dispute over their causes.
Thousands of British veterans say they have suffered from unexplained ailments including kidney pains, memory loss, chronic fatigue and mood swings. They blame the cocktail of tablets and vaccinations they were given to protect them against nerve agents,anthrax and botulism.
Exposure to Depleted Uranium munitions has also been identified as a possible cause of the illnesses.
However, it has never been accepted that the illnesses have a common cause arising from the Gulf war, meaning that hundreds of veterans have not been able to claim compensation.
The British government, which funded several studies of Gulf war veterans, has always denied the existence of the so-called Gulf War syndrome and has not agreed to hold an inquiry into the illnesses.
The MoD maintains that the illnesses are so varied that there can be no distinct syndrome or a specific cause.
NO DU ヒロシマ・プロジェクトMLより
“God, I am so angry and scared for the people over there, how scared they must be of dying and not even for their country. All I can say, I know who I will not vote for.”
> From: “ela cascino”
To: freethoughtinmedia2@yahoo.com
Subject: Interview with “USA”
Date: Sat, 17 Jul 2004 16:02:59 -0500
I have just read the interview with USA and I must say I am very
touched and I agree with all that has been said. I am a mom, whose
daughter has signed up for the Marines, she has to retake her ASVAB
test and then I guess what for her date, but I think she is having
thoughts of not going at all now (I hope to God she will not).
The reason for this, is because her boyfriend went to boot camp in March, did his MCT, starts MOS on Thursday and has already been told that his unit will be shipped to Iraq on 9/1.
To say the least, he is now shitting in his pants, especially since his Job is Motor T.and we all know many of them are dying. His recruiter told him and my daughter many B.S. stories, I tried to warn them of this, but they would not listen; now they are realizing that he lied about many things.
I find it awful, that the man who calls himself the president is sending these kids to fight for nothing, especially when he went AWOL.
Why is he not sending some of his family members (sure hope that man has a difficult time sleeping). I think it down right a disgrace that these young kids with hardly any Military experience have to go over there and risk their lives for their GREED, these young men and women are not there defending their country.
It woud be different if they would be going after the person responsible for 9/11, whatever happened to that. What is wrong with America, has not enough bad happened in the world, such as the Holocaust, Vietnam, etc to learn a lesson. Who are we, to go over to Iraq and try to mess with their religion and their beliefs, America would not accept it if it would be done here.
The Hell with Sadam, our leader if you ask, is no different, being that our young soldiers are dying; I believe it was called collateral Damage?
this is America and not Iraq? God, I am so angry and scared for the people over there, how scared they must be of dying and not even for their country. All I can say, I know who I will not vote for.
Is there not a way to have the administration read the interview, sure would make the P?.. feel a little like s?
<www.bandepleteduranium.org/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=130>NO DU ヒロシマ・プロジェクトMLより
Nuke ammo transport worries county
By: JACK MABB 07/20/2004
HUDSON-At any given time radioactive material in the form of depleted uranium from nuclear power plants and munitions may be traveling the rails and roadways of America.
And while local officials understand the need for security surrounding these shipments, a growing number of them also say the safety of local first responders, responding to a train or truck accident involving these shipments, must be considered.
Last week, Columbia County supervisors voiced their concerns on the subject following a request from the Ulster County Legislature.
“We need to protect our first responders at all cost. It isn’t fair that they have no clue what they are dealing with,” says Susan Zimet, a member of the Ulster County Legislature. She sponsored a resolution in her county that calls on the federal Department of Transportation not to renew DOT-E9649, a regulation that allows the Military Management Command to transport explosives and radioactive material with only an “explosive” placard affixed to the container.
In the event of an accident that released the material, first responders coming to the scene would have no knowledge of the potential radioactive danger.
The regulation expired June 30 of this year. And Ms. Zimet says the DOT has listened to those opposed to continuation of the regulation and has not yet renewed it.
In May, the Ulster County Legislature unanimously approved the resolution calling for the DOT to require identification of radioactive cargoes. The Columbia County Board of Supervisors adopted a similar resolution at its meeting last week.
While Columbia County seems far removed from weapons production and nuclear power plants, the threads that link this county with other vulnerable communities are the two CSX rail lines that pass through eight towns here.
Ms. Zimet says Ulster’s emergency management director tried to find out the routes and times the material is shipped but ran into a brick wall of silence.
She says federal officials were “not forthcoming on information of the route or manner the material was transported over.” Ms. Zimet says at one point some radioactive material was produced in the Albany suburb of Colonie, which leads here to believe “that material passed though our counties at some time.”
Opponents of the regulation describe DU as “extremely toxic material,” with the danger increased when it is shipped as part of munitions.
One group, Nukewatch, in Luck, Wis., says an accident with these weapons could have the effect of igniting what the federal government has described as “dirty bomb,” a device the government has said terrorist organizations might try to build and detonate.
County Fire Coordinator James Van Deusen says it is a good idea to mark the containers to give first responders a fighting chance. “If they get there and then discover what it is I think they will be out of luck,” he says. He adds that while firefighters are taught to check the scene for their own safety first, the drive to help may overwhelm that learned prudence.
“Know what you’re getting into-we teach it all the time. But in the heat of a call sometimes it’s how fast can you get there,” he says.
While train transport is relatively safe, the Department of Transportation reports that there are 2,000 derailments and 7,300 train accidents annually.
The Military Management Command has said that because of the risk of terrorism, a cask ruptured on purpose is essentially a dirty bomb, and the government needs to keep security on the shipments tight.
Ms. Zimet understands the argument, but she wonders why in lieu of a placard on the cars or trailer identifying radioactive materials local emergency management offices couldn’t be notified of nuclear materials transportation routes and times.
“I believe that they believe they need to keep this a secret, but that doesn’t mean we stop worrying about our first responders,”
she says.
Mr. Van Deusen agrees that prior notification could work well as long as that notice is well ahead of the transport.
NO DU ヒロシマ・プロジェクトMLより
from: “Jonathan Chowns” <jonathan@t…>
Date: Wed Jul 14, 2004 8:01 pm
Subject: US troops harden vehicles with scrap metal
rom: “Jonathan Chowns” <jonathan@t…>
Date: Wed Jul 14, 2004 8:01 pm
Subject: US troops harden vehicles with scrap metal
I think this is quite interesting- obviously not all the scrap they used would have been salvaged from Iraqi armoured vehicles, but perhaps some of it was, and therefore is probably radioactive.
Hargett said A Company was the first unit to harden its own vehicles with scrap metal, a practice which then swept across Iraq as other units sought ways to protect its soldiers from improvised explosive devices that were placed along roads to attack passing U.S. and other coalition vehicles. He said A Company was given 850 missions, all of which it successfully completed.
A Company recognizes those who supported it
By WILL SULLIVAN/Item Managing Editor
Tuesday, July 13, 2004 1:29 PM CDT
A Company and other units of the Mississippi Army National Guard’s 890th Engineer Battalion took Sunday to recognize their families and communities who supported the unit’s members during their deployment to Iraq.
Lt. Col. Linwood D. Buckalew from the 184th Transportation Brigade in Laurel and Maj. Joe D. Hargett, who was the battalion’s training officer during its deployment overseas addressed the unit and its assembled guests Sunday morning at A Company’s armory for the recognition ceremonies.
Hargett went over a time line of unit’s deployment, including its Feb. 7, 2003, activation; April 1 move north into Iraq from Kuwait and the Sept. 12 attack on a convoy that wounded five members. He said that altogether, six members of A Company received Purple Hearts for wounds received during their 13 months in Iraq.
Hargett explained that he assigned A Company first to the 3rd Infantry Division, which bore the brunt of the Army’s fighting during the drive to Baghdad, then to the 82nd Airborne, because of unit’s demonstrated abilities. He said A Company also was the first unit of the 890th he sent north into Iraq.
Hargett said A Company was the first unit to harden its own vehicles with scrap metal, a practice which then swept across Iraq as other units sought ways to protect its soldiers from improvised explosive devices that were placed along roads to attack passing U.S. and other coalition vehicles. He said A Company was given 850 missions, all of which it successfully completed.
His primary message for the day, though, was, “Alpha Company, you’re only as good as the families who support you. The real heroes, in a soldier’s opinion, are the ones they left back home.”
Following talks by the two colonels, company commander Capt. Joy Alexander directed the distribution of presents to the company’s members, most of which they were to pass on to family members. Each soldier received an encased American flag memorializing their activation and deployment.
The City of Picayune and the Greater Picayune Area Chamber of Commerce also came in for recognition by A Company.
Nikki Smith, representing the chamber, received a flag mosaic for that organization’s support of the unit. Mayor Greg Mitchell received a National Guard statue for the city’s support of the unit.
NO DU ヒロシマ・プロジェクトMLより
Briton sues US giant over ‘uranium poison’
Antony Barnett, public affairs editor
Sunday July 11, 2004
Subject: [du-list] Britian sues US giant over ‘uranium poisun
Briton sues US giant over ‘uranium poison’
Landmark court case could establish critical link for Gulf war veterans
Antony Barnett, public affairs editor
Sunday July 11, 2004
The Observer
A former British defence worker has won legal aid to sue the giant US military corporation Honeywell over claims that he was poisoned by depleted uranium while working at its Somerset factory.
The case is likely to have far-reaching implications for Gulf war veterans, aerospace workers and civilians living in former war zones.
Richard ‘Nibby’ David, 49, suffers from serious respiratory problems, kidney defects and finds it extremely painful to move his limbs. Medical tests have revealed mutations to his DNA and damage to his chromosomes which he alleges has been caused by depleted uranium poisoning (DU), a radioactive waste product from the nuclear power industry that is used for shells because it can smash through tank armour.
Millions of tonnes of DU shells have been fired by US and British forces in Kosovo, Afghanistan and Iraq. It has also been used as ballast in aircraft and counterweights on helicopter blades. While it is believed to be relatively harmless lying in the soil, a growing body of scientists believe that when its fine dust is inhaled it can cause a range of cancers, kidney damage and birth defects.
It has been alleged that DU used in the 1991 Gulf war was responsible for abnormally high levels of childhood leukaemia and birth defects in Iraq. France, Spain and Italy claim soldiers who served in Bosnia and Kosovo, where Nato used DU shells, have contracted cancers. It is also believed to be a possible cause of Gulf war syndrome, which has left thousand of veterans with mysterious health problems.
While the defence and nuclear industries have played down the danger of DU, David’s case is the first time that the arguments will be heard before a court. Should he win, the verdict will send shockwaves through the military establishment as it could pave the way for huge compensation claims against the armed forces. He also believes that dozens of his fellow workers at the Honeywell site in Yeovil have also suffered. A number of his closest colleagues have died or contracted liver cancers.
Although the Legal Aid Board does not back personal injury claims, it decided that David’s case was in the ‘wider public interest’. The decision was a major victory after an eight-year struggle for justice after ill health forced him to give up his job in 1995 as a component fitter for Normalair Garrett, the Yeovil firm now owned by Honeywell, which makes parts for most of the world’s fighter planes and bombers.
After being struck down by a disorder that left him paralysed with pain and unable to breathe properly, David began looking for clues as to the cause. The breakthrough came in September 1995 while watching a news bulletin on Gulf war syndrome on which he saw how a UK army major struggled to get out of her car.
‘I was in unbearable pain and unable to move. I thought I was going to die,’ he said. ‘But when I saw this woman major trying to move and saw the intense pain in her eyes I immediately knew she was suffering like me.’
David had never been in the armed forces or the Middle East, but was convinced there was a link between his illness and those suffered by former Gulf troops. But it was not until February 1999 that the possibility that DU was the cause came when he heard a talk by US scientist Dr Asaf Durakovic, a former military doctor and nuclear medicine expert. Durakovic suggested that the debilitating, in some cases fatal, illnesses suffered by Gulf veterans were not necessarily caused by a cocktail of vaccines, as some claimed, but by DU poisoning.
Durakovic decided to test the urine samples of 15 UK Gulf veterans and agreed to include David’s. Six months later, the results showed that he had one of the highest levels of uranium contamination out of all the samples.
‘It was unbelievable,’ said David. ‘I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. On one hand it gave an answer to why I was suffering, but also the knowledge I would never recover. Above all I was confused. How could I have been contaminated in England?’
The answer was not long in coming. DU is a man-made material and experts told him that the most likely route of his contamination was his workplace. David decided to sue Honeywell Aerospace, but without being able to pay for lawyers it was impossible to collect evidence. But now he has been awarded legal aid he hopes to be represented by barrister Michael Mansfield QC and intends to call a stream of world experts to back his claim.
One is Malcolm Hooper, emeritus professor of medicinal chemistry and chief scientific adviser to the Gulf Veterans’ Association.
‘This case will be highly significant not only for soldiers but for many others. We know of cases where firemen have had to deal with fires caused by burning DU at factories and prison officers have also been contaminated by inhaling fumes. I am in no doubt that inhaling DU has the potential to cause a great deal of damage.’
Honeywell has declined to comment on details of the case, but will claim it never used DU at Yeovil. However, it is known that another aerospace group, Westland, which shared the Somerset site, has admitted using DU from 1966 until 1982 as counterweights for helicopter blades. David also claims Honeywell used special heavy metal alloys for making components which he believes may have contained DU.
NO DU ヒロシマ・プロジェクトMLより
U.S. names Pakistan major non-NATO ally
2004-06-18 / Reuters /
U.S. names Pakistan major non-NATO ally
2004-06-18 / Reuters /
U.S. President George W. Bush on Wednesday named Pakistan a major non-NATO ally of the United States, making it easier for the country to acquire U.S. arms.
The announcement rewards Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf for supporting the U.S.-led war on terrorism.
Secretary of State Colin Powell told Musharraf in March that his country would get the designation. A memorandum issued by Bush on Wednesday made it official.
The status of major non-NATO ally is also enjoyed by Australia, Bahrain, Israel, South Korea and Morocco.
As a major non-NATO ally, Pakistan could use U.S. funding to lease some defense items and would become eligible for loans of military supplies for research and development projects.
It would also become eligible to buy depleted uranium ammunition, to have U.S.-owned military stockpiles on its territory outside U.S. bases and to receive U.S. military training on easier financial terms.
However, the designation does not confer the mutual defense and security guarantees enjoyed by NATO members.
The United States imposed sanctions on Pakistan after it conducted nuclear tests in 1998 but most were lifted in the wake of the September 11 attacks on the United States, when Pakistan became a key U.S. ally in the war on terror.
Given Pakistan’s porous border with Afghanistan, its help is seen as vital if the United States is to catch Osama bin Laden and defeat his al-Qaida network.
Many in Pakistan have not forgiven United States for refusing to deliver 28 F-16 fighters in the 1990s because of worry over Pakistan’s nuclear program. The planes had been paid for, but it took eight years for the money to be refunded.
India, Pakistan’s long-standing rival, opposes the sale of F-16s to Pakistan and the decision to grant Islamabad major non-NATO ally status could trouble New Delhi, which does not have that status, although it has growing military contacts with Washington as part of their overall “strategic partnership.”
“India is one of our closest allies,” a senior Bush administration official said. “We have wonderful bilateral relations with India and we will continue to do so.”
Court awards compensation to widow of Italian soldier in DU-related case
NO DU ヒロシマ・プロジェクトMLより
嘉指信雄(NO DU ヒロシマ・プロジェクト代表)
嘉指信雄(NO DU ヒロシマ・プロジェクト代表)
Court awards compensation to widow of Italian soldier in DU-related case
(Posted on 26 June 2004 by ICBUW)
International Coalition to Ban Uranium Weapons ICBUW | www.bandepleteduranium.org<www.bandepleteduranium.org/>
A court in Rome has ruled that the Italian Ministry of Defense must award Euro 500,000 in compensation to the widow of Stefano Melone, a soldier who had served in the Balkans.
During one of his missions in Kosovo, Mr Melone had come into contact with remnants of war contaminated with depleted uranium. In 2001, at the age of 40, he died from a rare form of cancer, which doctors had attributed to radiation exposure.
Since then, his widow Paolo Melone has sought to hold the Italian government accountable for the death of her husband along with 26 other veterans who had been exposed to depleted uranium and died from rare diseases.
Note: Source: Stefano Melone Website<www.stefanomelone.org/>
NO DU ヒロシマ・プロジェクトMLより
(佐藤周一解説 )
Hi all
sorry about my limited presence in the list in this period, I’m still very busy.
Anyway big news from Italy, the Court in Rome has sentenced that the family of Stefano Melone, died in 2001 after many missions abroad, must receive a compensation of 500.000 euros by the italian Ministry of Defence.
It’s something like the Kenny Duncan case in the UK; this is the first time that the Ministry is sentenced to pay a pension or compensation to someone because of depleted uranium.
We’re still waiting for the sentence details, it will be published in the next days, however this is an important first step that could help many other people in their cases against the MoD.
I know personally Paola Melone, Stefano’s wife, she has been running this battle for years after the death of her husband (you can see the website www.stefanomelone.or! g, even if only in italian), for the future of their kids and all the people exposed to depleted uranium.
I’m going to send to her an official message of support, if you agree on behalf of ICBUW too.
Take care
francesco iannuzzelli francesco@peacelink.org
associazione peacelink www.peacelink.it
NO DU ヒロシマ・プロジェクトMLより
(佐藤周一 仮訳 )
JORDAN Considers Ban On Iraqi Scrap Imports
タレク・デルワニ IOL通信員
【アンマン16日=イスラムオンライン】 ヨルダンは、イラクの軍事品廃材の輸入を、それらが汚染されているかもしれないという恐れがある中で、禁止することを検討中である。
Jordan Considers Ban On Iraqi Scrap Imports
By Tareq Delwani, IOL Correspondent
AMMAN , June 16 (IslamOnline.net) ?
