

「劣化ウラン兵器の使用禁止を求める意見書」採択 旭川市議会

「劣化ウラン兵器の使用禁止を求める意見書」採択 旭川市議会

NO DU ヒロシマ・プロジェクトMLより

—–Original Message—–
From: post-01032374-yuu=hiroshima-cdas.or.jp@post.freeml.com [mailto:post-01032374-yuu=hiroshima-cdas.or.jp@post.freeml.com] On Behalf Of Red Bear
Sent: Tuesday, April 20, 2004 1:27 PM
To: ML 劣化ウラン; ML 道平青年協; ML 旭平青年部
Subject: [cpnodu:0569] 旭川市議会「劣化ウラン兵器の使用禁止を求める意見書」








1 劣化ウラン兵器の保有、使用を行わないこと。
2 劣化ウラン兵器禁止の立場を明確にし、既に保有する国に対して廃棄を促すこと。
3 イラク戦争で使用された劣化ウラン兵器の影響について調査し、必要な医療支援を行うこと。






NO DU ヒロシマ・プロジェクト 翻訳転載






The Galloway News (Scotland), April 15, 2004

EC to probe DU pollution












Galloway News

EC to probe DU pollution

THE POSSIBILITY of radioactive pollution from depleted uranium shells fired into the Solway is to be investigated by the European Commission.

SNP Shadow Minister for Europe Neil MacCormick MEP raised concerns in the European Parliament last month and the commission have now agreed to look into possible pollution stemming from the firing from Dundrennan range.

The MEP had claimed in the European Parliament that depleted uranium shells littering the seabed in the Solway Firth breach international law. He said that dumping low-level radioactive waste in the sea was illegal, even if there was no conclusive evidence that it is harmful.

In a letter to Prof. MacCormick, Environment Commissioner Margot Wallstrom has agreed that this kind of waste is not covered by the regular waste legislation, and has asked her colleague Commissioner de Palacio to look into the matter.

Cmmr de Palacio is responsible for issues related to radioactive protection.

Prof. MacCormick said: “I am very pleased the Commission have taken this environmental threat seriously. The MoD is exempt from domestic legislation covering radioactive substances, but it still has to live up to international obligations.”

South of Scotland MSP Alasdair Morgan said: “I have always argued that, whether or not DU is proven to be harmful to human life or to the environment, the MoD should not be littering the Solway with their waste. It would be a matter of serious concern were an organisation to dump thousands of any object in the Solway, let alone a substance which the MoD themselves have warned their troops might be harmful.”


”フレンドリー・ファイアー” ICBUW(ウラン兵器禁止国際連合)ニュースレター

”フレンドリー・ファイアー” ICBUW(ウラン兵器禁止国際連合)ニュースレター

(左党周一 仮訳)


この社説を書いている時点で、イラクにおける日本人人質の状態は、不透明なままだ。「サラヤ・アル・ムジャヒディン」は3人の日本市民を拉致した。その一人が劣化ウラン弾問題に取り組む、今井紀明さん(18)だ。NO DU ヒロシマプロジェクト他劣化ウランの軍事利用に反対する日本の団体は今井紀明さんを他2名の人質を救うため緊急のアピールを行った。ジャーナリストとして紀明さんは、DU汚染による放射性の病気の調査にイラクに向かった。彼は、DUによって起こされた被害を明らかにする絵本を出版する積りである。彼は、できるだけ多くの人に、被害の実態を知ってほしいと言う、誠実な欲求から運動している。








Website: www.bandepleteduranium.org<http://www.bandepleteduranium.org&gt;

Amsterdam, 12 April, 2004

リジ- ブローム
ヘンク バン デル カール
アムステルダム 2004年4月12日


The McDermott Bill
By Gretel Munroe | Grassroots Actions for Peace<www.grassrootsconcord.org/&gt;








マクデルモット法案 1483号は、以下で見る事が出来る。



‘Friendly Fire’ Newsletter 1
Posted on 12 April 2004 by ICBUW<www.bandepleteduranium.org&gt;

In this Issue:


Report: The McDermott Bill<www.bandepleteduranium.org/modules.php?name=News&amp;file=article&amp;sid=120#mcdermott&gt;

Report: GAO Study<www.bandepleteduranium.org/modules.php?name=News&amp;file=article&amp;sid=120#gao&gt;

Article: Let’s get the story straight<www.bandepleteduranium.org/modules.php?name=News&amp;file=article&amp;sid=118&gt;

Report: Dutch Military in Iraq<www.bandepleteduranium.org/modules.php?name=News&amp;file=article&amp;sid=119&gt;…



At the moment of writing this editorial, the situation of the Japanese hostages in Iraq still remains unclear. A group named the “Saraya al-Mujahidin” kidnapped three Japanese civilians. One of them, Noriaki Imai, 18 years old, works on the Depleted Uranium (DU) issue. The NO DU Hiroshima Project and five other Japanese organisations against the military use of DU have done an emergency appeal to save Noriaki Imai and the other two hostages. As a journalist, Noriaki went to Iraq to investigate cases of radiation sickness due to DU contamination. He has planned to publish a picture collection revealing the damage caused by DU. He is working from a sincere desire to let as many people as possible know the reality of the damage.

We call on everyone to use their personal contacts to try to free the hostages. A recent release of a Dutchman held hostage in Dagestan was mediated by a speed skate coach and a soccer trainer!

Meanwhile, the New York Daily News on April 3 reported that DU was found in the urine of 4 out of 9 US soldiers coming back home from Iraq with health problems. The GI’s were stationed in As Samawah, the capital of Iraq’s province Al Muthanna, which is also the area where currently Dutch, Japanese and Moldavian troops are staying. Apparently realizing that this news reveals a serious situation, no one less than Senator Hillary Clinton immediately demanded health checks for all returnees from Iraq.

The list of grassroots and other non-governmental organisations, politicians and institutes that demand a clean up of affected areas and to investigate DU poisoning has steadily grown over the years. Even the British Royal Society and the US General Accounting Office have joined the list. However, nothing has happened so far. Because of this, ICBUW is zealous for an immediate ban on the military use of DU in weapons.

The ICBUW Office has started and coordinates a wide range of actions. For example, an assessment is currently carried out to determine the most appropriate sponsor state, which will bring the draft Convention for the prohibition on the military use of DU in weaponry into the United Nations, and other states, which would be willing to serve as a co- sponsor. We keep you posted on developments after a May ICBUW meeting with the founding organisations. Decisions have to be made, for instance, about the membership criteria.

Meanwhile, in Belgium, a National Coalition is set up which has already met twice. Such National Coalitions are a means to lobby governments, and to organise public actions and meetings to influence the opinion makers.

This first issue of FRIENDLY FIRE features contributions from Maarten H.J. van den Berg (RISQ) on developments in As Samawah, Dan Bishop (IDUST) on necessity to publish correct information on DU, and Gretel Munroe (Grassroots Actions for Peace) on the US McDermott Bill and the US General Accounting Office.

Lizzy Bloem,
Henk van der Keur,
ICBUW Office
Amsterdam, The Netherlands


The McDermott Bill

By Gretel Munroe | Grassroots Actions for Peace<www.grassrootsconcord.org/&gt;

On April 10, 2003 Congressman Jim McDermott (D-Washington) introduced the Depleted Uranium (DU) Munitions Study Act of 2003 (H.R. 1483) to the U.S. House of Representatives. Specifically the bill asks for studies of the health effects of DU to be done jointly by the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry and the Center for Disease Control and Prevention. In addition, the bill would require the Environmental Protection Agency to identify sites in the U.S. where DU munitions had been manufactured or used as in test firing, and would study the air, water and soil/vegetation at these sites for possible DU contamination. The bill also requires clean-up of contaminated sites.

At the present time the McDermott Bill is in three committees: the House Subcommittee on Health, the Committee on Energy and Commerce and the Committee on Armed Services.

Congressman McDermott, a physician, has been concerned about Gulf War veterans’ illnesses for some time. He has also been to Iraq where he talked with pediatricians and learned of their concerns about increased cancer rates in children and increases in congenital abnormalities in infants.

Initially the McDermott Bill had six co-sponsors in Congress. My congressman, Edward Markey, (Democrat, Massachusetts) was one of the original co-sponsors. There are now 31. McDermott’s office would like to have at least 50 co-sponsors. Grassroots Actions for Peace intends to work on this issue and increase the number of co-sponsors in conjunction with other grassroots groups.

The McDermott Bill, H.R. 1483, can be accessed at Thomas.loc.gov/ by plugging in the number of the bill on the computer screen.

There is a movement in progress to ask different Senators such as Sen. Hilary Clinton and Sen. Edward Kennedy to work towards having a companion bill in the Senate. Such a bill would essentially ask for studies of the health effects of depleted uranium and an environmental clean-up of sites in the U.S. contaminated by DU. However, it might be a somewhat different bill. Several years ago, Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney introduced a bill in the House of Representatives asking in addition for a ban on DU munitions, including manufacture and use of DU weapons until it could be proved that DU was harmless. Congresswoman McKinney lost in the primaries (before the 2002 elections) and consequently the bill died. A possible Senate bill would probably not go this far.


GAO Study

by Gretel Munroe | Grassroots Actions for Peace<www.grassrootsconcord.org/&gt;

The U.S. General Accounting Office (GAO) is doing a study of the health effects of exposure to DU in veterans of the 1991 Gulf War as well as policies of the Departments of Defense and Veterans Affairs in identifying and medically treating veterans exposed to DU. Congressmen Robert Filner (Democrat of California) and Ciro Rodriquez, (Democrat, Texas) persuaded the GAO to take on this study. Results of the study will be available by June.


Let’s get the story straight

by Dan Bishop | IDUST<www.idust.net/&gt;

Let’s get the story straight
Posted on 12 April 2004 by ICBUW<www.bandepleteduranium.org&gt;

Once again, I find myself cringing at an op-ed piece about depleted uranium written by a well-meaning but misinformed activist.

Don’t get me wrong. I’m more than pleased to see another article presenting the hazards and problems associated with DU brought before the public. We can’t get enough publicity, to be sure. Minor misstatements here and there probably don’t hurt our cause too much, but over time they could undermine our credibility. We don’t need to provide our opponents with ammunition.

DU or DU coating?

In this specific case, the author used the phrase “depleted uranium coated bullets” in one place and “depleted uranium tipped weapons” in another. The words “coated” and “tipped” are entirely wrong, and tend to leave the impression that not very much DU is involved. After all, take a bullet, paint it with a DU coating, and how much DU have you really used?

In fact, a 30mm DU bullet (those used by the A-10A Thunderbolt II aircraft) is almost SOLID depleted uranium (a small amount of titanium (1%) or molybdenum (2%) is added to make for a stronger alloy). Each shell contains 300 grams of DU. That’s 2/3 of a pound! These are the bullets fired from the 7-barrel GAU8A cannon in the A-10A’s nose. A 4 second burst from this gun delivers between 140 and 280 rounds, depending on the firing rate. 140 rounds spread approximately 93 pounds (42 kg) of DU into the environment. If a fully loaded gun, with its ammunition capacity of 1350 rounds, were fired till empty, 891 pounds (405 kg) of DU munitions will have been expended.

105mm and 120mm tank penetrators used by the US and UK armies in their Abrams and Challenger tanks are much larger. Each of these shells contains a long rod of SOLID depleted uranium alloy. Imagine a fat broom handle made out of DU. The DU rod in a 120mm penetrator is 27 inches (68 cm) long. The 105mm shells contain between 7.41 and 8.08 pounds (3.36 kg to 3.67 kg) of DU, and the 120mm shells contain between 6.90 and 8.69 pounds (3.13 kg and 3.95 kg) of DU.

As you can see, using the terms “tipped” and “coated” in a description of these munitions totally misrepresents the amount of environmental contamination from DU weapons. Military spokespersons are more than happy to let this error slip by.

Alpha, beta, gamma…

Another misconception is one that is perpetrated (purposely) by military spokespersons and is seldom corrected by the anti-DU activists debating them. “Depleted uranium is an alpha emitter,” they will say, “and alpha particles are the least penetrating type of radiation.” Everything in that statement is 100% correct. But the statement itself tells only half of the story – the half the military would like you to believe.

The nature of radioactive decay is such that alpha or beta emission from a radioactive atom results in that atom’s being transformed into a new and different element. When an atom of U- 238 (the 99.8% component of DU) emits an alpha particle, it decays into an atom of thorium, Th-234, which is also radioactive, but which is a BETA emitter. Furthermore, with a half life of only 24.1 days, this thorium atom will soon decay, emitting its beta particle, and transforming itself into an atom of protactinium, Pa- 234, which is ALSO a beta emitter, and has a half life of 6.75 hours. So within hours, that atom also decays and emits its beta particle. Both of these beta decays are accompanied by strong GAMMA ray emission as well. A gamma ray is a very high-energy X-ray, and is extremely penetrating.

To make a long story short, a sample of DU fresh out of the processing plant where it has just been purified, emits only alpha particles. But within days, testing that same sample will reveal beta and gamma radiation as well. After the sample is five or six months old, the concentrations of Th-234 and Pa-234 will have built up enough so that the amount of beta and gamma radiation from the sample will each be TWICE the amount of alpha radiation.

Thus external exposure to DU entails exposure to alpha, beta and gamma radiation. Although the skin will block alpha particles, beta and gamma radiation can penetrate beyond the dead outer skin layers and create damage to living tissue. Beta particles can penetrate up to 2 cm, while gamma radiation (which, through a process called the Compton effect) generates beta particle radiation all along its track through the body. Not all external exposure to alpha radiation is harmless, either. Cataracts, for example, can be caused by exposure to alpha radiation.

Just how radioactive is DU? I read a transcript the other day of a radio interview with a well known and widely traveled anti-DU activist. When her host asked if DU was radioactive, she replied, “Oh, yes. It is very radioactive.” Once again I cringed. I could only assume that she misspoke accidentally under the pressure of the microphone. I’ve been there, so I understand.

Most of the substances with which we come into contact every day are not radioactive at all. But of the substances that are radioactive, depleted uranium is one of the least radioactive substances known to man. The military has that fact right on the money. Generally, the longer a substance ‘s half-life, the lower its specific activity. U-238, with a 4.5 billion year half life, thus ranks near the bottom of the scale for radioactivity. One milligram of U- 238 has a specific activity of 14.4 Becquerel, which means it emits 14.4 alpha particles every second. For comparison, it is not uncommon for a particular radioactive substance to have a specific activity of several millions of Becquerels.

Now before you rip me to shreds for daring to say the truth about DU’s radioactivity, let’s remember that the important issue is NOT “how radioactive is DU”, but rather “how is DU’s radioactivity dispensed?” If DU shells merely shattered into fragments when striking a target, the larger pieces could be picked up and stored in a repository. Only a tiny fraction of the DU would remain behind as smaller fragments dispersed into the environment. Although this would increase the background radiation levels, the observable health effects on the exposed population would be difficult to measure. (Note, however, that the presence of radioactive transuranics in the DU, such as plutonium, neptunium and americium, totally nullifies this last statement.)

However, this is not how a DU shell behaves. When the penetrator strikes a hard object, its kinetic energy is converted to heat. The heat causes the DU to ignite. Military studies report that from 10% to 70% of the DU in the penetrator is converted to micron-sized aerosol particles of DU-oxide. Other studies show that over 50% of these particles are smaller than 5 microns in diameter. Particles that small, when inhaled, become permanently lodged into the deepest recesses of one’s lungs.

Inside the lungs, these particles are in intimate contact with living cells. No layer of dead skin stands between the particle and live tissue. Every alpha, beta and gamma ray that is not absorbed internally by the particle itself slices a path of destruction through living tissue. Over a year’s time, 1 mg of DU undergoes over 450 million alpha decays, and the decay products (thorium and protactinium) produce over 900 million beta decays and release over 900 million gamma rays. Because the DU-oxide particles are so small, it can be assumed that a significant fraction of that radiation actually makes it into the victim’s body tissue.

