オーストラリアからの警告:A Hard Rain(最新ビデオ:6分)




昨年8月、広島で開かれたICBUW(ウラン兵器禁止を求める国際連合)国際大会でも、とても貴重な報告をしてくれたブラッドベリーさんの最新ドキュメンタリー「A Hard Rain」の警告です。6分の短縮版が、インターネットにアップされています。



嘉指(かざし)信雄   NO DU ヒロシマ・プロジェクト


“Dear Friends,

We are currently in Roxby Downs in South Australia, the home of the largest uranium deposit in the world –  to screen A Hard Rain, David Bradbury’s latest documentary on the realities of nuclear power and uranium mining.

As luck would have it today is BHP Billiton sponsored Family Fun Day which is taking place in the main street of Roxby. There are free company giveaways, a sausage sizzle, music and lots of activities for the kids.

We are five people who have traveled from northern New South Wales and Sydney to screen A Hard Rain and to talk with the community about the issues raised in the film. We have already received feedback that people working for the mine are coming to the screenings this Monday and Wednesday to contest the ‘facts’ put forward by David in his film.

The following link is a 6 minute clip that has recently been put together which summarises the concerns held by many of us about the triple expansion at Olympic Down/Roxby Downs. Please watch it and forward it on to your networks.