Jordan is considering a ban on Iraqi military scrap imports amid fears that they could be contaminated.
A committee of ten ministries and other government-run institutions has recommended the ban, citing health and environmental hazards of the booming scrap business.
Tons of scrap metals have been imported from Iraq by Jordanian traders at low prices since the fall of Baghdad to the US-led occupation forces.
The committee said that local inhabitants of northern
Amman have complained of health problems including breath difficulty and severe headaches.
The imported scrap metals include destroyed military vehicles and tanks of the disbanded Iraqi army.
Jordanians fear that these military vehicles were shelled by depleted uranium during the US-British invasion of Iraq .
On April 25, the Observer quoted military sources as affirming that depleted uranium shells and bombs used by US and British troops during Iraq invasion were five times more than the number used during 1991 Gulf war.
The Pentagon had admitted shelling Iraq with about 350 tons of depleted uranium in 1991, aggravating cancerous tumors cases among Iraqis.
In a report issued Thursday, April 24, the UN Environment Program (UNEP) pressed the occupation forces to pinpoint<www.islamonline.net/English/News/2003-04/24/article11.shtml> Iraqi sites hit by depleted uranium.
Booming Business
With a large amount of scrap metals trucked from the neighboring country, the trade is booming in Jordan .
In Al-Zarqa district in southern Amman , people tell of gangs smuggling the scrap metals from Iraq .
Others allege they had seen dismantled parts of Russian-made tanks of the Iraqi army.
Some estimated that more than 100 trucks loaded with scrap metals drive from Iraq to Jordan and the other five countries sharing borders with the war-scarred country every month.
“Spare parts of military equipment used in the Iraqi water and oil sectors are also smuggled every month to Jordan ,” said Abu Abdel-Rahman, a worker in the “Scrap Area” in the northern Amman city of Sahab .
Acting chief UN inspector Demetrius Perricos told the Security Council on Tuesday, June 10, that 20 engines from banned Iraqi missiles were found in a Jordanian scrap yard, raising new security questions about Iraq’s scrap metal sales since the occupation of the country.
The missile engines and some other equipment discovered in the scrap yards had been reportedly tagged by UN weapons monitors because of their potential dual use in legitimate civilian activities.
Perricos suggested that the interim Iraqi government, which will assume power on June 30, may want to reconsider policies for exporting scrap metals that apparently began in mid-2003.
He told reporters that up to a thousand tons of scrap metals were leaving Iraq every day.
“The only controls at the borders are for the weight of the scrap metal, and to check whether there are any explosive or radioactive materials within the scrap,” he said.
But the Jordanian government’s spokeswoman, Asma Khedr, dismissed the statements.
“The spare metals are only disposable scraps.”
Khedr said that Jordan has carried out stringent procedures to prevent access of poisonous materials across borders.
But traders still make good money out of the smuggling.
US To Blame
Analysts heaped blame on the US-led occupation forces for allowing the scrap metals to move from Iraq .
Sufyan Al-Tal accused the American troops of facilitating the scrap exports to protect their soldiers.
“The scrap metals had been hit by depleted uranium, something which highlights the danger of keeping them in Jordan ,” he said.
A military source close to NATO unveiled in July last year that several mysterious diseases<www.islamonline.net/English/News/2003-07/17/article03.shtml> were reported among a number of American troops within the vicinity of Baghdad airport.
He asserted there were levels of radioactive pollution with destructive impacts on man and environment that may lead to risks suffered by generations to come.
Following the invasion, the US occupation authority signed contracts with Israeli companies to export the scrap metals to Jordan.
The contracts could not be cancelled by the Jordanian government or the new Iraqi interim government.
NO DU ヒロシマ・プロジェクトMLより
(佐藤周一仮訳 途中まで)
By: Paul Parson | Oak Ridger Staff
June 14, 2004
一方、クリントン市長のウィンプ シュ―プマンは、同市を通過して、ゴミが船積みされていたことに気づいていなかったと語った。
Story last updated at 11:23 a.m. on June 14, 2004
Waste takes long way home
MAYOR: ‘I just have a terrible, terrible time understanding how they can justify appeasing Oak Ridge and bringing it the long way around through Oliver Springs.’
By: Paul Parson | Oak Ridger Staff
When it comes to shipments of waste cylinders, Oak Ridge’s loss is apparently Oliver Springs’ and Clinton’s gain, according to at least one official.
Oliver Springs Mayor Ed Kelley confirmed that shipments of depleted uranium hexafluoride cylinders have been coming through his town, hitting Highway 61 to Clinton and ending up on Interstate 75 to Ohio. He also noted that one of the trucks hauling the material was involved in a minor traffic accident last month.
On the other hand, Clinton Mayor Wimp Shoopman said he was unaware that the waste was being shipped through his city.
The depleted uranium hexafluoride in question is a byproduct of an operation where uranium was ultimately processed into nuclear reactor fuel and weapons-grade material. Stored in cylinders at the Oak Ridge K-25 site, the material is being shipped to Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant in Ohio.
Transport of the waste cylinders was met with a little controversy last year when it appeared the material would be hauled through the city of Oak Ridge. Though DOE and its cleanup contractor, Bechtel Jacobs Co., have declined to disclose transport routes, some officials have suggested that Oak Ridge Turnpike was never considered for use in transporting the material to Clinton and I-75.
“I just have a terrible, terrible time understanding how they can justify appeasing Oak Ridge and bringing it the long way around through Oliver Springs,” said Kelley, who added the shipments come out of K-25 and hit Blair Road en route to Oliver Springs.
The Oliver Springs mayor said the early morning waste shipments stopped at least three times at the school crossing in front of Norwood schools. Kelley also said at least one of the transport trucks has been involved in a traffic accident.
A report filed by Oliver Springs Police Officer Tim Elmore indicates a vehicle ran into one of the trucks while it was preparing to turn onto Highway 61 to go to Clinton. The driver of the cylinder truck was not at fault, and neither the transport truck nor its load was reportedly damaged.
Kelley said DOE had a “screaming fit” because Oliver Springs officials released the truck involved in the accident so it could proceed to its destination.
“We didn’t have any idea what we were supposed to do,” Kelley said.
Both DOE spokesman Walter Perry and Bechtel Jacobs spokesman Dennis Hill said they were unaware of any other accidents involving the cylinder transport trucks. They also declined to confirm the transport route mention by Kelley or comment on whether multiple routes are being utilized.
Hill said more than 700 cylinders have been shipped to date, with about 5,200 remaining to be transported to Portsmouth. The goal is to have all of the cylinders out of Oak Ridge by the end of fiscal year 2005.
“The frequency and size of individual shipments is security sensitive information,” Hill said. “Because of that, we don’t want people to have enough information to calculate how many or how often cylinders are shipped.”
With more shipments ahead, Kelley has sent a letter to DOE requesting that the federal agency make some kind of payment to Oliver Springs because the “large and heavy trucks” will be using roads through the town. The mayor said the payments would be used to maintain and upgrade streets in addition to various other projects to improve the town.
環境庁は、軍が、基地にもっとそのような砲弾があるかどうか 調べることを求めている
NO DU ヒロシマ・プロジェクトMLより
(佐藤周一仮訳 途中まで)
Depleted uranium believed unearthed
EPA wants the military to investigate whether there are more such rounds on the base.
エドワード基地 陸軍の請け負い業者は、先週、20mm劣化ウラン弾と思われるものを発見した。
Depleted uranium believed unearthed
EPA wants the military to investigate whether there are more such rounds on the base.
By AMANDA LEHMERT<mailto:alehmert@capecodonline.com> and KEVIN DENNEHY<mailto:kdennehy@capecodonline.com>
CAMP EDWARDS – Army contractors found what they believe to be a 20-millimeter depleted uranium round last week.
The round, found at a groundwater cleanup area called Demolition Area 1, was due to be shipped yesterday to the Aberdeen Proving Ground in Maryland for further analysis.
Considered by the Pentagon an effective and valuable munitions because they can pierce the armor of an enemy tank, depleted uranium is toxic and radioactive.
Some scientists insist exposure to depleted uranium during the first Gulf War was a cause of Gulf War syndrome illnesses. Department of Defense officials debunk the claim.
While Army officials have long insisted depleted uranium was never fired on Camp Edwards, some Upper Cape base activists insist the military didn’t always monitor the activities of defense contractors who improved and developed weapons.
Military and environmental officials yesterday were perplexed by the discovery.
“It was an unexpected discovery for us and it’s important that the military thoroughly investigate to determine whether there are other depleted uranium items on the base or out in Demo 1,” said Jim Murphy, Environmental Protection Agency spokesman.