Dr. Durakovic has been able to estimate the initial DU-oxide body burden of several 1991 Gulf War veterans by measuring the levels of DU in their urine nine and ten years after the war (a fact that in itself proves how long-lasting DU can be when absorbed into body tissues). He determined that these veterans had absorbed an average of 0.34 mg of DU that became permanently incorporated into their bodies. (Their initial actual exposure may have been much greater.) If this is the case, then over 750 million total radiation events (1/3 of the total given in the previous paragraph) have taken place in these veteran’s bodies every year, year after year, since 1991. Even if you assume that only a very small fraction of this radiation exits the particle, say 0.2%, this still results in 3.3 damaging radiation events every minute, or 1.7 million damaging events each year from the 0.34 mg of DU dispersed throughout the lungs in the form of 4.3 million 2.5 micron diameter particles.

Most scientists now believe that there is no safe level of exposure to ionizing radiation. This comes from a realization that cancer and genetic damage begins with unrepaired damage to crucial molecules (such as DNA) within a single cell. Molecular damage is exactly what takes place when alpha, beta or gamma radiation passes through a cell. Electrons are ripped from molecules as the ionized particles zip by. Each radiation event leaves a wake of disrupted molecules behind it, most in the form of free radicals. Alpha particles, being much larger and more massive than beta particles, can actually destroy whole cells. Although the body maintains a marvelous system for DNA repair and cell replacement, over time, with so many assaults, it is completely illogical to assume that no permanent damage takes place.


A new term was introduced in October, 2003 at the Hamburg World Uranium Weapons Conference. That term was “atomicity”. Dr. Yagasaki of Japan showed that the number of radioactive atoms produced from 800 tons of DU is equivalent to 83,000 Nagasaki sized atom bombs. Since that conference, this statistic was quoted on the radio during the aforementioned interview, and I have seen it appear in print as well.

Unfortunately, the comparison between DU contamination and the Nagasaki atom bomb explosion is very misleading. Over 100,000 residents of Nagasaki were killed in the atomic blast, either instantly or shortly afterwards due to exposure to the intense radiation, which included neutrons as well as alpha, beta and gamma radiation. Over 18,000 buildings were destroyed. Comparing the atomic bomb blast and its effects to those of depleted uranium is dramatic and delivers a strong emotional appeal, but the comparison based on number of radioactive particles released (atomicity) is quite meaningless.

Secondly, no effort is made to qualify the different types of “atomicity” involved. The U-238 atoms in that 392 tons of DU have a half-life of 4.5 billion years. In other words, their radioactive decay is spread out over such a long period of time that only half of them will have decayed by the time this Earth comes to its end in the Sun’s expanding corona. On the other hand, the majority of radioactive atoms dispersed over Nagasaki had much shorter half- lives. Many are essentially no longer radioactive, having progressed through 25 or 30 half-lives since 1945. But remember, the shorter the half-life, the more intense the radiation. Thus the Nagasaki victims who survived the initial blast were exposed to much more radiation in a very short period of time than the civilians in Iraq who have been exposed to depleted uranium, while the problem facing civilians where DU has been used is long term (read “forever”) and chronic.

Thirdly, the Nagasaki blast produced a tremendous mixture of radioactive substances, each having its own unique biological impact on survivors. Strontium-90 replaces calcium in bone tissue; iodine-131 becomes concentrated in the thyroid; cesium-137 is a natural replacement for potassium in the body. With DU, the principal isotopes of concern are those of uranium, with very small amounts of thorium, protactinium, and contaminants such as plutonium. I say this not to understate the significance of exposure to DU, but merely to point out that the effects can be expected to be very different from exposure to elements resulting from an atomic bomb explosion.

Finally, the area significantly affected by direct DU contamination is much more wide-spread than that of a single atomic explosion. True, radioactive fallout from any nuclear test ultimately affects the entire earth, but with decreasing concentration the further one moves from the blast site. In a military conflict where DU munitions are used, every battle site throughout the entire country becomes contaminated with DU. And with the frequent sand storms that blanket wide areas, there is virtually no escape, no place to hide.

So, although it is true that there are far more radioactive atoms in the 392 tons of DU than there were resulting from the explosion of a single atom bomb over Nagasaki, there can be no meaningful comparison between the two. To attempt to do so merely clouds the issue and strains credibility, something we can ill afford to allow happen.

The Truth is Out

Sometimes those who lie become entangled in their own web of deceit. Last summer a van which contained several pounds of DU was stolen from a city street in Essex, UK. Authorities were particularly anxious to recover the vehicle and its contents. They publicly expressed the fear that terrorists might use the DU to create a “dirty bomb”, that is, a bomb that could spread harmful radioactivity into an urban environment. If DU were as harmless as they wish us to believe, how could it be of any use in a “dirty bomb”? On the other hand, if it can be used effectively in that way, how can the USA and UK justify their use of DU weaponry in Iraq, Afghanistan, Kosovo and Serbia? Every 30mm shell and 105/120 mm penetrator clearly becomes a miniature “dirty bomb”. Their cumulative effect easily exceeds that of a dozens of large bombs. Would someone tell me why the use of such dirty bombs does not constitute a crime against humanity?

Dutch military in Iraq delays troop transfer from suspected DU contaminated area
Posted on 12 April 2004 by ICBUW<www.bandepleteduranium.org&gt;

by Maarten H.J. van den Berg | RISQ<www.bandepleteduranium.org/modules.php?name=Web_Links&amp;l_op=visit&amp;lid=2&gt;

When Dutch marines arrived in a base camp near the town of As Samawah, Iraq, to replace American troops last summer, they measured unacceptably high levels of radioactivity. Yet troop transfer from the area was delayed by three weeks, putting both Dutch and American troops at risk of exposure to depleted uranium (DU).

On July 24th last year, Dutch troops arrived in ‘Camp Smitty’, a base set up by the Americans in an abandoned train depot near the town of As Samawah. Located along the railway track from Basra to Baghdad, and consisting of several concrete buildings big enough to lodge both troops and their vehicles, the location seemed a perfect outpost.

Set to replace the 442nd US Military Police Brigade stationed in the depot since early June, the Dutch troops put up their field beds inside, granting them at least some shelter from the ever-present desert heat and sand storms in the area, even though the buildings were dirty, dusty, vermin-infested and most windows were broken. Meals and other collective gatherings were held outside on the yard along the railway tracks amidst abandoned train engines and carriages, wrecked Iraqi tanks, unexploded ordnance, and other remnants of war.

Settled all right thus by military standards, the Dutch troops could have made Camp Smitty their ‘home’, just as the Americans had done for months. Yet shortly after their arrival, they made an alarming discovery, which according to Sgt. Juan Vega, senior medic with the US 442nd, led the Dutch “to pitch camp in the desert instead”. As Mr Vega told the New York-based Daily News “the Dutch swept the area around the train depot with Geiger counters and their medics confided to [me] they had found high radiation levels”.

According to Mr Vega and other soldiers interviewed by the paper, the radiation may have come from the remains of DU shells scattering the compound or one of the wrecked Iraqi tanks, which had been hauled onto railroad cars just outside the depot. Yet, since DU can take the form of a very fine, toxic and radiocative dust that easily spreads, a much greater part of the compound may have been contaminated.

As quite a few of the American troops who were based in Camp Smitty, are still suffering from chronic nausea, skin rashes and migraines, they suspect they may have inhaled a toxic dosis of DU dust during their stay. Already, four out of nine veterans who volunteered for a test, were found to have higher than normal levels of uranium in their urine.

While the US Department of Defence has recently announced it will investigate the case of the veterans from Camp Smitty, military personnel representatives in the Netherlands have raised concerns about the health of Dutch troops that have stayed there.

Yesterday, a spokesperson of the Dutch Military of Defence conceded that “upon arrival, the marines declared part of the compound off-limits”, assuring that “all necessary precautionary measures were taken”. A source in one of the military personnel unions confirmed that they were informed by the Ministry about “certain measurements, which led the troops to close off a building on the compound”. However, the source said, “no reference was made to the possibility of DU contamination there”.

As the new camp out in the desert was still under construction, the Dutch troops stayed in the train depot at least until mid August. Pictures archived on the website of the Ministry of Defence show marines resting on field beds set up inside one of the buildings and sharing meals on the yard outside as late as 6 August 2003. By that time, they had been on the compound for over two weeks, even as 90 of them fell ill ? some so much so that they had to be IV-fed. According to the Ministry they had contracted a virus, “due to the high temperatures, the change in food and lifestyle, and the higher concentration of viruses in the air of hot countries such as Iraq”.

Note: All over Iraq, the remains of spent DU shells and DU-contaminated debris have been found littering the streets in urban areas. Some wrecked vehicles have been towed away, and the most obvious contaminated sites are marked. However, most locations have not even been identified let alone cleaned, even though there is a widely shared consensus that DU contamination can be a potential health hazard.

To minimize the risk of exposure, foreign troops have been instructed to stay away from potentially contaminated areas as much as possible or to wear, at least, respiratory protection and gloves when it is inevitable to enter such sites.

As for Iraqi civilians, there is no indication that the Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA) has properly informed the population about DU contamination. The British Ministry of Defence merely affirms that Iraqi locals have been warned “that they should not go near or touch any debris they find on the battlefield” Perhaps this would have sufficed, were it not for the fact that quite a few battles have been fought in densely populated areas, where it is virtually impossible for residents to avoid all remnants of war.

This article was first published by RISQ<www.bandepleteduranium.org/modules.php?name=Web_Links&amp;l_op=visit&amp;lid=2&gt; | Review of International Social Questions, c 08 April 2004. For more RISQ reports on DU and links to external resources, please refer to the RISQ DU Dossier<www.bandepleteduranium.org/modules.php?name=Web_Links&amp;l_op=visit&amp;lid=15&gt;.




NO DU ヒロシマ・プロジェクト メーリングリストより転載

(左党周一 仮訳)



Hillary demands that all veterans of Iraq get checked
NY Daily News, April 5, 2004
















































Hillary demands that all veterans of Iraq get checked

NY Daily News, April 5, 2004


Army officials at Fort Dix and Walter Reed Army Medical Center are rushing to test all returning members of the 442nd Military Police Company of the New York Army National Guard for depleted uranium contamination.

Army brass acted after learning that four of nine soldiers from the company tested by the Daily News showed signs of radiation exposure.

The soldiers, who returned from Iraq late last year, say they and other members of their company have been suffering from unexplained illnesses since last summer, when they were stationed in the Iraqi town of Samawah.

Dr. Asaf Durakovic, a former Army doctor and nuclear medicine expert who examined and tested the nine men at The News’ request, concluded four of them “almost certainly” inhaled radioactive dust from exploded depleted uranium shells fired by U.S. troops.

Sen. Hillary Clinton (D-N.Y.), after learning of The News’ investigation, blasted Pentagon officials yesterday for not properly screening soldiers returning from Iraq.

“We can’t have people coming back with undiagnosed illnesses,” Clinton said. “We have to have a before-and-after testing program for our soldiers.”

Clinton, a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, said she will write to Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld demanding answers and soon will introduce legislation to require health screenings for all returning troops.

During meetings with Pentagon officials last year, Clinton said “one of the issues we raised was exposure to the depleted uranium that was in the weapons, and how they were going to handle it.”

She was assured then that troops would be properly screened.

But the soldiers from the 442nd contacted The News after becoming frustrated with how the Army was handling their illnesses.

Six of them say they repeatedly sought testing for depleted uranium from Army doctors but were denied.

Three who were tested in early November for DU said they had been waiting months for the results. Two of those finally got their results last week – both negative.

Testing for uranium isotopes in 24 hours’ worth of urine samples can cost as much as $1,000 each.

But late last week, after learning of The News’ results, the Army reversed course and ordered immediate testing for more than a dozen members of the 442nd who are back in the U.S.

The rest of the company, comprising mostly New York City cops, firefighters and correction officers, is not due to return from Iraq until later this month.

“They ordered all of us who are here at Fort Dix to provide 24-hour urine samples by 1 p.m. today,” one soldier from the company said Friday.

Late Friday, Pentagon spokesman Austin Camacho said he could not confirm or deny that new tests had been ordered for the soldiers of the 442nd.

“It’s hard to imagine, theoretically, that these men could have harmful exposures,” Camacho said, because none of them had been inside tanks during direct combat.

Army studies of depleted uranium have concluded that only soldiers who suffer shrapnel wounds from DU shells or who were inside tanks hit by DU shells and immediately breathe radioactive dust are at risk.

Even then, Camacho said, studies of about 70 such cases from the first Gulf War have shown no long-term health problems.

But medical experts critical of the use of DU weapons, as well as some of the Army’s own early studies of depleted uranium, say exposure to it can cause kidney damage. Some studies have shown that it causes cancer and chromosome damage in mice, according to the experts.

Depleted uranium, a waste product of the uranium enrichment process, has been used by the U.S. and British militaries for more than 15 years in some artillery shells and as armor-plating for tanks. It is valued for its extreme density – it is twice as heavy as lead.

Amid growing controversy in Europe and Japan, the European Parliament called last year for a moratorium on its use.

‘Every time I ran I felt my throat burning and my chest tightening.’

Sgt. Agustin Matos, a member of the 442nd Military Police of the New York National Guard and a city correction officer in civilian life, has all-too-vivid memories of his stay in Samawah, Iraq.

“The place was filthy; most of the windows were broken; dirt, grease and bird droppings were everywhere,” he said. “I wouldn’t house a city prisoner in that place.”

He recalled a mandated morning run of about 3 miles on a sandy track near a train depot.

“Every time I ran I felt my throat burning and my chest tightening,” he said.

Now, Matos, 37, believes his symptoms may be the result of radioactive dust he inhaled from spent American shells made from depleted uranium.

The Long Island man is one of four Iraq war veterans who tested positive for DU contamination, according to a Daily News investigation.

The soldiers and other members of the 442nd say they are suffering from physical ailments that began last summer while they were stationed in Samawah.

Matos, who was assigned to the 4th platoon’s 2nd squad, arrived in Samawah last June, two weeks ahead of the rest of the company.

His advance team had orders from Capt. Sean O’Donnell, their commander, to ready a huge depot in a train repair yard on the outskirts of downtown Samawah as a barracks for the unit.

Once the entire company arrived, each platoon was assigned its own space inside the depot, which was bigger than a football field.

A locomotive that straddled a repair pit and an empty train car sat in the middle of the sleeping area, with two platoons assigned to bed down along one side of the train and two others along the other side.

Just outside the depot, two Iraqi tanks, one of them shot up, had been hauled onto flatbed railroad cars.

The company was so short-handed, according to the soldiers, that the commander would evacuate a G.I. only if he could no longer physically function.

Matos was sent home last year for surgery for a shoulder injury suffered in a jeep accident.

Since his return, he has had constant headaches, fatigue, shortness of breath, nausea, dizziness, joint pain and excessive urination. After he recently discovered blood in his urine, doctors at Walter Reed Army Medical Center gave him a CAT scan and discovered a small lesion on his liver.

A 1990 Army study linked DU to “chemical toxicity causing kidney damage.”

“Before I left for Iraq, they tested my eyes and I was fine,” Matos said. “Now my eyesight’s gotten bad, on top of everything else.”

Another member of the company who tested positive for DU is 2nd platoon Sgt. Hector Vega, 48, a retired postal worker from the Bronx who has been in the National Guard for 27 years.

Since being evacuated to Fort Dix for treatment for foot surgery, Vega said he has endured insomnia and constant headaches. And like many of the sick soldiers, Vega said, “I have uncontrollable urine, every half hour.”

One day, during a trip a few hours south of Samawah, he and another soldier stopped on the side of the road to photograph and check out two shot-up Iraqi tanks.

“We didn’t think anything of walking right up to those tanks and touching them,” he said. “I didn’t know anything about depleted uranium.”

As for the railroad depot where they slept, Vega recalls it as “disgusting. Oil, dirt and bird droppings everywhere, insects crawling all around us.”

And then there were the frequent dust storms.

“They would blow all that dust inside the depot all over us when we were sleeping or eating. It was so thick, you could see it.”

ついに公表されたサマワ帰還米兵の劣化ウラン被曝の事実!イラク戦争劣化ウラン情報 No.15 2004年4月5日
(アメリカの戦争拡大と日本の有事法制に反対する署名事務局 吉田正弘)



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Returning GIs tested for uranium exposure
Monday, April 5, 2004 Posted: 10:40 PM EDT (0240 GMT)

FORT DIX, New Jersey (AP) — The U.S. Army is conducting medical tests on a handful of GIs who complained of illnesses after reported exposure to depleted uranium in Iraq.

Up to six soldiers from a National Guard unit based in Orangeburg, New York, have undergone exams at Fort Dix, and three of them remain there under observation, Fort Dix spokeswoman Carolee Nisbet said Monday.

“We are following up on this. We are on top of it. It’s not something that has fallen by the wayside,” she said.

Of nine members of the unit examined by a doctor at the request of the New York Daily News, four had “almost certainly” inhaled radioactive dust from spent U.S. artillery shells containing depleted uranium, the newspaper reported Monday.

Six of the nine contacted the newspaper after unsuccessfully appealing to the Army for testing because of unexplained illnesses, the Daily News reported.

The soldiers complained of headaches, fatigue, shortness of breath, nausea, dizziness, joint pain and unusually frequent urination.

The exposures apparently occurred last summer when the 442nd Military Police Co. served in Samawah, Iraq. Most members of the unit, which includes many New York police officers, firefighters and prison guards, remain in Iraq.

Military medical officials from Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington and the Army’s Center for Health Promotion and Preventive Medicine conducted testing at Fort Dix, Nisbet said.

The Army would not identify the soldiers or say whether testing revealed contamination or illness.

All National Guard and Reserve soldiers mobilized through Fort Dix receive physical exams upon their return from overseas, Nisbet said. The soldiers who complained of ailments asked for and received a second round of evaluations, she said.

Depleted uranium, which is left over from the process of enriching uranium for use as nuclear fuel, is an extremely dense material that the U.S. and British militaries use for tank armor and armor- piercing weapons. It is far less radioactive than natural uranium.

According to a Depleted Uranium Information Web page posted by the Army, depleted uranium recently provided to the Pentagon by the U.S. Department of Energy contained trace amounts of contaminants like neptunium, plutonium, americium, technitium-99 and uranium-236.

“These contaminants in (depleted uranium) add less than one percent to the radioactivity of (depleted uranium) itself,” the Web page said.

“Medical scientists consider this insignificant.”

Army spokeswoman Cynthia O. Smith would not comment Monday on whether other troops have complained of similar ailments or whether the Pentagon would take precautions aimed at preventing future exposure




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以上の意見書を小金井市議会は3月26日の本会議で採択しました。(賛成19、反対0、棄権4)  棄権は自民1と公明3 市長与党の保守系会派や自民党の一部からも賛成してくれました。今回の意見書は私から呼びかけ、私のほか6名の議員が共同提案議員になってくれました。広島アピールの皆様にもよろしくお伝えください。

小金井市議会議員   野見山のぶよし(市民の党)















小金井市議会議長 森戸洋子

内閣総理大臣 様
外務大臣 様
防衛庁長官 様




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(左党周一 仮訳)

Targets with depleted uranium questioned
Las Vegas SUN









Las Vegas SUN

March 23, 2004

Targets with depleted uranium questioned


The Air Force will hold the first of three public meetings tonight to accept comments on what to do with 182 tanks on the Nevada Test and Training Range that were used as targets by A-10 Thunderbolt IIs firing depleted uranium ammunition.

About 7,900 radioactive uranium rounds are fired at the 2.9 million-acre range every year, and those rounds are gathered and disposed of at low-level waste facilities, Nellis officials said.

The tanks that the Thunderbolts fire on remain on the range, and the Air Force is drafting an environmental assessment for their proposed removal.

It has not yet been decided what will be done with the tanks, but options include leaving them on the range, fitting them with monitoring equipment and leaving them, or burying them, Air Warfare Center spokesman Mike Estrada said.

At current usage rates the tanks on the range should last as targets for the next 20 years, about the life span of the A-10. The A-10, an aircraft used for close air support and tank-busting, could be replaced by the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter in about 20 years, Estrada said.

The Joint Strike Fighter will likely not use depleted uranium ammunition, Estrada said.



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(左党周一 仮訳)


By Nic Fleming

(Filed: 24/03/2004)



Gulf troops’ babies ‘are 50pc more vulnerable’
By Nic Fleming
(Filed: 24/03/2004)

Babies whose fathers served in the first Gulf war are 50 per cent more likely to have physical abnormalities than those born to soldiers not sent to the region, according to a study published today.

Increased risks of genital, urinary and renal abnormalities and deformed limbs, bones and muscles were found in the Ministry of Defence-funded survey.

Of 13,191 pregnancies among the partners of male Gulf veterans, 686, or 5.2 per cent, had some form of physical abnormality, compared with 342, or 3.5 per cent, of the 9,758 non-Gulf pregnancies.

Miscarriages were also 40 per cent more common in the pregnancies of wives and partners of male veterans deployed in the conflict.

Female veterans were found to have no increased risk of suffering miscarriages.

The six-year study, published in the International Journal of Epidemiology, found no strong link between service in the Gulf and chromosome, heart and nervous system damage in the offspring of veterans or of stillbirths.

Dr Pat Doyle, the epidemiologist at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine who led the study, called for close monitoring of babies born to British troops sent to Iraq last year.

Malcolm Hooper, the emeritus professor of medicinal chemistry at Sunderland University and an adviser to the veterans, said: “The findings will be very worrying for them.

“I strongly endorse the call for further studies on those who served in Gulf war two.

“There are grave concerns and significant anecdotal evidence about the inability to sustain normal pregnancies as a result of Gulf service.”

Dr Doyle said the study was important, but warned against reading too much into the findings. “I believe our findings on renal problems and miscarriages are important and need to be investigated in greater detail,” she said.

She added that although “associations were found between fathers’ service in the Gulf war and increased risk of miscarriage and other malformations”, the findings should be interpreted cautiously because of recall bias, the potential uncertainty of results based on people’s memories.

Terry English, of the Royal British Legion, said:
“Anecdotal evidence from veterans has suggested a greater rate of miscarriage and this appears to be the first scientific evidence that confirms this.”

Of 53,000 British troops sent to the first Gulf war, about 630 have died and almost 6,000 have claimed war pensions.

A range of causes for the illnesses have been suggested including depleted uranium fallout from munitions, vaccinations administered and tablets taken before the conflict.

An MoD spokesman said: “It is important to note the researchers have cautioned that the findings may be susceptible to recall bias, and that it is a comparison with a control group in which miscarriage may have been under reported.

“Independent researchers and the military medicine health advisory group of the Medical Research Council have said that overall there is a lack of evidence to link reproductive health problems to service in the Gulf.”

Mandy Duncan, from Clackmannanshire, has had three children since her husband Kenny returned from the Gulf. Kenneth, nine, was born with deformed ears, constant headaches and needs special shoes.

Andrew, eight, wets his bed and has asthma. Heather, six, is partially deaf and suffers bowel and bladder problems.

Mrs Duncan said last night: “I don’t need a study to tell me my kids have been affected by Kenny’s Gulf service. I want to know what the Government is going to do about it.”
Related reports

MoD pays out after DNA test


MIT(マサチューセッツ工科大学)で3月6日に行われた ’劣化’ウラン兵器に関するMIT健康委員会の質疑がこちらのサイトでダウンロードできます。
MIT Health Panel on ‘Depleted’ Uranium Weapons




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ほとんどのゴミについて責任があるスターメッツ社は、2002年に倒産を宣告された。マサチューセッツ州は、スターメッツと関連会社数社を告訴し、放射性廃棄物投棄を規制する州法を遵守させようとしているが、 これまでのところ、法的な戦線では、ほとんど成功していない。環境保護庁も、軽率にもスターメッツ社は壊れた(倒産した)と結論付け、未解決の汚染除去について、同社に請求する動きをとってこなかった。





















From: et@n…
Date: Sat Mar 6, 2004 8:20 am
Subject: A radioactive nightmare in Concord, Massachusetts


A radioactive nightmare in Concord, Massachusetts

Friday, March 05, 2004
By Ed Ericson, E/The Environmental Magazine


The waitress at the ice cream shop in Concord, Massachusetts, was surprised. “A Superfund site?” she asked incredulously. “On Main Street?” It’s not just a Superfund site but one dubbed by a cleanup contractor as “near the tip of the peak in terms of [cleanup] difficulty.” It’s radioactive.

Concord, the crucible of the American Revolution, where the “shot heard ’round the world” rang out on April 19, 1775, is a Boston suburb filled with professionals and stately homes.
Tourists still come to see the war sites and to visit the bucolic Walden Pond that Thoreau celebrated. Few know about the nuclear waste dump at 2229 Main Street.

But this shady burg of 15,000 residents quietly struggles with its legacy as the maker of depleted uranium slugs for the U.S. military’s latest wars. The soil more than a mile from the nuclear dump is radioactive. A 1993 epidemiological study found the town’s residents suffered higher rates of cancer than the state average.

Today, atop and buried beneath a low hill above a cranberry
bog lie more than 3,800 barrels of radioactive and toxic
waste, subject to a government-paid cleanup estimated to 
take 10 years and cost at least $50 million.

The company responsible for most of the waste, Starmet, declared bankruptcy in 2002. Massachusetts has sued Starmet
and several related companies to enforce state laws against
radioactive dumping, but so far has had little success on 
the legal front. The Environmental Protection Agency 
hastily concluded that Starmet was broke and has made no
move to charge it for the pending cleanup.

“All of the people who benefited and made millions from the
process are not being tagged at all with the cleanup process,” said Mark Roberts, an environmental lawyer and
member of Citizens Research and Environmental Watch, a 
citizens group that has fought to get the site cleaned up 
for more than 20 years.

Since 1958, Starmet (formerly known as Nuclear Metals) processed depleted uranium into tank shells and armor for the U.S. Army, using caustic acids, beryllium, and other dangerous substances. From the early 1970s until 1985, the company dumped depleted uranium into an unlined lagoon on the property, sending a toxic plume of radiation, heavy metals, and solvents migrating into the groundwater, fouling at least two wells.

The company resisted pressure to clean up the lagoon until 1997, when the pond was finally dug up and the soils shipped to a low-level nuclear waste dump in Utah. That project was costly, though, and the remediation company sued Starmet for unpaid bills associated with it. Just about this time, military orders for depleted uranium munitions stopped too.
Starmet began to lose money.

In May 2001, Starmet officials illegally shipped 1,700 barrels of depleted uranium “greensalt” from a company facility in Barnwell, South Carolina, to Concord. The cash-strapped company was cleaning the South Carolina facility in preparation for sale, EPA documents say.

When Massachusetts’ health and environmental officials protested, Starmet’s president, Robert Quinn, threatened to abandon the Concord site and stick the state with the cost of cleanup. In 2002, after the state forced bankrupt Starmet into receivership, the company did abandon the site for several weeks, according to EPA records.

Nowadays Quinn, who angrily blames the U.S. Army for Starmet’s bankruptcy, sits at a lonely desk in a low building on the site while a few security guards watch over the mess.

And what a mess it is. Conservatively speaking, there is at least 20 times more depleted uranium on and under Starmet’s
46 acres on Main Street, Concord, than the 340 tons that were fired in all of Iraq during the first Gulf War. There are tons of beryllium ・a probable carcinogen ・in the soil and leaking from buried drums. And in a recently discovered area known as the “old dump” there are unknown substances, possibly including high-level radioactive waste and exotic explosives, dating from the effort to build the first atomic bombs.

Much of the work during the next four to five years will consist of determining what’s in the barrels buried in the old dump, according to Bruce Thompson of De Maximis, Inc., the engineering group chosen by EPA to head the cleanup process. He says some preliminary research indicates that exotic radioactive and heavy metals may have been buried there by MIT scientists during the Manhattan Project. He is also concerned about the potential presence of an explosive, zirconium azide.

“That’s something I don’t want to hit with a backhoe,”
Thompson told a town subcommittee meeting in September.

That Thompson and the EPA arrived in Concord at all is credit to the efforts of a small group of committed activists. Citizens Research and Environmental Watch
is led by Rick Oleson, a Princeton- and Harvard-educated radiation biologist and toxicologist whose late father was a nuclear physicist. Oleson spent part of his childhood in a house near the factory. State records show the most contaminated area on the site is adjacent to Camp Thoreau, a summer camp for children ages three and up.

“It’s one industrial setting in a very residential area,”
said Oleson. “People later could put a house there and dig a well there, or grow vegetables.”

Oleson and fellow CREW members are focusing their efforts to make sure the EPA demands that the dump is cleaned up to a “residential level,” rather than to the looser standards allowable for an “industrial” site.

Jeffrey McNabola was a member of Concerned Citizens of Concord, CREW’s predecessor, in the 1970s and early 1980s.
He notes that the group was warning people about the dangers of depleted uranium and other activities at Nuclear Metals for decades before anyone in officialdom gave them any credence.

“There was a cavalier attitude about depleted uranium,” he said. “They said that it’s safe as chocolate milk.”

Even Oleson took years to conclude that Nuclear Metals’
activities were unacceptable.

“I used to cross-country ski and run back there,” he said of the woods bordering the dumpsite. “It was a very pretty place … and there was this big pond. It was full of psychedelic colors.”

Oleson and CREW are hunkering down for a long battle, keeping a wary eye on the EPA and its cleanup contractors.
Loath to link deaths from cancer or rare diseases to the factory and its dump, Oleson (who works for Monsanto) and others in CREW strive to hue a strict scientific line, lest they appear to be “radicals.”

The strategy seems to be working.

“The real story behind the story I tell people is that a few people volunteered their time to really do something that needed doing,” said Oleson. “And for years they were dismissed and made fun of. And they totally turned the town around.”

Related Links

Citizens Research and Environmental Watch www.crewconcord.org

Nuclear Information and Research Service www.nirs.org



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後に続くのは、メーリングリストに流れた、この事実を知った英国湾岸戦争帰還兵の訴えです。  (試訳:嘉指信雄/NO DU ヒロシマ・プロジェクト)


DU Information Card (Introduced: 03/03) F Med 1018
You have been deployed to a theatre where Depleted Uranium (DU) Munitions have been used.
DU is a weakly radioactive heavy metal, which has the potential to cause ill health.
You may have been exposed to dust containing DU during your employment.

劣化ウラン情報カード F Med 1018 (採用:03/03)

Further Information
You are eligible for an urine test to measure uranium.
If you wish to know more about having this test, you should consult your unit medical officer on return to your home base. Your medical officer can provide information about the health effects of DU.
Information is also available on the MoD website:












イラクに派遣されている英国軍は、現在、「F Med (医学ファイル)1018」を発行されている。










Date sent: Thu, 19 Feb 2004 01:21:57 +0900
Subject: a question Re: [du-list] MoD Information Card
From:  Kazashi <kazashi@intl.hiroshima-cu.ac.jp>
To: <laka@antenna.nl>

Dear Henk,

Thank you very much for the very important information.
It reads: (Introduced 03/03)

Does this mean that this information card was introduced in March、 2003, but this “introduction” came to light only now?
I appreciate your immediate response. Kazashi

Dear Kazashi,

That is correct. I am also amazed that this hasn’t become public in the past
year, even when I am fully aware about fact that soldiers are pressed to
keep silence.


stichting Laka
Laka foundation documentatie en onderzoeks-documentation and research centrum kernenergie centre on nuclear energy
Ketelhuisplein 43 1054 RD Amsterdam NL-1054 RD Amsterdam
tel: 020-6168294 Netherlands fax: 020-6892179
tel: +31-20-6168294 fax: +31-20-6892179
www.laka.org laka@antenna.nl


From: Raymond Bristow

Sent: Tuesday, February 17, 2004 4:21 PM
Subject: MoD Accept DU has the potential to cause ill health

MoD Accept DU has the potential to cause ill health
British Troops serving in Iraq are now being issued with an F Med 1018.
Why not before the Iraq war, Balkans or Gulf War?
Are service personnel from other nations aware that British Troops carry this warning card?
Are Iraqi Civilians aware of this warning card?
Are Civilians aware of this warning card who around the world live near test firing range’s.
Copies of this card should be made for the Iraqi civilians to turn up at British & American Military establishments in Iraq and ask for testing as it was the US and the UK that used Uranium Munitions.

