

ご報告: 国連への署名提出

                            嘉指信雄(NO DU ヒロシマ・プロジェクト代表 )


 今回の国連への署名提出は、当初は、NPT開催中のことでもあり、色々と難しい問題がありましたが、アトランタ在住のスティーヴ・リーパーさんなどの計らいで実現しました。リーパーさんは、NO DU ヒロシマ・プロジェクトのメンバーであり、広島市が進めている「核兵器廃絶シティー・キャンペーン」のスタッフでもあります。署名コピーは、リーパーさんから、現在、軍縮局長の地位にある阿倍信泰氏に確かに渡されました。(写真参照)

国連で開催したICBUW主催の「DU ワークショップ」の場で、署名簿のコピーをテーブルの上にうず高く積み上げ、「国連軍縮局に提出したいと思って持ってきました」と述べると、参加者の間から拍手とどよめきが起こりました。それは日本全体で集まった全署名簿の約10分の1に過ぎなくても、17冊に分厚く綴じ、手分けして皆ではるばる持参したものでした。
 全国津々浦々の皆さんがお寄せ下さった署名簿は、国際的な場で公表され、参加者にNO DU 国際キャンペーン運動高揚への決意を新たにさせる動機となることが確かにできたと感じます。改めて心より感謝いたします。



                                              May 23, 2005

Dear Mr. Kofi Annan,
Secretary-General, the United Nations:

Dear Mr. Nobuyasu Abe,
Under-Secretary-General for Disarmament Affaires, the United Nations,

  We, the International Coalition to Ban Uranium Weapons (ICBUW), would like to submit to you the signatures on the International Petition to Ban Uranium Weapons. Since the petition campaign started last summer, we have collected more than 160,000 signatures in Japan alone. These are copies of only a small part of them. We are continually receiving more from all over the world, including the countries where the uranium (or depleted uranium) weapons have been used.

  Secretary-General Annan, in the message you delivered on 6 November 2002 to mark the first observance of the International Day for Preventing the Exploitation of the Environment in War and Armed Conflict (resolution 56/4), you stated: “International conventions govern nuclear, chemical and biological weapons, but new technologies − such as depleted uranium ammunition − pose as yet unknown threats to the environment. Damage to the environment in war is also an impediment to the restoration of peace and rebuilding of society.”

  In complete agreement with your message, ICBUW organized its first “International Day of Action to Ban Uranium Weapons” on Nov. 6, 2004, carrying out various actions and events around the world.
In declaring the International Day of Action on 5 November 2001, the General Assembly stated that damage to the environment in times of armed conflict impairs ecosystems and natural resources long after the period of conflict, often extending beyond the limits of national territories and the present generation; We believe that this applies particularly to the case of (depleted) uranium weapons. Uranium weapons are weapons of indiscriminate destruction, and their use clearly violates many existing international humanitarian laws, as the Sub-Commission to the UN Commission on Human Rights stated in Res. 1996/16 and 1997/36.
We request that the UN take immediate concrete actions to ban uranium weapons, in accordance ith the voices and desires for peace and health expressed by many citizens of the world.
  We urge the UN to spare no efforts to conduct health surveys of the victims of depleted uranium weapons, make environmental investigations in all affected areas, and seek ways to provide medical treatment and compensation for the victims of depleted uranium weapons.
We will be immensely grateful for any effort you can make in this direction.

The International Coalition to Ban Uranium Weapons
Ketelhuisplein 43, 1054 RD Amsterdam, The Netherlands
e-mail: info@bandepleteduranium.org

For more information about the submission of these signatures from Japan, please contact the ICBUW board members below:

Dr. Nobuo Kazashi, NO DU Hiroshima Project:

Dr. Katsumi Furitsu, Campaign Against Radiation Exposure: