![]() 今井君はこんな人です。(メールから)
今井@札幌です。 美帆シボさんへ
![]() 今井@札幌です。 最近、僕からの報告は以前よりは少なくなりましたが、サッポロ・プロジェクトが 設立されてから早くも3ヶ月たったので、サッポロについて報告しますね♪ 構成メンバーとしては高校生3人、大学生3人くらい、あとは社会人となっています が、総勢50人くらい、実働は25人くらいだと思います。MLには登録されていません が、いつも新しい方が見えて、非常に楽しくやっています。 平均年齢は30前半かと思います。とにかく若い人が多い!!という感じです。 これから市民運動に若い人が多く参加していかなければ本当にまずい状況になるか と思います。全国的に見ても、若い人が非常に参加が少ないかと思いますので、そう いったことを本当に考える時期が来ているかと思います。 お互いにがんばりましょう!!以上、報告でした〜!! 今井紀明 ![]() 今井@札幌です。 ただいま、東京の劣化ウラン弾廃絶キャンペーンのメルマガを作成していますが、 今週からは各地方の動きを下記のように掲載します(札幌は今回だけ、今月の動きみ たいになっていますが)。 なので、広島の方にもぜひお願いしたいのです。森瀧さんは忙しいと思うので、左 党さん、お願いできますか?簡単でいいので、今日中にお願いします。勝手にお願い して申し訳ありません。 ちなみに、みなさん、メルマガの登録、してくださいねー♪ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 今週の各地方の動き ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ★☆☆☆☆★札幌★☆☆☆☆★ 札幌では3月13日に高遠菜穂子さんという、一人でイラクにストリートチルドレン の自立支援をしていた方の講演会をする予定で、同日からはイラクの子供たちの絵の 展示会も3週間行ないます。また、20日からはヒバクシャの上映を2週間毎日午前10時 から行います。 別件としては講演会記録冊子の作成中。これは3月一杯でできるかと思います。工 夫としては経費はかかりますが、NPOに講演会の講師の話したことのテープ起こし を障がい者支援NPOに委託をしようかと考えています。お互いに支えあうという意 味で。 また、劣化ウラン弾の危険性をこどもたちや親につたえる絵本を作成中です。期間 はかなりかかるかと思いますが、急ピッチで進行中です。 連絡先は代表・今井紀明まで。メルアドはnoriaki-chuba@nifty.com まで。 ★☆☆☆☆★旭川★☆☆☆☆★ 劣化ウラン弾廃絶の旭川での取り組みですが、いま計画しているところです。こち らの事情でいいますと、つい最近「旭川平和委員会青年部」を立ち上げたところなの でもうすこし青年部の活動が落ち着いたところで(3月7日にイラク報告会をやるの で、それ以降くらいに)本格的に着手しようかと考えています。(略) ![]() 今井@札幌です。 先日はヒロシマ・プロジェクトの皆さんに本当にお世話になりました。みなさん、 温かい対応ありがとうござます。 23日に大阪により、札幌に帰ってきましたが、多くの困難が待ち受けておりまし た(笑)。札幌は大荒れで千歳空港へ行く便がほとんど欠航になり、全く北海道に帰 ることができませんでした。何とか帰ってきたと思ったら、今度は千歳から札幌駅ま でのJRの送電線が壊れ、動けない。なんでこんな目に遭うのか、と自問自答しなが ら日記を書き、昨日帰ってきた次第です。 とりあえず、昨日はロータリークラブで講演し、今日はヒバクシャの上映のために 映画館にの支配人に会ってきます。どうやら、僕がシアターキノという映画館の支配 人に電話すると「6月頃から上映」する予定らしかったのですが、3月20日から上 映してくれることになりました。これから宣伝戦略を立ててきます。 また、ご連絡しますね。本当にありがとうございました。今回はマスコミ関係者に も本当にお世話になりましたので、重ねてお礼申し上げます。 /////////////////////////////////////// フリーライター Noriaki imai 今井紀明 /////////////////////////////////////// ![]() Mr. Imai is such a person. (From mail. ) From forwarding Sapporo: Imai's E-mail on seven Himizu day of the week April (about 3:00AM) I'm Imai. It sends it to the plural. The lingua of Rima departure Tona at ten o'clock at six o'clock originally though it is a departure. It becomes", and it will go because there is an aspect to which it relieves it, too though there is respect about which it very worries because the unwise situation is transmitted more than the expectation, too. It will go by Mr. Takato and three people because it happily becomes a freelance cameraman by Crifhotel, and it ..Bagdad.. just enters. It met Noriko Morisawa by chance in Crifhotel, and it had spoken for a long time up to now. Moreover, it became by Mr. Mizue Furui indebted before was in Amman, too and understanding (Everyone is a journalist) became glad for a moment. It is the desire as the arrival tomorrow morning (After noon if you say at Japan standard time) at Bagdad < br > for the time being. Afterwards, it is likely to be able to go to the man Sur hospital and the Central hospital with original Mr. of JVC. It is likely to be able to act with original Mr. for the time being. The photograph was able to be taken in and Bagdad or the photograph was somewhat taken in Amman though it was a confused anxiety. I want to send the following in Bagdad though it was not thought whether to send mail again in Amman. Of course, there is somewhat anxiety though it is it is possible to reach at last Hana because the situation has worsened suddenly since yesterday why. The free cameraman whom oneself and Mr. Takato also have together want prayer < br > is done luck, too. From Imai who has gotten an anxiety for a moment There is sometimes writing in the billboard of Mr. Nahoko of Takato of whom Imai is going from < br > locale. 。 http://www.clubwee.com/bbs2/light.cgi From E-mail and forwarding Sapporo on the evening, Tuesday, April 6 Mail entered the secretariat Myelogenous leukemia from Imai a little while ago. I will forward it by the person in question's hope. It is Imai. It sends it to the plural. It is in Amman now. Amman is 10:30AM now. It is time difference with Japan six hours < br > Originally, it speaks with Mr. Takato, and it will face it tonight though it was to be attached to Bagdad. The reason is that the route that enters Bagdad has been blockaded in the case that the pull cadaver is put on trial as for the American soldier in Foluja. It makes a detour and it enters Bagdad though it is, and is a roundabout. Actually, very though it attached to Amman last night (4:00AM comes at Japan standard time) until reaching it at last. Considerably very. be able hardly to speak very and all English of the forced stay in Moscow especially It is safe for the time being. Equipment is not stolen. It doesn't lose. The dispatch of the Self Defense Forces was asked at that time this morning though it spoke with the teacher of Swedish's economics after it occurred (Because it was possible to catch it, became a conversation though English was not able to be spoken so much mutually). Especially, the impressive one :. 