Please distribute the faxed, photo-copy of the card that was sent to me.

REMEMBER The MoD have always told Gulf War 1 Vet’s DU IS SAFE

another demonstration of an UNTRUTH

It was said that DU was experimental during Gulf War 1 – then is this
another demonstration of the breaking of the Nuremberg Code by observing the health effects on the Veterans after the War?





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MoD lied over depleted uranium


Army advises troops in Iraq of health risk but insists Scottish firing range is safe, despite growing international concern By Neil Mackay and Amy Wilson


CLAIMS by the Ministry of Defence that depleted uranium (DU) is not a risk to life have been undermined by a Sunday Herald investigation that found the British army is telling soldiers in Iraq that it can cause ill-health.

The revelation has outraged the military, scientists and politicians.
Studies have shown DU leads to cancers, birth defects, memory loss, damage to the immune system and neuro-psychotic disorders. But the MoD has claimed since the first Gulf war that DU does not pose a risk to health or the environment.

However, military sources have passed an MoD card to the Sunday Herald which is being handed to troops on active service in Iraq. It reads: You have been deployed to a theatre where depleted uranium (DU) munitions have been used. DU is a weakly radioactive heavy metal which has the potential to cause ill-health. You may have been exposed to dust containing DU during your deployment.

You are eligible for a urine test to measure uranium. If you wish to know more about having this test, you should consult your unit medical officer on return to your home base. Your medical officer can provide information about the health effects of DU.

The MoD had fired more than 6350 DU rounds into the Solway Firth from its testing range at Dundrennan by 1999. In the first Gulf war 320 tonnes of DU were used, in the second more than 1000 tonnes were used .

Locals in the Dundrennan area and their political leaders are angry that British troops are being warned about the risk of DU, while they are not.

A UN sub-commission has ruled that the use of DU breaches the Geneva Convention and the Genocide Convention. DU has also been blamed for the effects of Gulf war syndrome among some 200,000 US troops.

It has led to birth defects in the children of veterans and Iraqis and is believed to be the cause of the worrying number of anophthalmos cases – babies born without eyes – in Iraq. A study of veterans showed 67% had children with severe illnesses, missing eyes, blood infections, respiratory problems and fused fingers.

Professor Doug Rokke, the ex-director of the Pentagon’s DU project and a former US Army colonel who was tasked by the US defence department to deal with DU after the first Gulf war, said: The MoD card acknowledges the risks. It contradicts the position it has taken publicly – that there was no risk – in order to sustain the use of DU rounds and avoid liability.

Rokke attacked the US and UK for contaminating the world with DU munitions and said the issuing of the card meant that they had a moral obligation to provide care for all those affected and to clean up the environment in Iraq.

DU is in residential areas in Iraq, troops are going by sites contaminated with it with no protective clothing or respiratory protection, and kids are playing in the same areas.

He added: What right does anyone have to throw radioactive poison around and then not clean it up or offer people medical care .Rokke said that the use of DU in Iraq should be deemed a war crime.

This war was about weapons of mass destruction, but the US and UK were the only people using WMD – in the form of DU shells.

Ray Bristow, trustee of the UK National Gulf Veterans and Families Association, said the MoD card confirms what independent scientists have said for years. Bristow, 45, suffers from chromosomal abnormalities and conditions similar to those who survived the nuclear bomb in Hiroshima.

A former warrant officer in the medical corps in the first Gulf war, he is now only able to walk short distances with a walking frame and often has to use a wheelchair.

While the card may have been issued to British troops we have to ask, What about the Iraqi people? They are living among DU contamination. And what about the people in Dundrennan?

The MoD line has always been that DU is safe – it has been caught out in a lie.

Bristow says some 29,000 British troops could be contaminated. He was found to have uranium in his system more than 100 times the safety limit. I put on a uniform because I believe in democracy and freedom,he said. Now I can’t believe a word my government says.

He also believes the discovery of the DU card will help affected troops sue for compensation. Globally, this discovery is of huge significance.

Alasdair Morgan, the SNP MSP for the Dundrennan area, called for a ban on DU. He added: This find vindicates those who have said DU should never have been used or tested. Testing should stop in this area completely.

Chris Ballance, the Green list MSP for the area, added: DU is a weapon of mass destruction that must be banned.

He said the MoD must remove the shells that had been fired into the Solway Firth and tell the people of Dundrennan about the risks.

Malcolm Hooper, emeritus professor of medicinal chemistry at Sunderland University and an expert on DU, said it was administrative deception for the MoD to claim DU was not a risk to health while issuing warnings to troops.

Hooper, who is a government adviser on DU, described the government’s behaviour as a dreadful experiment an obscenity and a war crime against our own troops.

He said that the issuing of the card was a confession of failure by the government .

Peter Kilfoyle, a former Labour defence minister, said: I can remember similar denials about Agent Orange, but invariably we discover these substances do have long-term consequences.

Despite claims on its own website saying DU does not lead to health risks, an MoD spokesman said, when confronted with the card issued to troops: We never said it was a safe substance. It is radioactive, but there is no evidence to link it to ill-health.

He said the cards had been issued to reassure troops, adding that the take-up of testing had been low as most soldiers understand the risks are minimal.

The MoD insisted it had not changed its policy.

29 February 2004





NO DU ヒロシマ・プロジェクト メーリングリストより転載



Report by an international group of experts


Still having a look at this one. Interesting admission on page 7, implies that dirty DU has been put toward armaments for longer than I (in my innocence) would have guessed.


“There have been reports that the DU in munitions contains
amounts of other radionuclides, such as isotopes of
americium and
plutonium, as well as 236U. The presence of these
human-made radionuclides
indicates that some of the DU has been obtained from
uranium that had been
irradiated in nuclear reactors and subsequently

Published information for other theatres of war indicates
the amounts of these radionuclides present in DU are very
[8, 9].
[8] ROYAL SOCIETY, The Health Hazards of Depleted Uranium
Munitions, Part I, Royal Society, London (2001).

in Kosovo, Post-Conflict Environmental Assessment, UNEP,
Nairobi (2001). Radiological Assessments, Rep. NRPB-M636,
National Radiological Protection Board, Didcot, UK (1996).

The ratios of Pu238 toPU239&240, and U234:U238 given in
Table II, on Page 8, should help when drawing inferences
about the population dose commitment associated with DU
weapons and remnants of war.

7ページの興味深い承認、 汚いDUが私(寡聞にして知らなかっ
8 王立協会、劣化ウラン弾の健康危険、パート1、王立協会、
U234: Pu238 toPU239と240の比率、8ページで、Table IIで与




NO DU ヒロシマ・プロジェクト メーリングリストより転載


From: davey garland <thunderelf@y…>
Date: Wed Feb 25, 2004 6:58 pm
Subject: studies link birth defects to gulf war


Studies link birth defects, Gulf War
Pentagon says there is no proven correlation


09:22 AM CST on Tuesday, February 24, 2004 By BYRON HARRIS / WFAA-TV

































From: davey garland [mailto:thunderelf@yahoo.co.uk]
Sent: Wednesday, February 25, 2004 6:59 PM
Subject: [du-list] studies link birth defects to gulf war

Studies link birth defects, Gulf War 
Pentagon says there is no proven correlation
09:22 AM CST on Tuesday, February 24, 2004

News 8 has been looking at questions about birth defects among the children of Gulf War veterans for eight years. Vets said their kids had more birth defects than non-Gulf War vets. WFAA producer P.J.
Ward has been gathering data from scientific journals, and News 8 is now able to report that data.


Cedric Miller of San Antonio is now twelve years old, conceived and born just after his father returned from the first war in the Persian Gulf.

Cedric suffers from Goldenhar Syndrome. He’s had sixteen surgeries to repair and construct his face and body since he was born.

“The face was underdeveloped,” said Cedric’s father Steve Miller. “There was no eye on the left, there was no ear, the thumbs didn’t work and there were some other things going on.”

Cedric is literally a poster child for a controversy between veterans, scientists and the government. Just after the first Gulf War, those returning from duty said that their children were being stricken with birth defects at an alarming rate.

Steven Miller, Cedric’s father, testified before Congress. Like tens of thousands of other fathers who served in the Gulf, he was exposed to a cocktail of chemicals.

Miller fathered a normal child before the war. After he returned, Cedric was born. Goldenhar cases like Cedric’s were a signal to vets that something was amiss. The Department of Defense said there was no evidence, but many scientists said there was.

“The Gulf War vets had a three time higher risk of having Goldenhar Syndrome,” said Maria Araneta, an epidemiologist at the University of California at San Diego.

Araneta knows Goldenhar normally happens to just one child in 26,000. But back in 1997, when she analyzed the birth records of 34,000 babies born to Gulf War vets, she found five cases of Goldenhar.

The number was unusual, but not big enough to be statistically significant, according to the Department of Defense. To this day, Pentagon officials maintain there’s no correlation between Gulf War service and higher birth defects.

“There hasn’t been any statistical difference in the deployed and non-deployed populations as far as birth defects in their children,” said Dr. Michael Kilpatrick of the Department of Defense.

Pentagon researchers continue to study the issue.

“They’ve funded a lot of studies,” said Betty Mekdici of the non-profit organization Birth Defect Research for Children. “I think they’ve funded some studies so that they could show us we were wrong and make us go away.”

Mekdici’s organization collects data from parents across the country. She’s now discovered 26 cases of Goldenhar among Gulf War veterans.

“Goldenhar is so rare that when we started to see that blip, we knew that something was going on,” Mekdici said.

Government officials said Mekdici’s numbers aren’t valid. But the more studies Araneta does, the more evidence she finds.

“The results have changed, because the methods in ascertaining birth defects have improved,” Araneta said.

News 8 found documentation from an internal Veterans Administration study, published within the last year,
that shows children of Gulf War vets have twice the normal rate of birth defects.

A Department of Defense-funded study showed children of male Gulf War vets have three times the average rate of heart defects.

And a study just released this month shows women who served in the first Gulf War suffered three times the normal rate of miscarriages in the period just after the conflict.

Back in San Antonio, Cedric Miller faces five more surgeries to lengthen his jaw and create a new left ear. His sister and father help him face the emotional minefield he navigates every day.

“He wants to look like everybody else, but no matter what happens, he’s still the same to me,” sister Larissa Miller said.

The military pays for none of his medical needs, because his father is no longer in the Army.

“If he needs me for any reason, no matter where I am, I’ll come,” said Larissa.

No one knows if the war exposures that may have harmed Cedric are still in Iraq. But 100,000 potential mothers and fathers are now returning from service in the Gulf. This time, more women than ever were close to the chemicals and toxins of the front lines.

So, is this new crop of veterans potentially in danger?

“There are a lot of exposures in any warfare environment that are reproductive toxins, so I think that’s something we have to take into account with any returning army,” Mekdici said.

The Department of Defense is keeping better track of returning vets than it did after the first Gulf War, but the problem is complicated. More husbands and wives are in the war together than ever before, meaning that two parents, rather than one, may be carrying the toxins that produce birth defects.

More science needs to be done, and better statistics need to be kept of birth defects to further research into the issue.

It should also be noted that Texas is one of the largest states not to have a birth defect registry program.

E-mail: bharris@wfaa.com (reporter), pjward@wfaa.com


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(このHPを見ていただいた小原信利様より、訳のご指摘がありました。おかげさまでよりよい訳となり、提供することができています。ご助言をいただいた小原信利様にはこの場を借りてお礼申し上げます。— NODUヒロシマ・プロジェクト)


Japanese split over Iraq mission

(NODUヒロシマ・プロジェクト 左党仮訳)
















チャ―マー・ジョンソン 日本政策研究所所長,「帝国の嘆き:軍国主義,秘密性,共和国の終焉」の著者がこのロサンゼルスタイムズの記事を書いた。

Japanese split over Iraq mission

Chalmers Johnson, for the L.A. Times
February 23, 2004, Minneapolis Star Tribune


Japan may have regained its sovereignty in 1952, but the decision to dispatch Japanese troops to Iraq earlier this month has reminded many of its citizens just how little independence the country really has — and just how much control the United States retains.

If British Prime Minister Tony Blair is President Bush’s poodle, then Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi is his cocker spaniel.

“We are still occupied by the American military,” said an acquaintance of mine who is a former official of Japan’s Ministry of Education and now a university president. “We are a satellite. Our foreign policy revolves entirely around the wishes of Washington.”

Like many other Japanese, he believes that Koizumi ordered Japan’s first military sortie into an active combat zone since World War II because he was too weak to stand up to Bush.

According to a recent Japan Broadcasting Corp. poll, 51 percent of the country opposes getting involved in Washington’s war against Iraq, while only 42 percent supports Koizumi’s decision. What’s more, 82 percent of those polled said they did not trust the prime minister’s explanations for marching into the Iraqi quagmire. Most believe that Koizumi had to go along with Bush or risk damaging the alliance with the United States.

There’s no question that the United States takes Japan for granted. The Bush administration likes to boast about how successful the U.S. Army was in democratizing Japan after World War II, and it likes to suggest that it will accomplish the same feat in Iraq. But it fails to note that the U.S. military kept the Japanese prefecture of Okinawa as a Pentagon colony for more than 25 years — until 1972 — and that the United States still has 38 military bases on that small island.

Okinawa is home to 1.3 million Japanese citizens who since 1945 have repeatedly had to bear the burdens of violent crimes by American soldiers, continuous environmental and noise pollution, hit-and-run accidents, bar brawls and behavior that would never be tolerated in the United States or the mainland of Japan.

The Washington official charged with keeping Japan in the U.S. orbit is Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage. His name probably appears in the Japanese media more frequently than any other U.S. government figure. Armitage has been hammering Koizumi for more than a year “not to miss the boat” this time, referring to Japan’s failure to support the United States militarily in the 1991 war against Iraq. (He has apparently forgotten that Tokyo bankrolled operations to the tune of $13 billion.)

After his reelection as prime minister in September, Koizumi railroaded a vote through the Japanese Parliament endorsing the dispatch of Self-Defense Forces troops to Iraq, even though he acknowledged that this was probably a violation of Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution.

Article 9, a key part of Japan’s post-World War II constitution, prohibits Japan from using force in the conduct of its foreign relations. Koizumi tried to get around this by endorsing future efforts to amend the constitution and by claiming that the Japanese army would undertake “only humanitarian and reconstruction work” in Iraq.

But this is hardly a risk-free operation — militarily or politically. Domestic critics charge that sending the troops before amending the constitution suggests that Japan does not believe in the rule of law. Two former secretaries-general of Koizumi’s Liberal Democratic Party, Koichi Kato and Makoto Koga, and the party’s former policy chief, Shizuka Kamei, declined to vote for the troop deployment.

The first of about 1,000 Japanese troops arrived Feb. 8 in Samawah, 168 miles south of Baghdad, Iraq. Four days later, they came under mortar attack. They’ve also been threatened by Al-Qaida for joining the U.S.-led coalition — and given that Al-Qaida delivered painful blows to the Turks in Istanbul after issuing similar warnings, Japan should be braced for military and civilian casualties.

Perhaps even more serious for the Japanese, Samawah was hit by U.S. depleted-uranium ammunition in both 1991 and 2003. Japanese journalist Mamoru Toyoda, equipped with a Geiger counter, found radiation levels in the town 300 times greater than normal. The Dutch troops also based there have refused to remove or go near any of the radioactive debris in the area. Death and disability because of radiation sickness is a particular horror for all Japanese after the World War II bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

The British and Australian governments ignored their populations to join Bush’s might-makes-right adventure, when they could have stood aside like France and Germany. It is too bad that Japan has now done the same thing, permanently destroying the idealism behind its antiwar constitution.

Chalmers Johnson, president of the Japan Policy Research Institute and author of “The Sorrows of Empire: Militarism, Secrecy, and the End of the Republic,” wrote this article for the Los Angeles Times.