“It’s important to inform us and the public about how it got there, when it was used, and for what purpose.”
The EPA is waiting for more information from the Army, Murphy said.
Army officials said the round is not a danger to public health and is not explosive.
The 2.5-inch round, discovered during excavation as part of the ongoing Camp Edwards cleanup, was found about a foot deep in the soil of a possible burn pit.
Officials with the Impact Area Groundwater Study Program, which is coordinating the base cleanup, say the round could have been burned.
The round had a cap called a wind shelf on the tip and a partially broken nylon rotating ring on the back, leading the investigators to believe it had not been fired.
Investigators concluded it was a depleted uranium round after testing it with a machine that measures radioactivity, said groundwater program manager Kent “Hap” Gonser.
“They found it was giving off very low levels of radioactivity.”
Demolition Area I, where the bullet was discovered, is a source of groundwater contamination on the base, and crews are currently removing and cleaning the soil.
There isn’t a significant heath risk to the workers who handled the round, Gonser said.
The threat of DU
Depleted uranium, or DU, is what remains when uranium 235 is extracted from ore to make nuclear bombs and fuel for nuclear reactors.
Twice as dense as lead, it can slice through the thick steel of a tank like a heat-seeking dart.
Textron Systems Corp. of Wilmington, and its predecessor, AVCO, was one of the defense contractors that developed depleted uranium weapons.
Textron was also one of many contractors testing tactical weapons on the ranges of Camp Edwards near the Sandwich village of Forestdale.
From 1982 to 1984, Textron loaded 11 depleted uranium warheads onto missiles at Camp Edwards before shipping them to a test-firing facility in New Mexico, according to records the company provided to the National Guard a few years ago.
Weapons using depleted uranium were first used in combat during the first Gulf War, and continue to be used in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Guard contacts the Navy
Gonser said it was difficult to tell where the round came from. It was corroded and had no markings.
Rounds of that type are typically used by the Navy, for anti-tank or anti-missile machine guns, Gonser said, Groundwater program officials have asked the Navy who would have permission to use the round in an effort to find out why it was unearthed on the Upper Cape base.
While Gonser said Textron shipped 11 rounds of depleted uranium through the base, those rounds were larger than the 20-millimeter round and there is no record of them being used on the base.
“The Guard says they don’t know where it came from. How can that be?” said Richard Hugus of Falmouth, a member of the citizen panel that monitors the Camp Edwards cleanup.
James Kinney of Sandwich, another member of the panel, is likewise skeptical. He says the markings on, and holes in, thick steel targets on the firing ranges at Camp Edwards made some suspicious that depleted uranium weapons had been fired there.
Tests of the targets and soil yielded no evidence that levels of radiation were any higher than background radiation.
But if the Army determines that the new round does contain depleted uranium, Kinney said, it will only stoke those concerns.
“I don’t think anyone just happened to have one depleted uranium round out there that fell out of their pocket,” Kinney said yesterday. “If there was one, I’m sure there were more.”
Part of the uncertainty, he said, is that the Guard never learned the extent of contractor work done on the base.
“It’s definitely a concern and a cause for a full investigation.”
(Published: June 5, 2004)
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Anti-war MEP’s Iraq visit ‘blocked’
Martin Shipton, Jun 1 2004 Western Mail UK (Wales)
プレイド・シムル(選出の?)欧州議会議員 ジル・エバンスは、外務省が、イギリスが占領しているイラク南部へ行けば、殺されるかもしれないと警告し、旅を助けることを拒んだ、という。
Anti-war MEP’s Iraq visit ‘blocked’
Jun 1 2004
Martin Shipton, The Western Mail
AN ANTI-WAR Euro MP has criticised the Foreign Office for double standards after she was forced to cancel a planned visit to Iraq.
Plaid Cymru MEP Jill Evans says the Foreign Office warned her she was likely to be killed if she visited British-occupied southern Iraq, and refused to facilitate a trip there.
Yet, she pointed out, Cynon Valley’s pro-war Labour MP Ann Clwyd had received every assistance when she visited Baghdad’s notorious Al Ghraib prison.
Ms Evans raised the issue during a trip to the Carmarthenshire home of Plaid Cymru’s honorary president Gwynfor Evans, who experienced similar problems when seeking to visit Vietnam 38 years ago as an anti-war campaigner.
“Of course I would not want to visit somewhere if my life was in serious danger,” said Ms Evans. “But the Foreign Office was very happy to facilitate Ann Clwyd’s trip to Baghdad.
“I believe I was refused assistance by the Foreign Office because of my opposition to the war.”
Ms Evans, who is also chair of CND Cymru, said she had visited a hospital in Basra before the war, where she had met people who were suffering the effects of exposure to depleted uranium at the time of the first Gulf War.
“People there also told me how it was not possible to decontaminate the land as the materials required could not be imported because of the sanctions imposed on Iraq. It would be very interesting to see the latest situation in the hospital after the extensive use of depleted uranium last year.
“There was a lot of interest in the trip and TV journalists were planning to make a documentary.”
Ms Evans said her peace campaigning had been inspired by Gwynfor Evans, now aged 91 and living in Llanybydder.
In 1966, when he was Plaid Cymru’s newly elected MP for Carmarthen, Mr Evans tried to gain admission to Vietnam as part of a “stop the bombing” protest. He was refused entry to the country, but participated in a protest outside an American base in Thailand.
The Foreign Office’s website says, “We advise against all but the most essential travel to Iraq.
“The security situation is dangerous and there continue to be widespread outbreaks of violence.”
NO DU ヒロシマ・プロジェクトMLより
R 4463 IH
H.R 4463
第1章 小節
第2章 従軍している軍隊に対する劣化ウランの危険性の告知
(a)告知 国防長官は、軍隊のメンバーを作戦現場へ配置する準備の手続きの一部
(b)訓練 国防長官は、劣化ウランが使用された現場にメンバーを配置する前に、劣化ウランをどう扱うかの訓練をすることを定めるものとする。
第3章 劣化ウラン集団検診と検査
(1) 各軍の長官は、それぞれの長官の管轄下の劣化ウランに被曝したか被曝していたかもしれない軍隊のメンバーを、識別する手続きを定めるものとする。
(B) 劣化ウランの荷物や機械(飛行機の錘や、ヘリコプターのローターチップなど)を装備しているか、含んでいる車や構造物が撃たれて爆発したり、焼けたり潰れたりした際に、50メーター以内にいた事件。
(C) 各項目に書かれた事件の初動対応者として活動していた場合
(2) 個人が
(A) 劣化ウランの残りかすがあるかもしれない車や構造物に、維持や復旧、諜報や先頭被害調査のために入った事件。
(3) 個人が、劣化ウランで汚染された装備や破片を扱った結果、劣化ウランを吸い込んだり、維持任務(溶接工や弾薬取り扱い者としての任務や、劣化ウランで汚染された装備を掃除したり処理したりすることをふくむ任務を含む)の一部として残り粕に曝された事件。
(4) その他の長官によって認定された被曝事件、被害を受けた車両や構造物の地域での任務の遂行や、そうした地域を通過したりかすめることも含む。
(B) (c)の(4)に規定する被曝事件の個人の場合は、(1)の生物分析は、作戦地域への配置が終ってから30日以内に行われるものとするが、そのような人は、その人の要求に応じて、早く検査を受けることができるものとする。
(3) 国防長官はこの項のあらゆる生物学的分析結果を検査を受けた人に通知するものとし、その人の主治医にも、長官が結果を受け取った日から30日以内に通知するものとする。
(e) 個人追跡-各軍部の長官は、劣化ウランへの被曝のいかなる長期の結果も評価するために、(d)項の検査を受けた人の健康状態の情報を、収集し、追跡し、維持する手続きを定めるものとする。
第4章 国防総省により使用される、放射性同位元素を識別する装備の測定
(a)測定 検査官である将軍は、国防総省の設備の自然に発生するレベルの違った放射性同位元素を識別する能力を評価するため、国防総省が使用している放射性同位元素の識別装置を測定するものとする。
(b)報告 検査官である将軍は、この法令が施行されてから180日以内に、(a)の測定結果に関する報告を議会に提出するものとする。
Depleted Uranium Screeing and Testing Act of 2004 (Introduced in House)
HR 4463 IH
2d Session
H. R. 4463
To provide for identification of members of the Armed Forces exposed during military service to depleted uranium, to provide for health testing of such members, and for other purposes.
May 20, 2004
Mr. SERRANO (for himself, Mr. CROWLEY, and Mr. ENGEL) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Armed Services
To provide for identification of members of the Armed Forces exposed during military service to depleted uranium, to provide for health testing of such members, and for other purposes.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,
This Act may be cited as the `Depleted Uranium Screeing and Testing Act of 2004′.