「 Will the Japanese:The people who love peace? Nevertheless, why do it dispatch it? Sweden is not dispatching it to the foreign country since World War II. 」 It was said, and there was no answer word. For the time being. It is scheduled that the business card is passed, and mail is done because it was said that come to Sweden this time. Moreover, it lived in Ukraine where English was not able to be spoken in the airport in Moscow at all, and it met a person Asian where with the family near Baikal. Apparently, because the power station put up has br ....may being to be drawn.. <.. > card from the president in the electronic or Turkmenistan clocking and for myself by getting, it is related to the construction dealings or the electro-technology. Is it said that exchange clocks at the end, and did get it from the president in Turkmenistan though it spoke by that and and the gesture? It gave the clock (with photograph of face) Moreover, this person will go to Bagdad in the future. Was it ordered? Anyway, there is a variable, and it becomes long if it speaks. It is ..arrival.. < br > wear schedule to Bagdad tomorrow. Apparently, it is considerably a hazard it is ..doing.. if soldier Spain in Najaf in the Bagdad southwest as long as yesterday's Jordan Times is read is killed about 20 people. A local < br > newspaper does the nature considerably told though Iraq thinks to a too detailed point in the newspaper of Japan it doesn't tell it. It goes while capturing information though an accurate thing cannot be said too much yet. Moreover, let's meet in the Internet cafe of Bagdad. Noriaki Imai It is Imai @ Sapporo. There are Mr. Maesaku and mail thank you. It is relieved a little to do the support activity of the street children in Iraq named Mr. Nahoko of Takato now br ..<.. > though contacted. Meet. Only have in be following Melad by you you in Hiroshima because can contact br <> by it when is in be tentative Tokyo in the Hotmail ..something... There is Kazashi mail thank you. It is scheduled to stay in Bagdad by two weeks or less in Iraq. The miso soup to be safe Mr. Kamanaka though the influence given in years how many is scared? It is relieved for a moment because it will be. It is scheduled to stay in Tokyo on around the 25th though it is thought that it comes back on the 17th. There is an examination to go to Britain, too. I want to hold out for the time being < br > It ..schedule to receive coverage.. receives it from the Hokkaido newspaper, Shinano Mainichi Shimbun, and Tokyo Shimbun already. Our generations also think knowing because it thinks that the time indicated by the action wears it little by little. I think that there might be a lot of people interested in doing so, too. It thinks. If the group that requests the abolitions of the depleted uranium ammunition of dependence or each various places that there is an opinion even if the bipartisan assembly member league of the depleted uranium ammunition is established can do for the time being It is cancer burr kipper Imai @ Sapporo for the time being. I have lectured it in Sapporo today. It was very glad for about 100 people to gather. Especially, I did not think that there must be very the latent ability by a young person being interested in the depleted uranium ammunition. It is glad to sell 21 that takes the Hiroshima appeal all. The cancer burr kipper hereafter. My best regards. It is Imai @ Sapporo. We will neglect to call really. It appears almost in the Myelogenous leukemia after it goes to Hiroshima in February and it is no br >< Imai. Ladies and gentlemen, are you energetic? The lecture meeting of Mr. Nahoko of Takato who is doing the independence support activity of the street children in Iraq is made to succeed in Sapporo, and keeping sell (The inventory and 100 were cut) and the variable sales thing sell in the Hiroshima appeal. Moreover, the activity where the picture book is made moves in Sapporo though is a little, too and it is a good condition. The member of Sapporo is invited to the variable lecture meeting, and I:Lingua of Rima lecture Tona of the fourth times tomorrow. It is scheduled to go to Tokyo in a day, and to go to Iraq on the fourth as an activity of the individual. A politician and a bipartisan assembly member league want to think that it cannot do, to have the implication everywhere and recently of the Democratic Party, to get the report from the secretary of Mr. Atsuo Nakamura of Green Party, and to cooperate with the group of the depleted uranium ammunition of Tokyo. I want to become each other still ..holding out.. ..