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This time, depleted uranium questions are coming from the Army first By Kevin Dougherty, Stars and Stripes European edition, Monday, February 23, 2004

いまや,劣化ウランについての問い合わせは,軍からまっさき に来ている,
(NODUヒロシマ・プロジェクト 左党仮訳)

ペルシア湾岸戦争の余波で,劣化ウランへの関心が高まる中 ,軍医たちは,神経質に,放射線被爆の話題について,兵士が 口を開くのを多いに待っている。

この(軍医たち)の接近は,健康や(軍の)配置についてのデ ータがないためでもあり,このこと(=データのないこと)が人々に 治療を施したり,補償したりする努力を妨げている。

今,軍は数十年で最大のローテーションを行っているので, イラクからの帰還兵は,ほとんどが自分自身でこの問題に気付 かないうちに,他の潜在的に危険な毒物と同様DUについても質問され ている。これや,他の健康に関する質問は,軍全体の配備後調査の基礎 と なっている。

我々はより多くの試験をしている、とドイツのランドサル中欧 米軍健康増進予防センターの疫学主任のジェームズ・マンカソ大佐 は言う。

マンカソは、当局はいかなる劣化ウランへのヒバクの証拠も 見つけていないが、密度の高い物質が、装甲を射ぬく能力を 高めるため、使用された、という。

臨床チャートを行きつ戻りつしながら、医師らは、最近は、 ますます、兵士の(イラクへの)配置前後の健康をチェックし 、 証明するようになった。基準となるイラクに出入りする 兵士らについてのの医学データをよりよく収拾するペースが 加速してきている。

当局者は、従軍した兵士たちはますます、可能性のある 健康への脅威についてより教育を受けたこともあって、 この過程に参加するようになっている。

私たちの兵士は、より訓練されてきている、とDUの直接の 専門ではないが、全ての毒物を扱う、センターの健康部長 のガリー・マッセックは言う。

この健康と配置のデータを集める過程を改善する努力は、 2001年1月から2002年5月の間にアフガンやコソボに配備された 1071人の兵士に焦点を当てた政府予算局の報告書の あと始まった。

9月に発表されたGAOの論評は、陸軍と空軍が、国防省の健 康保護と監視についての政策を遵守していなかったとした。この報告書 は4つの国内の基地をカバーしたデータに基づいており、健康影 響評価や、予防注射や、記録保持が不充分だったと記録している。

また、報告書は、国防省が、健康を監視する要求(省令?)を 遵守するような省内横断的努力(=縦割り行政を排除する)を監視 することを怠っていたとして批判した。

This time, depleted uranium questions are coming from the Army first

By Kevin Dougherty, Stars and Stripes
European edition, Monday, February 23, 2004


As concerns over depleted uranium grew in the aftermath of the Persian Gulf War, Army doctors were largely in a reactive mode, waiting for soldiers to broach the subject of radiation exposure.

That approach was partly due to an absence of health and deployment data, which impeded efforts to cure and compensate people.

Now, as the Army manages the largest force rotation in decades, troops returning from Iraq are being asked about depleted uranium – as well as other potentially dangerous toxins – before most have a chance to raise the issue themselves. This and other health-related questions form the basis of an Armywide post-deployment questionnaire.

“We are doing more testing,” said Capt. James Mancuso, chief of epidemiology at the U.S. Army Center for Health Promotion and Preventive Medicine-Europe in Landstuhl, Germany.

Mancuso said officials are not finding any significant exposure, however, to depleted uranium, a dense substance used in projectiles to improve armor-piercing capability.

But up and down the clinical chart, medical personnel are doing more these days to check and document a soldier’s health before and after deployment.
The pace has accelerated in recent months to better capture baseline medical data on the waves of troops leaving and entering Iraq.

Officials say servicemembers are also more involved in the process, partly because they are better educated about possible health threats.

“We have a better trained soldier population,” said Army Lt.
Col. Gary Matcek, chief of the center’s health physics division, “not just on DU, but on the whole litany of toxicants.”

The effort to improve the process of collecting health and deployment data comes on the heels of a Government Accounting Office report that focused on
1,071 troops who deployed to Kosovo or Afghanistan between January 2001 and May 2002.

Released in September, the GAO’s review found the Army and Air Force not in compliance with Defense Department policies on health protection and surveillance. The report, based on data covering four stateside bases, noted deficiencies in health assessments, immunizations and record-keeping.

It also criticized the Defense Department for a lack of “oversight of department-wide efforts to comply with health surveillance requirements.”

The Defense Department concurred with the report.

The report “disclosed that 38 to 98 percent of servicemembers [sampled] were missing one or both of their
[pre- or post-deployment] health assessments. …”

The basis of the GAO review, the second in six years, is rooted in health problems that arose after the 1990-91 Persian Gulf War, giving rise to what is known as Gulf War syndrome.

One of the culprits, some say, was the use of depleted uranium by U.S. and British forces. DU is a byproduct of the enrichment process of natural uranium, and, because of its density, is highly effective in penetrating armored vehicles.

But a lack of deployment data frustrated efforts to fully investigate the matter, the GAO later found.

Today, troops wrapping up their Iraq tour are required to complete a four-page form that includes, among other things, a question about possible exposure to depleted uranium.

The number of soldiers answering “yes” is “very low,” said Army Col.
Allen Kraft, director of force health protection for Europe Regional Medical Command and U.S. Army Europe.

Exposure to depleted uranium “is just one of the many, many things we are covering” in the survey, Kraft said. “Some are as innocuous as sand and dust.”

Regarding health assessments and data collection, Kraft acknowledged Army doctors “learned some good lessons from Gulf War I.”

But, he adds, people need to keep things in perspective.
Ingesting particles of depleted uranium certainly isn’t desirable, Kraft said, but he noted that people who smoke do their body more harm.

In a place such as Iraq, medical officials are just as concerned about other toxicants, from oil field emissions to lead paint. DU, Kraft said, “is on the low end of the totem pole” of things to worry about.

“The word ‘radiation’ scares people,” Kraft said, “but you are exposed to [levels of] radiation every time you step outside.”

By anyone’s measure, the greatest threat of depleted uranium exposure occurs when a soldier has the added misfortune of being in a vehicle struck by a DU shell, possibly from friendly fire. Upon impact, a round will pierce the metal and then mostly vaporize, sending fragments as well as particles of DU oxides flying.

Matcek, the CHPPME health physics division chief, said the immediate threat soon dissipates and that even rescue personnel are not at serious risk when following basic safety standards. Troops who simply pass by are at no great risk of exposure, either.

A measure of uranium, Matcek said, is in everyone’s body:
“It’s part of the air we breathe.”

“The conflict was different than the first time,” Matcek said. “… We did a much better job identifying between friend and foe.”

Medical officials, Mancuso said, walk a fine line when talking to troops about DU.

If you show too little interest, people wonder; if you show too much interest, people wonder.

He said just because troops were near inert DU munitions or pass by an impact site doesn’t mean they’re in danger.

Among departing troops, “no health affects have been seen relating to depleted uranium,” Mancuso said. “… Nothing has been seen so far.”

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— NODUヒロシマ・プロジェクト)


(試訳 NODUヒロシマプロジェクト 左党)



イラク侵略から上がってくる証拠は、多くのアメリカ人が直視したくないことを立証する。それは、私たちの国の最高幹部が、戦争のルールに関する多くの国際協定を踏みにじったことである。わたしたちが、ブッシュ政権の戦争犯罪- 一見しただけでその証拠は山ほどあるが -を無視したとしたら、わたしたちは、わたしたちの良心と、国と、民主主義への信頼を裏切ることになる。





























by Paul Rockwell
2004-02-20 UN Observer


“Depleted uranium is a crime against God and humanity.” Dr. Doug Rokke, U.S. Army health physicist The international dispatches about the U.S. invasion and occupation of Iraq – replete with graphic details about overcrowded hospitals, U.S. cluster bomb shrapnel buried in the flesh of children, babies deformed by U.S. depleted uranium, farms and markets destroyed by U.S. bombs ?
do not make pleasant reading. The mounting evidence from the invasion of Iraq establishes what many Americans may not want to face: that the highest leaders of our land violated many international agreements relating to the rules of war.
Unless we address the war crimes of the Bush administration – and the prima facie evidence is overwhelming – we betray our conscience, our country, and our own faith in democracy.

The United States is bound by customary law and international laws of war: the Hague Conventions of 1889 and 1907, the Geneva Conventions of 1949, and the Nuremberg Conventions adopted by the United Nations, December 11, 1945 – all of which set limits beyond which, by common consent,
decent peoples will not go. Under the Constitution, all treaties are part of the supreme law of the land.
Humanitarian law rests on a simple principle: that human rights are measured by one yardstick. Without that principle, all jurisprudence descends into mere piety and power. Nor do violations of the laws of war by one belligerent vindicate the war crimes of another.

Of all the violations of the laws of war by the highest officials of our country, none is more alarming or portentous than the widespread, premeditated use of depleted uranium in Iraq. Eleven miles north of the Kuwaiti border on the “Highway of Death,” disabled tanks, armored personnel carriers, gutted public vehicles ? the mangled metals of Desert Storm – are resting in the desert, radiating nuclear energy. American soldiers who lived for three months in the toxic wasteland now suffer from fatigue, joint and muscle pain, respiratory ailments – a host of maladies often known as the Gulf War Syndrome.

Ever since the end of Desert Storm, when the Pentagon unloaded 350 tons of depleted uranium, American officials have been well aware of the health hazards of the residue
that is collected from the processing of nuclear fuel.
When President Bush and the Pentagon authorized the use of depleted uranium for the shock-and-awe campaign against Iraq in March 1983, the Bush administration not only committed a war crime against the people of Iraq, it demonstrated reckless disregard for the health and safety of American troops.

Article 23 of the Geneva Convention IV is clear and unambiguous: “It is forbidden to employ poison or poisoned weapons, to kill treacherously individuals belonging to the hostile nation or army, to employ arms, projectiles or material calculated to cause unnecessary suffering.”
The Geneva Protocol of 1925 explicitly prohibits “asphyxiating, poisonous or other gasses, and all analogous liquids, materials or devices.”

The radiation produced by depleted uranium in battle is a poison, a carcinogenic material that causes birth defects, lung disease, kidney disease, leukemia, breast cancer,

lymphoma, bone cancer, and neurological disabilities.

Depleted uranium is much denser than lead and enables U.S. weapons to penetrate steel, a great advantage in modern war. But under the Geneva Conventions, “the means of injuring the enemy are not unlimited.” When DU munitions explode, the air is bathed in a fine radioactive dust, which carries on the wind, is easily inhaled, and eventually enters the soil,
pollutes ground water, and enters the food chain.
Unexploded casings gradually oxidize, releasing more uranium into the environment. Handlers of depleted uranium in the U.S. are required to wear masks and protective clothing – a requirement that Iraqi and American soldiers, not to mention
civilians, are unable to fulfill.

After the Gulf War in 1991, Iraqi hospitals recorded a surge in cancer and birth defects. Hospital statistics from Basra show that in 1988 there were 11 cancer cases per 100,000 people. By 2001, after schools, homes, and entire neighborhoods were leveled from the air, the number increased to 116 per 100,000. Breast and lung cancer and leukemia showed up in all areas contaminated by depleted uranium. Dr. Jawad al-Ali, cancer specialist at the Basra Training Hospital, noted that, “The only factor that has changed here since the 1991 war is radiation.”
Thirteen members of his staff, all present when the hospital area was bombed, are now cancer patients.

The Christian Science Monitor recently sent reporters to Iraq to investigate long-term effects of depleted uranium.
Staff writer Scott Peterson saw children playing on top of a burnt-out tank near a vegetable stand on the outskirts of Baghdad, a tank that had been destroyed by armor-piercing shells coated with depleted uranium. Wearing his mask and protective clothing, he pointed his Geiger counter toward the tank. It registered 1,000 times the normal background radiation.

The families who survived the tragic decade of sanctions, even the children who recently survived the bombing of Baghdad, may not survive the radiated aftermath of military profligacy. Uranium remains radioactive for two billion years. That’s a long time for reconstruction.

According to Dr. Doug Rokke, U.S. Army health physicist who led the first clean-up of depleted uranium after the Gulf War, “Depleted uranium is a crime against God and
Rokke’s own crew, a hundred employees, was devastated by exposure to the fine dust. “When we went to the Gulf, we were all really healthy,” he said. After performing clean-up operations in the desert (mistakenly without protective  gear), thirty members of his staff died, and most others – including Rokke himself-developed serious health problems.
Rokke now has reactive airway disease, neurological damage, cataracts, and kidney problems. “We warned the Department of Defense in 1991 after the Gulf War. Their arrogance is beyond comprehension.”

The growing outcry against the use of depleted uranium is not a matter of minor legal technicalities. The laws of war prohibit the use of weapons that have deadly and inhumane effects beyond the field of battle. Nor can weapons be legally deployed in war when they are known to remain active, or cause harm after the war concludes. The use of  depleted uranium is a crime whose horrific consequences have yet to run their course.

Years ago in the midst of France’s brutal war in Algeria, the philosopher Jean Paul Sartre admonished the French intelligentsia:

“It is not right, my fellow-countrymen, you who know very well all the crimes committed in our name. It’s not at all  right that you do not breathe a word about them to anyone,  not even to your own soul, for fear of having to stand in  judgment of yourself. I am willing to believe that at the  beginning you did not realize what was happening;
later, you doubted whether such things could be true; but now you know, and still you hold your tongues.”

Paul Rockwell

For addtional information…

Afghan DU Recovery Fund: www.afghandufund.org/

Canadian Peacekeeping Veterans Association:

Coalicion Internacional para la Abolicion de las Armas

Radiactivas: www.amcmh.org/

The Eos life~work resource centre:


Pandora DU Research

Traprock Peace Center:

United Nations Sub-Commission on the Promotion and
Protection of Human Rights:

Uranium Medical Research Centre: www.umrc.net/

Uranium Weapons Conference;



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— NODUヒロシマ・プロジェクト)


WHO suppressed scientific study into depleted uranium cancer fears in iraq







































Today’s Sunday Herald (Scotland) carries the
following. See it on

WHO ‘suppressed’ scientific study into depleted uranium cancer fears in Iraq

Radiation experts warn in unpublished report that DU weapons used by Allies in Gulf war pose long-term health risk

By Rob Edwards, Environment Editor

An expert report warning that the long-term health of Iraq’s civilian population would be endangered by British and US depleted uranium (DU) weapons has been kept secret.
The study by three leading radiation scientists cautioned that children and adults could contract cancer after breathing in dust containing DU, which is radioactive and chemically toxic. But it was blocked from publication by the World Health Organisation (WHO), which employed the main author, Dr Keith Baverstock, as a senior radiation advisor. He alleges that it was deliberately suppressed, though this is denied by WHO.

Baverstock also believes that if the study had been published when it was completed in 2001, there would have been more pressure on the US and UK to limit their use of DU weapons in last year’s war, and to clean up afterwards.

Hundreds of thousands of DU shells were fired by coalition tanks and planes during the conflict, and there has been no comprehensive decontamination.
Experts from the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) have so far not been allowed into Iraq to assess the pollution.

“Our study suggests that the widespread use of depleted uranium weapons in Iraq could pose a unique health hazard to the civilian population,” Baverstock told the Sunday Herald.

“There is increasing scientific evidence the radio activity and the chemical toxicity of DU could cause more damage to human cells than is assumed.”

Baverstock was the WHO’s top expert on radiation and health for 11 years until he retired in May last year. He now works with the Department of Environmental Sciences at the University of Kuopio in Finland, and was recently appointed to the UK government’s newly formed Committee on Radio active Waste Management.

While he was a member of staff, WHO refused to give him permission to publish the study, which was co-authored by Professor Carmel Mothersill from McMaster University in Canada and Dr Mike Thorne, a radiation consultant .
Baverstock suspects that WHO was leaned on by a more powerful pro-nuclear UN body, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

“I believe our study was censored and suppressed by the WHO because they didn’t like its conclusions. Previous experience suggests that WHO officials were bowing to pressure from the IAEA, whose remit is to promote nuclear power,” he said. “That is more than unfortunate, as publishing the study would have helped forewarn the authorities of the risks of using DU weapons in Iraq.”

These allegations, however, are dismissed as “totally unfounded” by WHO.
“The IAEA role was very minor,” said Dr Mike Repacholi, the WHO coordinator of radiation and environmental health in Geneva. “The article was not approved for publication because parts of it did not reflect accurately what a WHO-convened group of inter national experts considered the best science in the area of depleted uranium,” he added.