(a) Notification- The Secretary of Defense shall establish procedures to require that, as part of the procedures for preparing members of the Armed Forces for deployment to a theater of operations, that such members be notified of–(1) any known or likely use of depleted uranium in that theater of operations (whether by forces of the United States and its allies or by any opposing forces); and(2) any health risks associated with exposure to depleted uranium.(b) Training- The Secretary shall provide for training deploying forces on how to handle depleted uranium before deploying them to a theater in which depleted uranium is used.
(a) Identification and Testing Required- The Secretary of Defense shall carry out a program to identify individuals who during active service in the Armed Forces are or have been exposed to depleted uranium and to provide those individuals with bioassay testing and notification of the results of such testing.(b) Du-Exposed Personnel Identification Methods- (1) The Secretary of each military department shall establish procedures to identify members of the Armed Forces under the Secretary’s jurisdiction who are, or may have been, exposed to depleted uranium. For such purpose, the Secretary shall identify units and members under paragraph (2) and shall accept self-identification reports by members under paragraph (3).(2) The Secretary of each military department shall identify units, and personnel assigned to units, that have been, or could have been, exposed to depleted uranium, based upon information about known exposure events (as determined under subsection (c)).(3) The Secretary of each military department shall accept a report by an individual that the individual, while a member of the Armed Forces under the Secretary’s jurisdiction, was, or may have been, exposed to depleted uranium based upon service on active duty (or training duty or funeral honors duty) in a theater of operations where depleted uranium was used, including travel through such an area. The Secretary shall prescribe procedures for receiving such reports.(4) In carrying out this subsection, the Secretary of each military department shall ensure that individuals no longer on active duty (including members of the reserve components who have been released from active duty, members who have been retired, and members who have been separated from service) are treated, for identification purposes, in the same manner as individuals remaining on active duty.(c) Exposure Events- The Secretary of Defense shall identify depleted uranium exposure events for purposes of this section. The exposure events identified shall include the following:(1) An event in which an individual–(A) is struck by depleted uranium munitions or depleted uranium armor fragments;(B) is within 50 meters of a vehicle or structure containing or equipped with depleted uranium cargo or components (such as aircraft counterweights and helicopter rotor tips) at a time that the vehicle or structure was struck, exploded, burned, or crashed; or(C) while acting as a first responder to an event described in subparagraph (B), enters within 50 meters of the vehicle or structure to render aid.(2) An event in which an individual–(A) enters a vehicle or structure with possible depleted uranium residues in order to perform maintenance, recovery, intelligence, or battle damage assessment; or(B) breathes smoke from fires involving depleted uranium materials.(3) An event in which an individual may inhale depleted uranium particulates as a result of the handling of depleted uranium contaminated equipment or wreckage or exposure to particulate residues as part of maintenance duties (including duties as a welder or ammunition handler or duties involving cleanup or processing of depleted uranium contaminated equipment).(4) Other incidental exposures identified by the Secretary, including the performance of activities in the area of depleted uranium damaged vehicles or structures or the traveling through or residing in any such area.In addition to exposure events described in paragraphs (1) through (4) occurring on or after the the date of the enactment of this Act, such events during the period between January 1, 2003, and the date of the enactment of this Act may be considered for purposes of this section, but only if reported during the 60-day period beginning on the date of the enactment of this Act.(d) Health-Care Services Required- (1) Any individual identified under subsection (b) shall be provided a health screening test by the Secretary of Defense. Such test shall be carried out using a bioassay procedure developed by the Secretary of Defense in consultation with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The same bioassay procedure shall be used for all types of exposure or possible exposure under subsection (c).(2)(A) In the case of an individual with an exposure event described in subsection (c) other than under paragraph (4) of that subsection, the bioassay under paragraph (1) shall be administered not later than 180 days after the date of the event.(B) In the case of an individual with an exposure event described in subsection (c)(4), the bioassay under paragraph (1) shall be administered not later than 30 days after the end of the individual’s deployment in the theater of operations, but such individual may be provided the bioassay earlier upon the individual’s request.(3) The Secretary of Defense shall provide the results of any bioassay procedure under this subsection to the individual tested, and the primary care manager or primary care provider of that individual, not later than 30 days after the Secretary receives those results.(e) Personnel Tracking- The Secretary of each military department shall establish procedures for collecting, tracking, and maintaining information on the health status of individuals tested under subsection (d) for the purpose of assessing any long-term health consequences of exposure to depleted uranium.(f) Independent Review of Bioassay Types and Contamination Thresholds- The Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shall conduct an independent review of bioassay types and contamination thresholds for purposes of the testing under subsection (d).(g) Treatment- Based on the results of the bioassay tests, the Secretary of the military department concerned shall provide appropriate treatment for any illness of an individual resulting from a depleted uranium contamination or exposure.
(a) Survey- The Comptroller General shall conduct a survey of radioisotope identification equipment used by the Department of Defense in order to assess the capability of Department of Defense facilities to identify concentrations of different radioisotopes in naturally occurring levels of uranium.(b) Report- The Comptroller General shall submit to Congress a report on the results of the survey under subsection (a) not later than 180 days after the date of the enactment of this Act.
NO DU ヒロシマ・プロジェクトMLより
Monday, May 31, 2004
(その後の議論から)(伊達純 仮訳)
[du-list]”75 sieverts is normal” if you want acute radiation syndrome(「75シーベルトが普通」 急性放射線症候群になる場合)
From: davey garland <thunderelf@yahoo.co.uk>
Date: Mon, 31 May 2004 15:45:18 +0100 (BST)
To: du-list@yahoogroups.com, du-watch@yahoogroups.com, pandora-project@yahoogroups.com, earthfirstalert@yahoogroups.com, gulfwarveterans@groups.msn.com, ozpeace@yahoogroups.com, abolition-caucus@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [du-list] scrap radioactive metal
Scrap-laden trucks from Iraq banned entry
AMMAN (JT) ― Customs authorities have banned scrap-laden trucks from Iraq entering the Kingdom after on-the-spot checks detected radioactive metal among the cargo.
The shipment was en route to Aqaba Port for export to the United States, Britain, and European countries.
Officials used devices that were able to detect quantities of enriched uranium in the shipment.
The officials said one truck was carrying “around 40 tonnes of scrap that had radioactive material stuck to it,” adding that the total quantity was measured at
1,118 sievert (a measurement of radiation) while the normal limit is 75 sv.
Sources told Al Rai and The Jordan Times the vehicles were sent back to Iraq.
Government Spokesperson Asma Khader could not immediately confirm the report but told Agence France-Presse that Jordan had taken measures to ensure scrap entering the country from Iraq was not contaminated.
“We had scientific information that scrap and metal could be contaminated and radioactive… so Jordan took preventive measures to test these shipments before they enter the country,” Khader told AFP.
“We took all the necessary measures and have placed detection devices at the border (with Iraq) to make sure that no such material enters Jordan before it is tested.”
The same sources added that Jordan has also banned the entry of foodstuff from Iraq for fear of contamination as a result of the US bombardment of the country during the war.
Jordan has set up three testing centres on the border, capable of detecting traces of enriched uranium as well as chemical material.
AFP reported that The New York Times newspaper on Friday said military equipment as well as seemingly brand-new parts of oil rigs and water plants might be leaving Iraq by truck every day in what could be a massive looting operation.
“This is systematically plundering the country,” John Hamre of the Centre for Strategic and International Studies, a nonpartisan Washington research institute, told the paper.
While coalition authorities have approved the removal of scrap metal from Iraq, including thousands of damaged Iraqi tanks and military vehicles, material seen in scrapyards in neighbouring Jordan include new material from Iraq’s civil infrastructure, the daily said.
One hundred semitrailers loaded with what is billed as scrap metal arrive in Jordan everyday from Iraq bearing legitimate scrap metal, but also inestimable amounts of plundered material, said the paper.
The customs sources that spoke to Al Rai and The Jordan Times said they deal with 200-250 trucks on a daily basis.
The New York Times said one of its reporters saw “piles of valuable copper and aluminum ingots and bars, large stacks of steel rods and water pipe and giant flanges for oil equipment, all in nearly mint condition, as well as chopped up railroad boxcars, huge numbers of shattered Iraqi tanks and even beer kegs marked with the words `Iraqi Brewery.’”
The head of the UN International Atomic Energy Agency’s verification office in Iraq, Jacques Baute, told the paper that satellite photographs the agency uses to monitor hundreds of military-industrial sites for the removal of sensitive material show “jarring”
Entire buildings and complexes of as many as a dozen buildings have vanished from the photographs, he said.
“We see sites that have totally been cleaned out,”
Baute added.
The Centre for Strategic and International Studies has sent a team to Iraq and issued a report on reconstruction efforts at the request of the Pentagon last July.
Sam Whitfield, a spokesman for the Coalition Provisional Authority, told the paper that the coalition had put a stop to widespread looting in Iraq.
But an engineer at a scrapyard in Sahab, Jordan, pointed to items that did not look like scrap at all.