♪.. the university in Britain to run some time the tie of Britain and Japan if it is possible to go though it is not when passing. It wishes the day it is possible to meet ..then... To Mr. Miho Nauclea pobeguinii Thank you for the report. My best regards because of not caring about the where to make contact at all. Please continue your favors toward the matter of the question moreover. I hope by all means though the story was somewhat heard from Mr./Ms. Kazashi before. Sorry to trouble you, but my best regards. It is Imai Noriaki Imai @ Sapporo. Recently, because three months already passed after it is established, ♪ ..the report of Sapporo.. though the report from me decreased than before. Sapporo project About three high school students and three university students think that working actually is about 50 25 whole numbers as a member though he or she is a member of society. Br <> does very happily always seeing new one no registration in the Myelogenous leukemia. I think the mean age to be 30 first halfs. Anyway, there are a lot of young people. It is feeling. A young person in the citizen movement in the future thinks that it becomes it a really unpalatable situation a lot of participation Shite squids. Because a young person thinks that participation is very little even if it sees on a nationwide scale, I think that time when it really thinks about this has come. Let's hold out mutually. It was a report above. Noriaki Imai It is Imai @ Sapporo. The various place movement is published as follows this week just now though the e-mail magazine of the depleted uranium ammunition abolition campaign of Tokyo is made (Sapporo : as moving about this month only this time). I want to ask and Hiroshima by all means. Because Moritaki thinks it is busy, could Mr. leftist party do? I hope by the end of today because it is easy and is good. I am sorry for asking without permission. You see, and by the way, it is enrollment of everybody and the e-mail magazine, and it does and is ♪. ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ This week various place movement ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ★ ☆☆☆☆★ Sapporo ★☆☆☆☆★ The exhibition of the picture of children in Iraq is held for three weeks on the same day the schedule of the lecture meeting of doing the independence support of the street children doing to alone Iraq named Mr. Nahoko of Takato in Sapporo March 13. Moreover, Hibacsha is screened at 10:00AM two every day of the week on the 20th. The lecture meeting log booklet is being made as another matter. I think that it can fully do this in March. It thinks whether I will do the consignment support NPO the hindrance though it costs expenditure as the device. the Kotono tape causing that the lecturer of the lecture meeting spoke NPO In the meaning of supporting it each other. Moreover, the picture book that tells the hazard of the depleted uranium ammunition to children and parents is being made. It is progressing rapidly though it is thought that it considerably takes the period. The where to make contact : to the representative and Noriaki Imai. Melad : to noriaki-chuba@nifty.com. ★ ☆☆☆☆★ It is to plan now though is a approach in Asahi River of Asahi River ★☆☆☆☆★ depleted uranium ammunition abolition. It thinks whether I will start it in full scale even if it settles down a little more the activity in the young person part because it is a good kipper, and was inadvertently a start-up of "Young person of an Asahi River peaceful committee part" in circumstances here recently (After that because the Iraq report association is done on March 7). (abbreviation) It is Imai @ Sapporo. I was really indebted to you of the Hiroshima project the other day. Everybody and warm correspondence thank you sitting kipper. Hosts of difficulties are waiting and goodness or more < br > (BG) though it came back to Sapporo by Osaka on the 23rd. Service where it went to the Chitose airport by the rage was almost canceled, and it was not possible to return to Hokkaido in Sapporo at all. Transmission line of JR from Chitose to Sapporo Station cannot break this time, and it move when thinking managing come back. The diary was written, and it came back yesterday though it was answer of asking oneself when it encountered such eyes why. It lectures in the rotary club yesterday, and it meets those who rule movie theater for screening Hibacsha today for the time being. Apparently, it will screen it on March 20 though it seeming is a schedule of "Screen in around June" when I call the manager in the movie theater of theater Dracaena cinnabari. Hereafter, an advertising strategy will be set up. Moreover, we will report. Thank you really. Thank you repeatedly because < br > was really indebted to the mass communication affiliate, too for this time. ///////////////////////////////////// Free-lance writer Noriaki Noriaki imai Imai /////////////////////////////////////// |