Baverstock’s study, which has now been passed to the Sunday Herald, pointed out that Iraq’s arid climate meant that tiny particles of DU were likely to be blown around and inhaled by civilians for years to come. It warned that, when inside the body, their radiation and toxicity could trigger the growth of malignant tumours.

The study suggested that the low-level radiation from DU could harm cells adjacent to those that are directly irradiated, a phenomenon known as “the bystander effect”. This undermines the stability of the body’s genetic system, and is thought by many scientists to be linked to cancers and possibly other illnesses.

In addition, the DU in Iraq, like that used in the Balkan conflict, could turn out to be contaminated with plutonium and other radioactive waste.
That would make it more radioactive and hence more dangerous, Baverstock argued.

“The radiation and the chemical toxicity of DU could also act together to create a ‘cocktail effect’ that further increases the risk of cancer.
These are all worrying possibilities that urgently require more investigation,” he said.

Baverstock’s anxiety about the health effects of DU in Iraq is shared by Pekka Haavisto, the chairman of the UN Environment Programme’s Post-Conflict Assessment Unit in Geneva. “It is certainly a concern in Iraq, there is no doubt about that,” he said.

UNEP, which surveyed DU contamination in Bosnia and Herzegovina in 2002, is keen to get into Iraq to monitor the situation as soon as possible. It has been told by the British government that about 1.9 tonnes of DU was fired from tanks around Basra, but has no information from US forces, which are bound to have used a lot more.

Haavisto’s greatest worry is when buildings hit by DU shells have been repaired and reoccupied without having been properly cleaned up. Photographic evidence suggests that this is exactly what has happened to the ministry of planning building in Baghdad.

He also highlighted evidence that DU from weapons had been collected and recycled as scrap in Iraq. “It could end up in a fork or a knife,” he warned.

“It is ridiculous to leave the material lying around and not to clear it up where adults are working and children are playing. If DU is not taken care of, instead of decreasing the risk you are increasing it. It is absolutely wrong.”

22 February 2004

for more info: contact
Richard Bramhall
Low Level Radiation Campaign




NO DU ヒロシマ・プロジェクト メーリングリストより転載


サマワ周辺に劣化ウラン弾 ’04/2/20

イラク戦争で米軍 官房長官が言及











NO DU ヒロシマ・プロジェクト メーリングリストより転載



後に続くのは、メーリングリストに流れた、この事実を知った英国湾岸戦争帰還兵の訴えです。  (試訳:嘉指信雄/NO DU ヒロシマ・プロジェクト)


DU Information Card (Introduced: 03/03) F Med 1018
You have been deployed to a theatre where Depleted Uranium (DU) Munitions have been used.
DU is a weakly radioactive heavy metal, which has the potential to cause ill health.
You may have been exposed to dust containing DU during your employment.

劣化ウラン情報カード F Med 1018 (採用:03/03)

Further Information
You are eligible for an urine test to measure uranium.
If you wish to know more about having this test, you should consult your unit medical officer on return to your home base. Your medical officer can provide information about the health effects of DU.
Information is also available on the MoD website:












イラクに派遣されている英国軍は、現在、「F Med (医学ファイル)1018」を発行されている。何故、イラク戦争、バルカンや湾岸での戦争の前に発行されなかったのだろうか?










Date sent: Thu, 19 Feb 2004 01:21:57 +0900
Subject: a question Re: [du-list] MoD Information Card
From:  Kazashi <kazashi@intl.hiroshima-cu.ac.jp>
To: <laka@antenna.nl>

Dear Henk,

Thank you very much for the very important information.
It reads: (Introduced 03/03)

Does this mean that this information card was introduced in March、 2003, but this “introduction” came to light only now?
I appreciate your immediate response. Kazashi

Dear Kazashi,

That is correct. I am also amazed that this hasn’t become public in the past
year, even when I am fully aware about fact that soldiers are pressed to
keep silence.


stichting Laka
Laka foundation documentatie en onderzoeks-documentation and research centrum kernenergie centre on nuclear energy
Ketelhuisplein 43 1054 RD Amsterdam NL-1054 RD Amsterdam
tel: 020-6168294 Netherlands fax: 020-6892179
tel: +31-20-6168294 fax: +31-20-6892179
www.laka.org laka@antenna.nl


From: Raymond Bristow

Sent: Tuesday, February 17, 2004 4:21 PM
Subject: MoD Accept DU has the potential to cause ill health

MoD Accept DU has the potential to cause ill health
British Troops serving in Iraq are now being issued with an F Med 1018.
Why not before the Iraq war, Balkans or Gulf War?
Are service personnel from other nations aware that British Troops carry this warning card?
Are Iraqi Civilians aware of this warning card?
Are Civilians aware of this warning card who around the world live near test firing range’s.
Copies of this card should be made for the Iraqi civilians to turn up at British & American Military establishments in Iraq and ask for testing as it was the US and the UK that used Uranium Munitions.

Please distribute the faxed, photo-copy of the card that was sent to me.

REMEMBER The MoD have always told Gulf War 1 Vet’s DU IS SAFE

another demonstration of an UNTRUTH

It was said that DU was experimental during Gulf War 1 – then is this
another demonstration of the breaking of the Nuremberg Code by observing the health effects on the Veterans after the War?





NO DU ヒロシマ・プロジェクト メーリングリストより転載

-- 伊軍被害者協会 会長

(AGI) イタリー ローマ 2月16日

“アフガニスタン及びイラクに配置されているイタリア軍兵士たちは、劣化ウラン弾の塵の吸入を防ぐ為の防御マスクを着用していない“ と軍隊被害者協会のFalco Accame会長はイタリア大統領に書簡を送った。


Accame氏は又、 “この規範は、イタリア軍において1999年以来施行されている。イタリーはすでにウラン汚染の疑いによる20人の死亡者及び約200人の疾病者をだしている。” と語った。(森瀧仮訳)





(AGI) – Rome, Italy, Feb. 16 – Italian soldiers deployed in Afghanistan and Iraq do not wear protective masks that impede inhalation of depleted uranium dust, wrote Falco Accame, president of the Armed Forces Victims Association, in a letter to the Italian president. According to Accame, norms were issued by the United States in 1993 for the use of masks in order to “impede the inhalation of uranium oxide that deposits in the soil of areas bombarded by weapons containing depleted uranium, which can be carried by the wind.” These norms are in effect for Italian forces since 1999. Accame also said that Italy has had “twenty deaths for suspected uranium contamination, and around 200 illnesses.” (AGI) –




NO DU ヒロシマ・プロジェクト メーリングリストより転載


Scenes of horror at Iraqi hospital
Jennie Matthew | Samawa, Iraq

11 February 2004 12:22

Two-year-old Nawaf Mishal lies whimpering on a pile of dirty blankets in an Iraqi hospital, so malnourished his face is deformed, his legs are like pencils and his enormous almond eyes empty with pain.

He vomits everything he eats, and a 10-day course of antibiotics and fluids at the children’s hospital in Samawa, about 260km south of Baghdad, has not helped.

Nawaf fell ill when the village drinking water became infused with sewage. No one in his family thought to boil the water first.

Doctors at the hospital say the number of cases of severe gastroenteritis caused by contaminated water have doubled since the 2003 United States-led invasion of Iraq.

In the children’s ward, the stench of dried sweat and raw waste is almost unbearable. Mothers, dressed head to foot in black robes, sit cross-legged on the floor or beds, cradling children as many drift slowly into death.

The hospital has only 11 incubator units for more than 20 premature babies.
Most date back to the 1980s before international sanctions isolated Iraq from the world in the wake of Saddam Hussein’s 1990 invasion of Kuwait.

Oxygen supplies run out for days. Doctors have less than half the drugs, fluids and equipment they need. The electricity goes off for hours. The hospital’s sewage system frequently overflows.

“We have nothing. Most children die, especially in winter,” said Samah Zaher, a 25-year-old junior doctor.

Doctors suspect three-year-old Abdullah Salah, suddenly seized by convulsions three days ago, has meningitis or encephalitis.

But resident paediatrician Ayad Miran thinks the journey to Baghdad for a scan and diagnosis would kill the child.

“I’m a sad man for the condition of these children,” says Miran, who works more than 10 hours a day, seven days a week for $150 a month.

The hospital is also woefully incapable of treating hideously disfigured babies, whose illnesses doctors suspect are being caused by depleted uranium ammunition used by US and British troops in the 1991 Gulf War.

“They have different rare diseases and deformities, such as multiple fractures, bone disorders, supernumerary fingers and thumbs. Sometimes they live for a few weeks. When the deformities are very bad they usually die,” says paediatrician Abdul Amieer al-Dabbagh.

Two months ago, a woman gave birth to what he could describe only as a “mermaid”, with a thick “fishbone tail” in place of the legs, three double chins and partially formed ears. He keeps pictures of all such children.

It was so disfigured, doctors could not tell whether the baby was a boy or a girl and the infant died shortly after delivery.

Unemployment is rife in Samawa and public sanitation almost non-existent. The hospital used to charge for treatment, but with no jobs no one can pay.

“I came to Samawa 12 years ago, at the end of the Iran-Iraq war. I chose the safest town and one year later the embargoes started,” says Dabbagh.

In 1995, he was jailed by Saddam’s regime for four months after a British pharmacist visited the hospital with vital supplies of medicine.

About 600 Dutch troops have been based in Samawa since Saddam was ousted from power 10 months ago, but no one at the hospital has seen them.

Many have high hopes that Japanese peacekeeping troops, who began arriving last month, will rebuild the moribund city.

But so far the only signed and sealed construction contract is for their military camp outside the city. — Sapa-AFP







「私たちには、何もない。」「ほとんどの子供が特に冬に死ぬ。」と、Samah Zaher、25歳の若き医師は言った。

「彼らには、多発性骨折や、骨の異常や、指の数が多かったりという奇病や奇形がある。時々、彼らは数週間生きる。奇形が非常に悪い場合は普通、死ぬ。」と、小児科医アブダルAmieer al-Dabbaghは言う。






NO DU ヒロシマ・プロジェクト メーリングリストより転載







ウラン238が放出する放射線については、日本評論社の『劣化ウラン弾・湾岸戦争で何が行われたか』をお持ちの方は、その中のL. A.ディーツの論文『劣化ウランの散乱と湾岸戦争帰還兵等の汚染』(pp.176-195)が信頼できる文献です。






『ヒロシマ・アピール』の23ページに掲載されている星 正治・田中憲一のお二人の「劣化ウラン弾がバグダッド地域で使用されたことの証明」でも、ウラン235とウラン238の存在比率を求めるときに、ウラン238とプロトアクチニウムが放射平衡に達していると判断して、プロトアクチニウムの2種類のガンマ線のピーク値での測定をしておられます。この判断もその後の測定からの評価も、私には納得のいくものでした。このページがあることで、『ヒロシマ・アピール』の主張は、科学的裏付けを得ることが出来たのだと思います。









NO DU ヒロシマ・プロジェクト メーリングリストより転載



> To The American Ambassador to Japan: Greetings: It is astonishing that individuals in your office would willfully lie about the adverse health effects that those of us who were involved with depleted uranium have experienced and that are documented in our Department of Veterans Affairs, U.S. Miltary, and private medical records. When you willfully lie (japan.usembassy.gov/e/p/tp-20030401d1.html ) that harms individuals. Today required medical care is still denied and our military leaders still refuse to complete required environmental remediation. Simply there is absolutely no justification for U.S. and British military personnel to disperse tons of uranium in another nation then refuse to provide medical care and complete environmental remediation as required by their own directives and regulations.

On your comment regarding the effects of chemical weapons– when will you tell the Japanese and others that Iraq did have them preceeding and during Gulf War 1 because the U.S. gave them to them. quote from report:

U.S. Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Staff Report on U.S. Chemical and Biological Warfare-Related Dual-Use Exports to Iraq and The Possible Impact on the Health Consequences of the War


In October 1992, the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, which has Senate oversight responsibility for the Export Administration Act (EAA), held an inquiry into the U.S. export policy to Iraq prior to the Persian Gulf War. During that hearing it was learned that U.N. inspectors identified many U.S.- manufactured items exported pursuant to licenses issued by the U.S.

Department of Commerce that were used to further Iraq’s chemical and nuclear weapons development and missile delivery system development programs.

reference: members.aol.com/vetcenter/reigle.htm

end quote.

Chemical weapons are part of the cause and occurred when we willfully blew them up according to orders from Secretary Cheney and Genral Powell (Schwartzkopf’s autobiography IT DOESN’T AKE A HERO, page 390)

My latest comments on DU follow.

I do not know when or if you will be held accountable for lying but I hope the Japanese people and President Bush do soon. If you have any questions please contact me. You can call Dr. Mike Kilpatrick, who gave you this nonsense, he knows me and wishes that I and the truth would go away.

thank you,
dr. doug rokke

January 2004

Depleted uranium munitions are used during combat because they are extremely effective. However, in winning these battles through use of uranium munitions we have contaminated air, water, and soil. Consequently, children, women, and men have inhaled, ingested, or got wounds contaminated with uranium.
Uranium is a heavy metal and radioactive poison. The toxicity is not debatable as the Director of the U.S. Army Environmental Policy Institute stated in a congressionally mandated report that “No available technology can significantly change the inherent chemical and radiological toxicity of DU. These are intrinsic properties of uranium ” (Health and Environmental Consequences of Depleted Uranium Use in the U.S. Army: Technical Report, AEPI, June 1995).

The primary U.S. Army training manual: STP 21-1-SMCT: Soldiers Manual of Common Tasks states “NOTE: (Depleted uranium) Contamination will make food and water unsafe  for consumption.” [Task number: 031-503-1017 “RESPOND TO DEPLETED URANIUM/LOW LEVEL RADIOACTIVE MATERIALS (DULLRAM) HAZARDS”]. Although, existing U.S.

Department of Defense (DOD) directives require that prompt and effective medical care be provided to all exposed individuals (Medical Management of Unusual Depleted Uranium Casualties, DOD, 10/14/93) and the thorough clean up of dispersed radioactive contamination (AR 700-48); United States, British, and Australian officials refuse to comply.


The United States, England, and Australia have recently used extensive amounts of weapons made from uranium, commonly called depleted uranium in Iraq, Afghanistan, and the Balkans. Medical evidence and especially the birth defects in children born to parents in areas with DU contamination is an issue of significant concern. Depleted uranium (uranium 238) along with other contaminates of war have been implicated and medical evidence supports the fact that uranium contamination exposure results in adverse health effects.

Today; after the willful use of uranium munitions during Gulf War 1, during Balkans combat, in Afghanistan, and now during Gulf War 2; warriors and non-combatants are exhibiting serious adverse health effects from exposure to depleted uranium munitions contamination, conventional weapons residue, and released toxic industrial chemicals.

However, even though medical evidence exists to prove adverse health effects United States, British, Australian, Canadian, and NATO officials continue to state specifically that there are no known adverse health effects in individuals who were exposed to uranium and other contamination. That is a willful lie as verified by actual medical records of thousands of individuals affected by war created contamination.


Depleted uranium (DU) which is 99.8% by mass U-238 is made from uranium hexaflouride, the byproduct of the uranium enrichment process. Recent documents  released by the U.S. Department of Energy and the 1995 U..S. Army Environmental Policy Institute reports state that a small proportion of other toxic heavy metals and radioactive isotopes such as plutonium, neptunium, americium, and U-236 also are present. Although the 60 % of the ionizing radiation given off by gamma emissions from U-235 and U-234 was eliminated during the enrichment process, alpha particles at 4.2 Mev and 4.15 Mev that cause significant internal  ionization with consequent cellular damage were proportionally increased and gamma and beta emissions from contaminants and daughter products still are present. The continuing incomplete statement that DU is 60% less radioactive than natural uranium simply ignores the serious internal damage caused by alpha particles that impact any cell! Alpha particle emission measurements show that the dose or exposure rate is in excess of 10000 counts per minute. DU is a serious internal hazard. Consequent inhalation, ingestion, and wound contamination pose significant and unacceptable health risks due to direct cell damage from alpha and beta particle and gamma ray emissions. Spent penetrators, DU fragments, and contaminated shrapnel emit beta particles and gamma rays at 300 mrem / hour and thus can not be touched or picked up without protection.