He indicated five-metre-long bars of carbon steel, water pipes 30 centimetres in diameter stacked in triangular piles three metres high and large falanges he identified as oil-well equipment.
“It’s still new and worth a lot,” Mohammad Al Dajah told the Times. “Why are they here? They need it there,” he said.
Monday, May 31, 2004
(again) more than this level in Iraqi scrap metal they are handling either pure uranium or other “special nuclear materials”. The levels reported in the article warrant highest level of emergency response to anyone handling the material. There must be a mistake reporting the numbers. Tell your friends to evacuate immediately.
レーチェルの環境健康ニュース 小規模改訂版14の予防のための理由
レーチェルの環境健康ニュース 小規模改訂版14の予防のための理由
NO DU ヒロシマ・プロジェクトMLより
(佐藤周一仮訳 翻訳途中)
レーチェルの環境健康ニュース 小規模改訂版
Rachel’s Environment & Health News
Fourteen Reasons for Precaution
May 13, 2004
さらに多くのこどもたちがこの「安全」といわれた量で中毒になり、新しい評価基準が取られた。「20マイクログラムが安全だ そして、このとき、私たちはそれを正しいと受け取っていた」と危険評価者はいった。
Rachel’s Environment & Health News
Fourteen Reasons for Precaution
May 13, 2004
In Rachel’s #789 and #790, we offered responses to the critics of precaution. Here we take a positive approach and offer 14 basic arguments FOR precaution.
Probably the strongest argument for precaution is that the old risk- based approach has harmed large numbers of people and has badly damaged the environment.
For example, many millions of children have been hurt by the old risk- based approach. Consider just toxic lead. As early as 1897, some paint companies knew enough about the dangers of lead to advertise that their paints were NOT made with toxic lead. (See the 1897 paint label at www.rachel.org/library/getfile.cfm?ID=263.) Obviously, if one paint company knew it, all paint companies knew it — or should have. A least-harmful alternative was clear in 1897.
But from 1897 to 1976, risk assessment was used to justify the continued use of toxic lead in paint and many paint companies continued to use it. First the risk assessors said 60 micrograms in a tenth of a liter of blood was “safe” for children. Large numbers of children were severely poisoned by this assessment, and so a new “risk assessment” established that 40 micrograms was “safe.” More children were badly poisoned by this “safe” amount, so a new risk assessment was undertaken: “Twenty micrograms is safe — and this time we’ve got it RIGHT,” said the risk assessors — but more children were poisoned, their IQs diminished, their ability to concentrate ruined, their capacity to cope with stress destroyed — they became aggressive, even violent, they dropped out of school and headed for life in prison or permanent low-wage hell, or they committed suicide. All thanks to mistaken risk assessments. Today risk assessors claim 10 micrograms of lead is “safe,” but many scientists and doctors know this isn’t true and wonder if even 2 micrograms of lead in a tenth of a liter of blood deserves to be called “safe.” (For more of this shameful history, see Rachel’s #189, #213, #214, #294, #376, #686, #688, #689.)
The old risk-based approach to decisions asked, “How much harm is acceptable?” or “How much harm can we get away with?” The newer precautionary approach asks, “How much harm can we avoid?” The difference is profound.
Here (once again) is the basic statement of the precautionary principle [1]:
If we have reasonable suspicion of harm even in the face of some scientific uncertainty we all have a duty to take action to avert harm. We can take four kinds of precautionary action:
1. Set and state our goals (including implicit ones, such as justice and democratic participation). Different parties may have different goals, and it’s good to acknowledge this.
2. Assess available alternatives for achieving the goals.
3. Gather and consider complete and accurate information — and the proponent bears the burden of providing it. This is what we mean by “shifting the burden of proof” onto the proponent of a new technology.
4. Involve affected parties in decisions (beginning at the earliest possible stages when questions are being asked and goals set). Provide them the wherewithal to participate in a sustained way and respect their values, knowledge, experience and preferences.
My observation, from living in New Jersey, is that the major obstacle to a precautionary approach is the refusal of decision-makers to consider all available information.
Somehow we need to establish a “duty to consider” all available information. This will not be easy because some government officials advance their careers by NOT examining available information. Just two examples will illustrate the point:
New Jersey recently issued a license to a garbage incinerator to spew 10,000 pounds of toxic lead, in the form of a fine, breathable dust into a predominantly black, Hispanic and low-income community during the next 5 years. The state’s top environmental official, Dr. Bradley Campbell, argues that this poses an “acceptable risk” to the affected children because his “risk assessment” shows that the lead would only cause an “acceptable” number of cancers — conveniently ignoring 100 years of data showing that the greatest danger from lead is not cancer but is damage to the central nervous system, reduced IQ, and destruction of a child’s life possibilities. By restricting the risk assessment to cancer, and ignoring the main toxic effect of lead, the state is able to keep an incinerator owner happy. Will N.J. governor James McGreevey’s re-election campaign be rewarded by lawyers and consultants close to the incinerator company?
Example number two: Recently the state of New Jersey refused to examine the toxic chemicals in sewage sludge — arguing that they didn’t need to know what was in sludge today because their previous risk assessment (which they cannot locate in their files) had determined that sludge was “safe” to use as fertilizer on soil. The state’s top environmental official, Dr. Bradley Campbell, says flatly that sludge-as-fertilizer will not release troublesome amounts of toxins into soils, water or air. He says that criticisms of his sludge policy “have no basis in the science and data.”
Without any testing, Dr. Campbell and his colleagues claim to know to a scientific certainty that sludge does not contain worrisome amounts of perfluorooctanes; phthalates; phenols (e.g., nonylphenol); polybrominated flame retardants, including hexabromocyclododecane (HBCD); DDE; tributyl tin; fenvalerate; cesium-137; strontium-90; radium; antidepressants; birth-control hormones; pain relievers; insect repellents; antibiotics; sun block; disinfectants and antimicrobials; deodorant fragrances; perfumes; anti-cholesterol drugs; growth hormones; caffeine; nicotine; aspirin; fluoxetine and norfluoxetine (the active ingredients in Prozac); and sertraline and norsertraline (found in Zoloft), Viagara, and other pharmaceutical and personal care products. It is worth noting that fish living downstream from sewage treatment plants in New Jersey contain most or all of these substances. [2]
There’s no end to the scientific information that can be ignored by dedicated risk assessors when they set out to shore up a political decision.
Yes, we need somehow to establish a “duty to consider” all available information — to prevent sleazy bureaucrats from cherry-picking data and phonying up “risk assessments” to support decisions that have been made for political purposes. (Readers’ thoughts on how to establish a “duty to consider” all available information would be welcome at erf@rachel.org.)
But scientific information is not the only kind of information needed for decisions. Complete and accurate information means more than just scientific knowledge (which is, of course, essential). It includes historical knowledge, spiritual knowledge, local knowledge, business knowledge, community preferences, cultural values, artistic perceptions, and so on. This is not anti-science; it merely acknowledges that there are other valid ways of knowing about the world. As the European Environment Agency is fond of saying, “Science should be on tap, not on top.”
Sometimes non-scientific information is characterized as “emotional” and “emotional” is then equated with “irrational.” However, we should recognize that emotions — including fear — have served humans well for eons, so there is nothing wrong with an “emotional” response. When you’re operating in the dark, it’s smart to be cautious — and somewhat fearful — so being “emotional” can be entirely rational. Emotional does not equal irrational.
#1: Past practices have failed us: As noted above, many past practices have damaged the environment and public health. The old risk-assessment- based approach has been harmful, so we need a new way of making decisions. As a result of past practices, many kinds of chronic diseases are now increasing: childhood cancers, breast cancer, cancers of the testicles and prostate, nervous system disorders (Parkinson’s Disease, Lou Gehrig’s disease), immune system disorders (diabetes, asthma), are all increasing.[3]
Birth defect rates are steadily increasing. The federal Centers for Disease Control in 1990 summarized the trends in 38 types of birth defects; they found 29 increasing, 2 decreasing, and 7 remaining unchanged.[4]
In 1987, about 45% of Americans were living with one or more chronic conditions (a term that includes chronic diseases and impairments). In 1935, the proportion was 22%, so chronic conditions have approximately doubled during the last 60 years. The majority of people with chronic conditions are not disabled, nor are they elderly. In fact, one out of every four children in the U.S. (25%) now lives with a chronic condition.[5]
#2: The world is now full: On a global scale, there is abundant evidence that the world is no longer empty but is now full — of humans and their artifacts.
Examples: Humans are now appropriating for their own use 40% of all terrestrial net primary product of photosynthesis; within one doubling of human population (40 to 45 years), this number will rise to 80%.[6] In other words, humans are appropriating 40% of ALL the biological activity that creates the bottom of the food chain for ALL land-based creatures. We are squeezing other life-forms out of existence.