DU is used to manufacture kinetic energy penetrators- giant pencils orrods.

Each kinetic penetrator consists of almost entirely uranium 238. The United States munitions industry produces the following DU munitions with the corresponding mass of uranium 238:
7.62 mm with unspecified mass
50 cal. With unspecified mass
20 mm with a mass of approximately 180 grams.
25 mm with a mass of approximately 200 grams.
30 mm with a mass of approximately 280 grams.
105 mm with a mass of approximately 3500 grams.
120 mm with a mass of approximately 4500 grams.
Sub-munitions / land mines such as the PDM and ADAM whose structural body contain a small proportion of DU.
Cruise missiles with unknown quantity of DU Bunker buster bombs with unknown quantity of DU Many other countries now produce or have acquired DU munitions. DU is also used as armor, counter weights, radiation shielding, and as proposed by the U.S. Department of Energy as a component of road and structural materials.
All of these uses are designed to reduce the huge U.S. Department of Energy stockpiles left over from the uranium enrichment process.

It is important to realize that DU penetrators are solid uranium 238. THEY ARE NOT TIPPED OR COATED! During an impact at least 40 % of the penetrator forms uranium oxides or fragments which are left on the terrain, within or on impacted equipment, or within impacted structures.

The remainder of the penetrator retains its initial shape. Thus we are left with a solid piece of uranium lying someplace which can be picked up by children. DU also ignites in the air during flight and upon impact. The resulting shower of burning DU and DU fragments causes secondary explosions, fires,  injury, and death.

All individuals must ask if they would want tons solid uranium penetrators lying in their backyard? Does anyone want any radioactive contamination of any type lying in their backyard? The answer is simple-


I was assigned to the 3rd U.S. Army Depleted Uranium assessment team as the health physicist and medic by order of Headquarters Department of the Army in Washington, D.C. What we found can be explained in three words: “OH MY GOD”.

According to official documents each uranium penetrator rod could loose up to 70% of it’s mass on impact creating fixed and loose contamination with the remaining rod passing through the equipment or structure to lie on the terrain.
On-site impact investigations showed that the mass loss is about 40% which forms fixed and loose contamination leaving about 60% of the initial mass of the penetrator in the solid pencil form.

We found that standard radiacs will not detect his contamination. Equipment contamination included uranium fragments, uranium oxides, other hazardous materials, unstable unexploded ordnance, and byproducts of exploded ordnance.
U.S. Army Materiel Command documents sent to us stated the uranium oxide was 57% insoluble and 43 % soluble and at least 50% could be inhaled. In most cases except for penetrator fragments, contamination was inside destroyed equipment or structures, on the destroyed equipment, or within 25 meters of the equipment.
During the 1994 and 1995 Nevada tests we found DU contamination out to 400 meters from a single incident.

After we returned to the United States we wrote the Theater Clean up plan  which reportedly was passed through U.S. Department of Defense to the U.S.
Department of State and consequently to the Emirate of Kuwaiti. Today, it is obvious that none of this information regarding clean up of extensive DU contamination ever was given to the Iraqi’s. Consequently, although there still are substantial radiation contamination hazards existing within Iraq these hazards have been ignored by the United States and Great Britain for political and economic reasons at the same time additional use of uranium weapons has occurred resulting in additional confirmed contamination.

Iraqi, Kosovar, Serbian, and other representatives have asked numerous times for DU contamination management and medical care procedures but this information has not been provided. Although residents of Vieques, who are U.S. citizens, also have asked for medical care and completion of environmental remediation DOD officials still refuse to complete these essential actions.


The probable health and environmental hazards of uranium contamination were known before the Gulf War. A United States Defense Nuclear Agency memorandum written by LTC Lyle that was sent to our team in Saudi Arabia stated that quote:

“As Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD), ground combat units, and civil populations of Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and Iraq come increasingly into contact with DU ordnance, we must prepare to deal with potential problems. Toxic war souvenirs, political furor, and post conflict clean up (host nation agreement) are only some of the issues that must be addressed. Alpha particles (uranium oxide dust) from expended rounds is a health concern but, Beta particles from fragments and intact rounds is a serious health threat, with possible exposure rates of 200 millirads per hour on contact.” end quote.

This memorandum, the reports that we prepared immediately after the Gulf War as a part of the depleted uranium assessment project to recover DU destroyed and contaminated U.S. equipment, the previous research, and other expressed concerns led to the publication of a United States Department of Defense directive signed by General Eric Shinseki on August 19, 1993 to quote:

“1. Provide adequate training for personnel who may come in contact with depleted uranium equipment.
2. Complete medical testing of personnel exposed to DU contamination during the Persian Gulf War.
3. Develop a plan for DU contaminated equipment recovery during future operations.”

It is thus indisputable that United States Department of Defense officials were and are still aware of the unique and unacceptable health and environmental hazards associated with using depleted uranium munitions.

Consequently, I was recalled to active duty in 1994 as U.S. Army Depleted Uranium Project Director and tasked with developing training and environmental management procedures. The project included a literature review;
extensive curriculum development project involving representatives from all branches of the U.S. Department of Defense and representatives from England, Canada, Germany,  and Australia. We also completed basic research at the Nevada Test Site located 120 miles northwest of Las Vegas, Nevada, to validate management procedures.

The products of the DU project included: Three training curricula:
(1) Tier I: General Audience,
(2) Tier II: Battle Damage and Recovery Operations,
(3) Tier III: Chemical Officer / NCO;
(4) Three video tapes: (1) “Depleted Uranium Hazard Awareness”,  (2) “Contaminated and Damaged Equipment Management”, and (3) “Operation of the AN/PDR 77 Radiac Set”;
(5) The draft Army Regulation: “Management of Equipment Contaminated with Depleted Uranium or Radioactive Commodities” (currently AR 700-48, Department of the Army, Washington, D.C., 9/16/2002);
(6) an United States Army Pamphlet specifying “Handling Procedures for Equipment Contaminated with Depleted Uranium or Radioactive Commodities” and
(7) a redesigned radiac capable of finding and quantifying DU contamination.

Although, these products were completed, approved, and ready for distribution by January 1996, U.S. Army, U.S. Department of Defense, British, German,  Canadian, and Australian officials have disregarded repeated directives and have not implemented or only have implemented portions of the training or management procedures.

The training curriculum and management procedures have not been given to all individuals and representatives of governments whose populations and environment have been exposed to DU contamination as verified by U.S. General
Accounting Office investigators in a report published during March 2000 and through personal conversations.


Deliberate denial and delay of medical screening and consequent medical care of U.S. friendly fire casualties who inhaled, ingested, and had wound contamination and all others with verified or suspected internalized uranium exposure limits recognition and verification of health effects still continues as of December 10, 2003.

Although we recommended immediate medical care during March 1991 and many times since then United States Department of Defense, the British Ministry of Defense, Canadian, Australian, United State Department, and U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs officials are still refusing to provide thorough medical screening and necessary medical care for all DU casualties as required by their own written and published directives.

Dr. Bernard Rostker wrote to me in a letter dated March 1, 1999 that physicians and health physicists at the completion of the ground war decided that medical screening and care for uranium exposures was not required. Actual documents refute this! Today, individuals are sick (including me) and others are dead who were denied medical care even though I requested it in a letter dated May 21, 1997 which was sent to the Office of Surgeon U.S. Army Materiel Command and forwarded to Dr. Rostker.

Verified adverse health effects from personal experience, physicians, and from personal reports from individuals with known DU exposures include:
(a) Reactive airway disease, (b) neurological abnormalities, (c) kidney stones and chronic kidney pain, (d) rashes, (e) vision degradation and night vision losses,  (f) gum tissue problems, (g) lymphoma, (h) various forms of skin and organ cancer, (I) neuro-psychological disorders, (j) uranium in semen, (k)sexual dysfunction, and (l) birth defects in offspring.
Today, health effects have been documented in uranium processing facility employees of and residents living near Puducah, Kentucky, Portsmouth, Ohio; Los Alamos, New Mexico; Oak Ridge, Tennessee; and Hanford, Washington.
Employees of and residents living near uranium manufacturing or processing facilities in New York, Tennessee, Iowa, Massachusetts, and the four corners area of southwest Colorado also have repeatedly reported health effects similar to those reported by Gulf War DU casualties.

Iraqi and other humanitarian agency physicians are reporting the same health effects in exposed populations. Scottish scientists have verified that residents of the Balkans were excreting uranium in their urine. Dr. Assif Durakovic (a retired U.S. Army Colonel) of the Uranium Medical Research Center has also verified extremely high uranium excretion rates in Afghanistan refugees.
This demonstrates that depleted uranium (U-238) is mobile and contaminating, air,  water, and soil just as specified in the October 1943 letter to General Leslie Groves.

Today, verifying correlation between uranium exposures and adverse health effects, except in only in a few cases, is difficult because of deliberate delays in required screening, a radio-bioassay and medical care. Screening involves the collection and analysis of urine, fecal, and throat samples within 24 hours of exposure as required in a October 1993 Department of Defense published directive. Today, months or years after exposure, only a small fraction of the sequestered uranium will be detected. This detectable fraction represents only the mobile or soluble portion and a very smal fraction of what is or was in the body. Terry Riordan’s (a DU casualty) autopsy in Canada has revealed that sequestering is occurring and that the mobile fraction may not be representative of what is actually present.

Even when verified medical evidence attributing adverse health effects to DU exposures is available official recognition and documentation is limited.
For example during 1994 and 1995 United States Department of Defense medical personnel at an U.S. Army installation hospital removed, separated, and hid documented diagnoses (including my own) from affected individuals and other physicians. Some medical records were retrieved during the fall of 1997, but, probably too late for many individuals. Today, this practice continues and consequently exposed individuals are not receiving adequate and effective medical care.
This includes individuals whose required medical care has been requested and ordered many times.
The denial of medical care will continue as long as the United States, British, Canadian, NATO, and United Nations officials are permitted to ignore the emerging evidence and deny medical care to all individuals who have been or may have been exposed to depleted uranium (uranium 238), other isotopes, and other contaminants created as result of depleted uranium munitions use. The criteria describing exposures requiring medical screening within 24 hours of exposure and consequent medical care were specified in a message from Headquarters Department of the Army dated October 14, 1993. These exposures included:

“a. Being in the midst of smoke from DU fires resulting from the burning of vehicles uploaded with DU munitions or depots in which DU munitions are being stored.
b. Working within environments containing DU dust or residues from DU fires.
c. Being within a structure or vehicle while it is struck by DU munitions.”

These guidelines must be applicable to all exposed individuals with care independent of military or civilian status. They must be implemented now!

Medical care must be planned and completed to identify and then alleviate actual physiological problems rather than placing an emphasis on psychological manifestations and continued testing. Children and others are sick and deserve care for the complex exposures that have resulted in health problems.
Medical care for known uranium exposures should emphasize (concern in parentheses):

a. neurology (heavy metal effects)
b. ophthalmology (radiation and heavy metal effects)
c. urology (heavy metal effects and crystal formation)
d. dermatology (heavy metal effects)
e. cardiology (radiation and heavy metal effects)
f. pulmonary (radiation, particulate, and heavy metal effects)
g. immunology (radiation and heavy metal effects)
h. oncology (radiation and heavy metal effects)
i. gynecology (radiation, neurological, and heavy metal effects)
j. gastro-intestinal (systematic effects)
k. dental (heavy metal effects)
l. psychology (heavy metal effects)

Many individuals with known exposures still have not received requested care.
As stated during March 10, 2003 by Dr. Michael KilPatrick, U.S. Department of Defense, only 90 individuals (including myself) are receiving minimal medical care from physicians assigned to the Baltimore Maryland Department of Veterans Affairs Depleted Uranium program. That includes only a fraction of over 400 individuals with verified extremely high exposures as the Dr. Rostker’s staff told members of the Presidential Special Oversight Board on September 28, 1998.

It is impossible to get proper care and treatment.

The cover-up actions to avoid liability started with the infamous Los Alamos memorandum sent to our team in Saudi Arabia during March 1991. This memo told us to be sure that we should only report our findings so DU munitions could always be used. IN OTHER WORDS LIE!

A letter sent to General Leslie Groves during 1943 is even more disturbing.
In that memorandum dated October 30, 1943, senior scientists assigned to the Manhattan Project suggested that radioactive materials; including uranium as confirmed during personal discussions with former Manhatten Project scientists; could be used to contaminate air, water, and terrain contaminant.
According to the letter sent by the Subcommittee of the S-1 Executive Committee on the “Use of Radioactive Materials as a Military Weapon” to General Groves (October 30, 1943) inhalation of radioactive materials- dirty bomb, would result in “bronchial irritation coming on in a few hours to a few days”. This is exactly what happened to those of us who inhaled DU dust during Operation Desert Storm and in U.S. soldiers in the Balkans.
The subcommittee went on further to state that “Beta emitting products could get into the gastrointestinal tract from polluted water, or food, or air.

From the air, they would get on the mucus of the nose, throat, bronchi, etc. and be swallowed. The effects would be local irritation just as in the bronchi and exposures of the same amount would be required. The stomach, caecum and rectum, where contents remain for longer periods than elsewhere would be most likely affected. It is conceivable that ulcers and perforations of the gut followed by death could be produced, even without an general effects from radiation”.

Today, although medical problems continue to develop; medical care is denied or delayed for all uranium exposed casualties while United States Department of Defense and British Ministry of Defense officials continue to deny any correlation between uranium exposure and adverse health and environmental effects.
They contend that they can spread tons of solid radioactive waste (uranium 238) in anyone’s backyard without cleaning it up and providing medical care.
Their arrogance is astonishing!

Since 1991 numerous DOD and VA directives have required compliance with these recommendations. However even though DOD, VA, and UN officials know what should be done, visual evidence, photographic and video tape evidence, on site radiological measurements, personal experience, and published reports verify that:
1. Medical care has not been provided to all DU casualties.
2.Environmental remediation has not been completed.
3. Individuals are not wearing respiratory or skin protection.
4. Contaminated and damaged equipment and materials have been recycled to manufacture new products.
5. Training and education has only been partially implemented.
6. Contamination management procedures have not been distributed and implemented.


Visual evidence, photographic and video tape evidence, on site radiological measurements, personal experience, and published reports verify that:
1. Medical care has not been provided to all DU casualties.
2. Environmental remediation has not been completed.
3. Contaminated and damaged equipment and materials have been recycled to manufacture new products.
4. Training and education has only been partially implemented.
5. Contamination management procedures have not been distributed and implemented.


All citizens of the world must raise a unified voice to force the leaders of those nations that have used depleted uranium munitions to recognize the immoral consequences of their actions and assume responsibility for medical care of all individuals exposed to uranium contamination and the thorough environmental remediation of all uranium contamination left as a result of combat and peacetime actions. The efforts of senior U.S. Department of Defense, U.S.
Army, U.S. Department of Energy, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, British, Canadian, Australian, and United Nations officials to prevent acknowledgment of these problems and accept responsibility must be stopped! The overt retaliation against any of us who are attempting to get these same officials to comply with their own directives must stop. We can not continue to ignore the consequences of wartime contamination that include adverse health and environmental effects. I IMPLORE YOU TO ACT!




NO DU ヒロシマ・プロジェクト メーリングリストより転載


イラク戦争劣化ウラン情報 No.13 2004年2月8日
アメリカの戦争拡大と日本の有事法制に反対する署名事務局 吉田正弘





2004年 2月6日


2004年2月6日--最近終わったばかりの実験室での分析結果はウラニウム医療研究センター(UMRC)の現地調査チームの2人のメンバーが劣化ウラン(DU)で汚染されていることを示しています。2人の現地調査スタッフ--一人はカナダから、もう一人はベイルートから参加しました--は2003年10月に13日間にわたってイラクを旅行しました; それはイラクの自由作戦の空爆と陸上部隊の作戦が休止して5ヶ月後のことでした。質量分析器を使って、UMRCのドイツの共同研究者の実験室は調査チームメンバーの二人の尿サンプルで劣化ウランを測定しました。





情報のために:T ウェイマン

事務局ホームページ http://www.jca.apc.org/stopUSwar/
吉田eメールアドレス masayo@silver.ocn.ne.jp


Further information will be sent.