Some consequences of a full world: Worldwide, topsoil is being depleted at least 10 times as fast as nature can create it.[7] Species are being driven to extinction at rates somewhere between 100 and 1000 times as fast as historical rates of extinction.[8] The earth’s capacity to absorb or assimilate wastes has been exceeded — the evidence for this is unmistakable: global warming, depletion of the Earth’s ozone shield, the presence of toxic chemicals in salmon and other fish, and industrial poisons in breast milk, for example. There is no longer any place called “away” where it is safe to throw our discards. Living in a full world means that we have new responsibilities to be careful, to try hard to avoid causing further harm, and to give the benefit of the doubt to the environment and human health.
Our current ways of making decisions evolved when the world was thought to be “empty.” Now the world is a different kind of place — it is full, and new conditions demand new ways of making decisions.
#3: Early warnings: When traveling in the dark, we naturally move cautiously and keep all our senses attuned for signs of danger. When flying blind, we pay close attention to the first sign of shapes emerging in the clouds ahead and take action to avert harm at our earliest opportunity. In other words, we look for, and heed, early warnings. In the recent past, we as a society have failed to heed early warnings. Evidence: asbestos, lead in paint, lead in gasoline, PCBs [polychlorinated biphenyls], phthalates, polybrominated diphenyls, and many pesticides, for example.[9] Precaution tells us to look for, pay close attention to, and ACT upon, early warnings.
#4: Benefit of the doubt: When we’re not sure what the effects of our actions will be (uncertainty), we should give the benefit of the doubt to public health and the environment.
#5: Natural rights: We all have a right to a clean, healthful environment. To avoid breaching this right, we all have a responsibility to anticipate harm and take steps to avert it.
#6: Responsibility for our behavior: We are all responsible for the consequences of our behavior, and we all have a responsibility to prevent impending harm.
#7 Our role as trustees: We are all trustees of the world that we inherited. We have a responsibility to preserve it, and pass it along to the next generation undamaged. This is a traditional “conservative” view, as espoused by, for example, Edmund Burke (1727-1797).
Once we accept the responsibility to try to prevent harm, then the rest follows: the way to protect the future is to set goals, examine alternative ways of achieving those goals, consider all information (which entails democratic participation by affected parties) — and give consideration, too, to the information that is missing — and choose the least-harmful alternative.
#8: Local Precedents: In most locales, we already have precautionary language and behavior in some of our laws and practices. As San Francisco has done (see Rachel’s #765), we can catalog these and organize them into a coherent “environmental code,” which can begin with a preamble that asserts everyone’s right to a clean environment, everyone’s responsibility to protect the environment and avert harm, and the need for an anticipatory, precautionary approach to stewardship.
At the federal level, we have precaution built into the pre-market testing of pharmaceutical products, and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA’s) monitoring program that aims to identify unexpected reactions to pharmaceutical products. The European Union is trying to establish pre-market testing as the norm for all industrial chemicals — a proposal known as REACH (Registration, Evaluation and Authorization of Chemicals). The Europeans have a slogan that captures the essence of REACH: No data, no market. In other words, if a chemical has not been thoroughly tested for effects on human health and the environment, it cannot be marketed. Needless to say, REACH is being opposed bitterly and vociferously by the Bush Administration and the chemical industry world-wide, who favor the “flying blind” approach because it has made them hugely wealthy (at enormous cost to the public).
Surely it’s only a matter of time before pre-market testing becomes standard procedure and “No data, no market” is widely applied to products far beyond mere chemicals.
#9: Public decision-making process: Precaution establishes a decision- making process where perhaps there was none before. In many locales, decisions are made ad hoc (“by the seat of your pants”), not by any systematic procedure. Precaution offers a systematic way to make decisions, and thus rationalizes governmental decision-making.
#10: Redefining the Role of Governmental Decision-makers: The precautionary approach redefines several key questions for governmental decision-makers. It is no longer sufficient to ask, “Is it legal?” and “Is it safe?” Government must now also ask, “Is it necessary?” That raises the question, “How do we determine what’s necessary?” Can necessity be tied to goals — can our goals define what is “necessary” and what is not? Another way to approach it: If there are alternatives, then a thing is not “necessary.”
Governmental decision-makers can also now say with confidence, “We acknowledge that our world will never be free from risk. However, any risk that is unnecessary or not freely chosen is not acceptable.” This highlights the point that government decisions are only legitimate if they are made with the informed consent of those affected. (As the Declaration of Independence says, governments derive their “just powers” from “the consent of the governed.”) Precaution revitalizes and strengthens democracy.
The precautionary approach also gives governmental decision-makers permission (and an obligation) to consider the full range of costs including costs beyond the original price.
#11: Religious: The Earth belongs to God and we have a duty to protect it from harm. In trying to protect God’s creation, we have a duty to try to foresee and forestall harm because if we wait for proof of harm before acting, harm will occur and we will have failed in our duty. If harm becomes evident, we have a duty to stop the harmful activity (and to look around and find and stop similarly harmful activities elsewhere) and to take restorative action.
#12: Economic arguments:
1) Publicly-traded corporations are severely restricted in what they can do. Under law, they have a fiduciary duty to return a modest, more- or-less steady profit to investors, and any goal that conflicts with that duty is, as a matter of law, of secondary importance. This gives corporations a powerful incentive to externalize their costs — dumping wastes into the environment (usually legally, thanks to pliant governments), harming and disrespecting their workers, avoiding and evading their fair share of taxes, and so on.) It’s not that corporations are run by bad people — it’s that the law that creates every corporation requires good people to do bad things.
2) We should note that precaution is fundamental to the insurance industry — anticipating harm and taking steps to mitigate its effects (partly by sharing the costs, partly by agreeing to avoid risky behavior). Often insured parties are required to take steps to avert foreseeable harm (install smoke detectors; minimize the use of radioactive or highly reactive chemicals; maintain and inspect equipment such as elevators, etc.) So precaution is built in to some businesses.
3) Precaution stimulates innovation, creating satisfying and long-term (sustainable) jobs.[10]
4) Waste is evidence of design failure. We pay to produce, process, and dispose of something that we don’t even want. Avoiding waste is precautionary and makes economic sense.
#13: Medical: Medical practitioners take precautionary action all the time. They rarely have full information, but they take action to avert harm, giving the benefit of the doubt to the well being of their patient. Public health practitioners have taken “primary prevention” as the starting point of public health policy since about 1850.
#14: Media: Reporters (and more importantly editors) could take a precautionary approach by asking what alternatives were considered in any unfolding story that has ramifications for public health or the environment. They could also ask the three basic precautionary questions:
1) Has anyone found less harmful alternatives? (Has anyone looked?)
2) How much harm is preventable?
3) Do we know enough to act to prevent harm?
–Peter Montague ================
[1] Article 15 of the Rio Declaration (1992) contains an early statement of the precautionary principle and can be found here: www.rachel.org/library/getfile.cfm?ID=201 . The Wingspread Statement on the Precautionary Principle (1998) can be found here: www.rachel.org/library/getfile.cfm?ID=189<http://www.rachel.org/library/getfile.cfm?ID=189>
[2] See the eight articles on N.J. groundwater contamination by Matthew Brown and Jan Barry published in the Bergen Record Sept. 22, 23 and 24, 2002. And see Alex Nussbaum, “NJ Water Contains Traces of Daily Life,” Bergen Record March 5, 2003. And see Chris Gosier, “Water Detectives Search for Poisons,” Daily Record March 3, 2003. And see “Analyzing the Ignored Environmental Contaminants,” Environmental Science and Technology [ES&T] April 1, 2002, pgs. 140A-145A. The N.J. newspaper articles can be found by searching www.gsenet.org<www.gsenet.org>.
[3] Rising rates of many kinds of diseases were documented in Rachel’s #417, available at www.rachel.org/bulletin/index.cfm? issue_ID=708<www.rachel.org/bulletin/index.cfm? issue_ID=708> .
[4] Larry D. Edmonds and others, “Temporal Trends in the Prevalence of Congenital Malformations at Birth Based on the Birth Defects Monitoring Program, United States, 1979-1987,” MMWR [Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report] CDC SURVEILLANCE SUMMARIES Vol. 39, No. SS-4 (December 1990), pg. 22.
[5] Catherine Hoffman and others, “Persons With Chronic Conditions,” Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) Vol. 276, No. 18 (November 13, 1996), pgs. 1473-1479. The data describe the non- institutionalized population.
[6] Peter M. Vitousek, and others. “Human Appropriation of the Products of Photosynthesis,” Bioscience Vol. 36 No. 6 (June, 1986), pgs. 368- 373. Available at: www.rachel.org/library/getfile.cfm?ID=376<http://www.rachel.org/library/getfile.cfm?ID=376>
For additional evidence supporting the “full world” hypothesis, see Peter M. Vitousek and others, “Human Domination of Earth’s Ecosystems,” Science Vol. 277 (July 25, 1997), pgs. 494-499; available at www.rachel.org/library/getfile.cfm?ID=200 . And see Jane Lubchenco, “Entering the Century of the Environment: A New Social Contract for Science,” Science Vol. 279 (Jan. 23, 1998), pgs. 491-497, available at www.rachel.org/library/getfile.cfm?ID=203<http://www.rachel.org/library/getfile.cfm?ID=203>
[7] David Pimentel and others, “Environmental and Economic Costs of Soil Erosion and Conservation Benefits,” Science, Vol. 267, No. 5201. (Feb. 24, 1995), pp. 1117-1123, available at www.rachel.org/library/getfile.cfm?ID=381<http://www.rachel.org/library/getfile.cfm?ID=381>
[8] Stuart L. Pimm and others, “The Future of Biodiversity,” Science Vol. 269 (July 21, 1995), pgs. 347-350, available at www.rachel.org/library/getfile.cfm?ID=382<http://www.rachel.org/library/getfile.cfm?ID=382>
[9] Poul Harremoes and others, Late lessons from early warnings: the precautionary principle 1896-2000 [Environmental Issue Report No. 22] (Copenhagen, Denmark: European Environment Agency, 2001). This report is available free at www.rachel.org/library/getfile.cfm?ID=301<http://www.rachel.org/library/getfile.cfm?ID=301> but be aware that it’s a couple of megabytes in size.
[10] Frank Ackerman and Rachel Massey, Prospering With Precaution. This short report, published during 2002 by the Global Development and Environment Institute at Tufts University, argues that precautionary policies promote industrial innovation and create jobs. Available at www.rachel.org/library/getfile.cfm?ID=218<http://www.rachel.org/library/getfile.cfm?ID=218>
Depleted Morality
The first signs of uranium sickness surface in troops returning from Iraq By Frida Berrigan
NO DU ヒロシマ・プロジェクトMLより
(佐藤周一仮訳 翻訳途中)
Depleted Morality
The first signs of uranium sickness surface in troops returning from Iraq
By Frida Berrigan
IN THESE DAYS (May 18, 2004)
News > May 18, 2004
Depleted Morality
The first signs of uranium sickness surface in troops returning from Iraq
By Frida Berrigan
Sergeant Mark Callihan (right) and Staff Sergeant Sean Bach inventory 25mm depleted uranium rounds at their base in Tikrit, Iraq.
It’s a year into the occupation and U.S. troops are being killed at a rate of more than four a day. These deaths from roadside bombs, suicide attackers, anti-U.S. militia and mobs of angry civilians make headlines. More quietly, American soldiers also are beginning to suffer injuries from a silent and pernicious weapon material of U.S. origin?depleted uranium (DU).
DU weaponry is fired by U.S. troops from the Abrams battle tank, A-10 Warthog and other systems. It is pyrophoric, burning spontaneously on impact, and extremely dense, making DU munitions ideal for penetrating an enemy’s tank armor or reinforced bunker. It also is the toxic and radioactive byproduct of enriched uranium, the fissile material in nuclear weapons.
When a DU shell hits its target, it burns, losing anywhere from 40 percent to 70 percent of its mass and dispersing a fine toxic radioactive dust that can be carried long distances by winds or absorbed into the soil and groundwater. The U.S. Army and Air Force have fired 127 tons of DU munitions in Iraq in the last year, says Michael Kilpatrick, the Pentagon’s director of the Deployment Health Support Directorate.
At the beginning of April?the deadliest month of the war and occupation so far?a New York Daily News investigation found that four National Guardsmen have been contaminated by radioactive dust.
The men were part of the 442nd Military Police Company based in Orangeburg, New York, which went to Iraq last summer to guard convoys and prisons and train the new Iraqi police. While the whole company is due back in the United States by the end of April, a number of soldiers were sent home early, suffering from persistent headaches and fatigue, nausea and dizziness, joint pain and excessive urination.
They sought medical attention and testing from the Army but were ignored. Nine of the returned soldiers, frustrated with this treatment, sought independent testing and examination from a uranium expert contracted by the New York Daily News. The independent expert’s tests showed four of the soldiers had high levels of depleted uranium in their systems.
Asaf Durakovic, a physician and nuclear medicine expert with the Uranium Medical Research Center based in Washington, examined the GIs and performed the testing. The Daily News quoted him as saying: “These are amazing results, especially since these soldiers were military police not exposed to the heat of battle. Other American soldiers who were in combat must have more depleted uranium exposures.”
Second Platoon Sergeant Hector Vega tested positive for DU exposure. He is a 48-year-old retired postal worker from the Bronx and has served in the National Guard for 27 years. After being stationed in Iraq last year, he suffers from insomnia and constant headaches.
Durakovic found that Vega and three of his fellow Guardsmen are the first confirmed cases of inhaled depleted uranium exposure from the current Iraq conflict. These cases raise the specter of much more widespread radiation exposure among coalition soldiers and Iraqi civilians than the Pentagon predicted.
Pentagon spokesmen consistently have maintained that depleted uranium is safe for U.S. troops and Iraqi civilians. In May 2003, the Associated Press quoted Lt. Col. Michael Sigmon, deputy surgeon for the U.S. Army’s V Corps, saying, “There is not really any danger, at least that we know about, for the people of Iraq.” Sigmon asserted that children playing with expended tank shells would have to eat and then practically suffocate on DU residue to cause harm.
Yet, according to a 1998 report by the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, the inhalation of DU particles can lead to symptoms such as fatigue, shortness of breath, lymphatic problems, bronchial complaints, weight loss and an unsteady gait. These symptoms match those of sick veterans of the Gulf and Balkan wars. In November 1999, NATO sent its commanders the following warning: “Inhalation of insoluble depleted uranium dust particles has been associated with long-term health effects, including cancers and birth defects.” A study that same year found that depleted uranium can stay in the lungs for up to two years. “When the dust is breathed in, it passes through the walls of the lung and into the blood, circulating through the whole body,” wrote Dr. Rosalie Bertell, a Canadian epidemiologist. When inhaled, she concluded, DU “represents a serious risk of damaged immune systems and fatal cancers.”
A four-year study released last year by the Defense Department and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention also found “significantly higher prevalences” of heart and kidney birth defects in the children of Gulf War veterans, though it did not mention DU specifically.
The Pentagon’s professions of DU’s safety also is directly contradicted by the Army’s training manual, which acknowledges the hazards of DU, requiring that anyone who comes within 25 meters of DU-contaminated equipment or terrain wear respiratory and skin protection. The manual warns: “Contamination will make food and water unsafe for consumption.”
The men of the 442nd Company said they had never heard of depleted uranium and they were not issued dust masks or other protective gear.
Responding to the New York Daily News article, and calls for testing from Democratic Senators Hillary Clinton and Charles Schumer New York, an army spokeswoman told the Associated Press that “the military would test any soldier that expressed concerns about uranium exposure.” At the request of Representatives Ciro Rodriguez (D-Texas) and Robert Filner (D-Calif.), the General Accounting Office (GAO) now is investigating whether the Pentagon has ignored the medical consequences of depleted uranium armaments. Based on the GAO’s findings, Filner and Rodruguez are considering the introduction of legislation to extend service benefits to veterans who develop health conditions that can plausibly be caused by depleted uranium exposure.
These are steps in the right direction. But the men of the 442 and the 131,000 U.S. and 24,000 Coalition soldiers serving in Iraq deserve more. They deserve a ban on Depleted Uranium.
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NO DU ヒロシマ・プロジェクトMLより
Democracy Now! (Friday, April 23rd, 2004)
Joint Chiefs of Staff Chair Pressed to Improve Depleted Uranium Testing
Democracy Now! (Friday, April 23rd, 2004)
Joint Chiefs of Staff Chair Pressed to Improve Depleted Uranium Testing
Earlier this month, a New York Daily News special investigation by Democracy Now! co-host Juan Gonzalez found the first confirmed cases of inhaled depleted uranium exposure from the current Iraq conflict. At a hearing of the Senate Armed Services Committee, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Richard Myers was questioned by Sen. Hillary Clinton (D-NY) about depleted uranium testing policies .
Senior Bush administration officials came under harsh questioning Tuesday at a hearing of the Senate Armed Services Committee. The hearing was among a host of question-and-answer face-offs Congress scheduled for administration officials amid increased anxiety on Capitol Hill about the course of the Iraq invasion and occupation.
Among those to appear before the committee were Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz, one of the key architects of the invasion of Iraq, and General Richard Myers, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
At the hearing, Democratic Senator Hillary Clinton of New York pressed Myers about the issue of depleted uranium. She cited the Daily News investigation Democracy Now! co-host Juan Gonzalez conducted earlier this month. She spoke about testing in the U.S. compared to that in Japan and Germany and asked Myers about what actions he would take regarding the issue depleted uranium contamination.
* Sen. Hillary Clinton (D-NY), questions Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Richard Myers at the Senate Armed Services Committee on April 20, 2004.