With regards,


UMRC Information Bulletin

February 6, 2004

Warning of uranium contamination risks to
NGO staff, Coalition forces, foreign contract
personnel and civilians in Iraq

February 6, 2004 ? Recently completed laboratory analyses show two members of Uranium Medical Research Centre’s (UMRC) field investigation team are contaminated with Depleted Uranium (DU). The two field staff, one from Canada and the other, Beirut, toured Iraq for thirteen days in October 2003; five months after the cessation of Operation Iraqi Freedom’s aerial bombing and ground force campaign. Using mass spectrometry, UMRC’s partner laboratory in Germany measured DU in both team members’ urine samples.

The UMRC team surveyed US and British controlled combat areas and bomb-sites in southern Iraq, including Baghdad, An Nasiriyah, As Suweiriah and Al Basra (details can be found at UMRC.net, Abu Khasib to Al Ah’qaf: Field Investigation Report). The conditions responsible for the team’s DU contamination are considered to be inhalation of resuspended ultra-fine soil and dust particles saturated with uranium and airborne uranium oxides and metallic particulate. Uranium was used in anti-tank penetrators, suppression ordnance and bunker-defeat warheads deployed during the 26 days of Operation Iraqi Freedom by both US and UK forces. The contamination of UMRC’s team members occurring over a two-week period, many months after the main conflict, represents a risk to civilians, non-governmental organisations’ staff, Coalition armed forces and foreign contractors and diplomatic staff.

In 1997, UMRC was the first study group to detect DU in the urine of Canadian, British and US troops who served in Gulf War I. The urinary excretion of battlefield uranium was identified six years following exposure. In January 2004, the US Department of Veterans Affairs admitted it had detected DU in the urine of US forces who are not retaining DU shrapnel, in 2000, eight years after Desert Storm. In 2001 and again in 2002, UMRC measured high concentrations of artificial uranium containing the synthetic isotope, 236U, in Afghan civilians exposed to the detonation plumes of bombs deployed during Operation Enduring Freedom.

In November 2003, the British Ministry of Defence (MOD) released a formal statement to the Guardian disclaiming UMRC’s Operation Telic findings of high levels of radioactivity in British-led battlefields. The MOD stated unequivocally that battlefield uranium residues remain stable inside defeated Iraqi tanks and cannot be made biologically available to humans. Since then, the MOD has found unusually high concentrations of uranium excreted in the urine of its 1st Armoured Division troops who served in Basra (September 2003, UK DU Oversight Board Meeting minutes, Gulf Veterans Illnesses Unit, UK Ministry of Defence). The MOD’s recent findings in its troops now deployed back to Germany, coupled with the contamination of UMRC’s staff demonstrate the need to initiate immediate solutions to protect exposed civilians and foreign personnel in Iraq.

Preliminary results of UMRC’s laboratory analysis of field samples of civilian urine, soils and water samples indicate uranium contamination in several Iraqi cities and battlefields. Details of UMRC’s findings from US and British controlled battlefields and bombsites will be released later this month (February 2004). UMRC has offered its assistance to the United Nation’s Environment Program (UNEP) to guide UNEP’s post-conflict study team to radiologically contaminated bombsites and battlefields in Iraq and Afghanistan. UMRC urges UNEP to undertake immediate studies and lead the implementation of a radiation protection program for Iraqi and Afghan civilians as well as a supervised environmental clean-up program, as early as possible.

For information:

T Weyman

Iraq Field Team Lead





NO DU ヒロシマ・プロジェクト メーリングリストより転載


2004年2月3日  画期的ニュース




なお、CADU(Campaign Against DU)のホームページによりますと、昨年、別の退役軍人がPensions Appeal Tribunalで勝訴したという記事が掲載されています。今回のケニー・ダンカン氏のことについての情報も少しあり、昨年の時点では、まだ完全な年金が得られていないので係争中と書かれています。


-Court Makes Landmark Ruling on Gulf War Syndrome – But Other UK Veteran Still Face Pension Fight)



Wednesday 3rd February 2004 Landmark Breaking

Another first for Hull based National Gulf Veterans & Families Association

Scottish Veteran first to win Landmark ruling on Depleted Uranium poisoning from the Gulf War the Tribunal was heard in Edinburgh
02 02 04.

Kenny Duncan from Clackmananshire Scotland yesterday became the first British Gulf War Veteran to win his case for Depleted Uranium Poisoning from the gulf War 1991.

Kenny served with the Royal Corps of Transport and served as a specialist Tank transporter, it was one of his jobs to move Iraqi Tanks hit and destroyed by Depleted Uranium, it was doing this job that caused his exposure by inhaling the Depleted Uranium Dust from the burnt out tanks hit by DU. All 3 of Kenny and Mandy’s children have physical health problems since being born post Gulf War.

Kenny won his case at the Pensions appeal Tribunal service at Scotland he was represented by Mr Roy Gibson of the NGVFA based in Hull the National Charity for Gulf War Veterans.

The tribunal found that Mr Kenny Duncan’s exposure to Depleted Uranium was attributable to service in the 1991 Gulf War. The Chairman and Doctor found the Chromosome Aberrations Tests carried out at the World Health Organisation Laboratories Bremen Institute implicit, it must be noted that these tests had to be paid for by the Charity. We have to thank a German Professor Dr Albrect Schott who recognised the similarities and had the bloods taken and tested at the Bremen Institute. The blood tests show damage by Ionising radiation from the Gulf War and can only be from the Battlefield. We have to thank Dr.Med W.Hoffmann M.P.H WHO Bremen Institute Germany.

It must be noted that it is 13 years since the Gulf War 1991 and the Government and the Ministry of Defence have not yet tested British Soldiers for Depleted Uranium Damage and disease, yet the 24hr Urine test has been available since 1996, and the chromosome aberration test since 2000, it begs the question WHY our troops have not been tested and why they have to turn to a small Charity for testing.

This result makes for further pressure on the prime minister for a public enquiry into Gulf War Illness.

606 Soldiers that we know of have died since April 1991, 5933 to date have applied for War Pensions due to Disablement. We however believe that this is just the tip of the iceberg and the figures on both accounts are actually double.

For further information:

Contact Shaun Rusling (Chairman)

Professor Malcolm Hooper DU Panel.

Advocate Roy Gibson

「サマワで300倍の放射線量 陸自に「見えない脅威」」

「サマワで300倍の放射線量 陸自に「見えない脅威」」

「サマワで300倍の放射線量 陸自に「見えない脅威」」

「戦争で深刻な環境破壊 イラクの現状、国連が報告」

「戦争で深刻な環境破壊 イラクの現状、国連が報告」

「戦争で深刻な環境破壊 イラクの現状、国連が報告」







あたらしく立ち上がった、札幌の市民団体、「NO!! 小型核兵器 サッポロ・プロジェクト」とは、情報交換などを行い、連帯して劣化ウラン禁止運動を進めていきます。


サマワで劣化ウラン弾 オランダ軍が発見、米軍が大量に使用か<www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/Php/kiji.php3?&d=20040101&j=0070&k=200401017579>  2004/01/01 01:00







劣化ウラン線量計を全員携行 北部方面隊が家族説明会 【写真】  2003/12/21 00:30








劣化ウラン弾被ばく懸念-イラク派遣 札幌の高校生ら市民団体設立 【写真】  2003/12/17 15:00


「NO 小型核兵器 サッポロ・プロジェクト」。学業の傍ら、フリーライターとして週刊紙などに寄稿する立命館慶祥高(江別市)の今井紀明さん(18)が知り合いの弁護士や編集者ら十数人に呼び掛けて十三日発足させた。













NO DU ヒロシマ・プロジェクト メーリングリストより転載

(原文は: www.risq.org/article232.html<http://www.risq.org/article232.html>)    嘉指


(RISQ Reviews, 27 December 2003)

12月27日、オランダ国防省は、「イラク南部のアル・ムサンナ州に駐留中のオランダ軍が12月10日に劣化ウラン弾の30ミリ砲弾を発見した」と発表した。RISQ(Review of International Social Questions)スタッフのマーテン・ヴァンデンベルクによると、このことから、この地域で多くの劣化ウラン弾が使用されたことが推察される。この砲弾は、アス・サマワのいわゆる「解体場」のひとつで発見された。
オランダ国防省のスポークスマンによると、砲弾は破壊されず、劣化ウラン塵は放出されなかったから、発見に携わった人間の健康に危害はない。  伝えられた砲弾の直径からすると、砲弾は疑いもなくアメリカ製である。ヴァンデンベルクによると、30ミリ砲弾は、イラクでは、アメリカ空軍のアパッチ・ヘリコプターとA-10ジェット機「ウォートホッグ(イボイノシシ)」によってのみ用いられてきているものである。これら航空機は、「イラクの自由」作戦において、アス・サマワへの空襲に参加したことが知られている。従って、ヴァンデンベルクは、「この地域で、同様の砲弾がもっと多く見出される可能性がきわめて高い」と見なしている。


Dutch troops find depleted uranium ammunition in Iraq
27 December 2003 <www.risq.org/article-topic-3.html&gt;
RISQ News<www.risq.org/article-category-1.html&gt;

Finding points to more DU material in the area

Dutch troops stationed in the province of Al Muthanna in Southern Iraq have found a 30 mm round of depleted uranium (DU) ammunition. This has been announced by the Ministry of Defence today. According to RISQ Associate Maarten H.J. van den Berg<www.risq.org/userinfo-M.H.J.%20van%20den%20Berg.html&gt;, the finding points to the presence of more DU material in the area.

The shell was found on the 10th of December in a so-called ‘demolition pit’ in the town of As Samawah. According to a spokesperson of the Dutch Ministry of Defence, the health of those involved in the finding were not put at risk as the round was not destroyed and no DU dust released.

Given the reported calibre, the shell is probably of US origin. According to Mr. van den Berg, 30 mm DU ammunition has only been used in Iraq by American Apache helicopters and A-10 ‘Warthog’ jets of the US Air Force.

As a RISQ Report<www.risq.org/article131.html&gt; on the issue published earlier this year confirmed, 30 mm DU ordnance has been fired in airstrikes over As Samawah — in 1998 and, more recently, during operation ‘Iraqi Freedom’. Consequently, “it is more than likely that there are more sources of DU to be found in the area”, Mr. Van den Berg concludes.

Dutch army personnel unions have raised concern about the incident. “Last week we talked to officials of the Ministry of Defence but they did not mention the incident”, says Mr. J. Kleian, chairman of the Christian Association of Military Personnel (ACOM). His colleague of the Union for Defence Personnel (VBM), pointing at prior agreements with the Ministry on information-sharing, stated that “this is not something that should have been kept from the public”.

In July, the Minister of Defence assured MPs that “no DU-ammunition was used recently in Al-Muthanna”. However, as said RISQ Report led MPs to raise questions, the Minister admitted that the assurance derived from unverified information. Citing the US government as saying that “it is still in the process of preparing an assessment of DU-firing locations in Iraq”, the Dutch government’s current standpoint is that “it will await the results of [this] investigation”.

Sources: ANP, RISQ | www.risq.org<www.risq.org&gt; (updated on 29 12 2003)

I.e. to the RISQ dossiers and other articles on the RISQ website.

RISQ | www.risq.org<www.risq.org&gt;
Review of International Social Questions

+31 (0)294 458 011
The Netherlands

RISQ is an independent foreign policy think tank.

(RISQ Reviews, 27 December 2003)
they appear in the original at
Article: www.risq.org/article232.html<http://www.risq.org/article232.html&gt;
RISQ | www.risq.org<www.risq.org&gt;



ー我々の軍は, イラクに勤めて, 現在我々の軍にこのトレーニングビデオを見せるのをなぜ拒否したか?米陸軍トレーニングビデオ: 劣化ウラン危険認識





このバグダッドからのメールは、11月30日にWORLD PEACE NOWに参加しているNGO団体宛に送られてきたものです(状況が状況だけに双方の具体名は伏せます)。重要な内容であると判断しましたので、ご本人と連絡をとり実在の人物であることを確認するとともにメール公表の承諾を得ました。












モハメド・××× バグダッド、イラク

(翻訳:WORLD PEACE NOW 翻訳チーム)




NO DU ヒロシマ・プロジェクト メーリングリストより転載




第157回国会  衆議院 予算委員会
会議録より抜粋 (2003年10月1日(水)



○菅(直)委員 こういうのがマニフェストに当たらない表現ですよね。最善を尽くすとか、後の予算を見てくれとか。結局、項目まですべて具体化してその皆さんが要請をされた中で、何一つ答えていないわけであります。
○小泉内閣総理大臣 私は、いずれ見つかると思っております。
○菅(直)委員 アメリカの中でも、イギリスの中でも、この問題では、どうも大統領やブレア首相の国民に対する開戦当時の説明が少なくとも正確ではなかったんではないか、こういうことで大変な反発が起きております。我が国は、小泉総理の説明が大変うまいのか、それともその言葉のマジックに乗せられているのか、必ずしもそういう動きが大きくなっておりませんけれども、私は、今の説明は全く説明になっていない。
○川口国務大臣 劣化ウラン弾につきまして、アメリカ軍のブルックス准将が、アメリカ軍は少量を持っているけれども、それをイラクで使ったかどうかということについては何も言っていないということでございます。
○菅(直)委員 今のは答弁なんですか、何ですか。単に事実関係の説明だけじゃありませんか。
○小泉内閣総理大臣 イラク支援法に基づいて、自衛隊派遣が必要だと思ったら、自衛隊を派遣いたします。政府職員が必要だと思ったら、政府職員も派遣します。民間人が必要だと思ったら、民間人でできる方があれば民間人も行っていただきます。
○菅(直)委員 というのは、今の答弁はどういうことですか。たしかあの法案のころは、派遣が必要だから法律をつくるんだと言われたはずですが、今はあれですか、派遣が必要なら派遣すると。
○小泉内閣総理大臣 私は、あの法案の審議の最中にも言っております。イラク復興支援、人道支援のために自衛隊を派遣しなければならないという法律ではない、自衛隊を派遣可能ならば派遣できるための法律だということを法案審議の最中からはっきり言っております。そこを間違えないでいただきたい。何でもかんでも自衛隊を派遣しなきゃならないという法案じゃないんです。
○菅(直)委員 こういうのを普通は法匪と言うんですけれどもね。確かに法律はそのとおりになっています。ただ、わざわざあれだけの反対を押し切って出されたのは、必要だと考えるからそういう法律をつくられたというのは、そういうふうに国民は受けとめるのは当然じゃないですか。それは、必要でも初めからないんであれば、法律をつくる必要がないわけですから。
○小泉内閣総理大臣 私は、ブッシュ大統領との会談におきましても、日本としていかに協力できるかというのは、日本が独自に考える、主体的に考えるということをブッシュ大統領との会談でもはっきり申しております。そういう観点から、日本にできることを行う。
○菅(直)委員 ですから、その主体的な判断をお尋ねをしているんですが、主体的判断をする、主体的判断をすると言うだけで、主体的判断の中身が一向に聞こえてこないから、あえてこちらがお聞きをしているんです。




Interpress Service イラク医師のニュース





Experts Warn of Radioactive Battlefields

Katherine Stapp

NEW YORK, Sep 12 (IPS) – Concerns are growing about the presence of depleted uranium and other toxins in Iraq following a rash of illnesses among U.S. troops and the discovery by a reporter that radiation levels in parts of Baghdad are extremely elevated.

So far, according to figures obtained by the ‘Washington Post’, more than 6,000 soldiers have been pulled out of Iraq for medical reasons since the start of the war. About 1,400 of them were injured in combat or non-combat incidents, such as vehicle accidents, meaning the majority were evacuated for various physical or psychological illnesses.

No further breakdown has been released. In July, the U.S. Army announced that two soldiers had died of severe pneumonia and more than 100 were hospitalised for the illness. The deaths are still being investigated.

While experts discount a single cause for these illnesses, some remain concerned that neither the troops stationed in Iraq nor the civilian population is being adequately protected from toxic residues left over from the war.

These fears were heightened when a correspondent for the ‘Christian Science Monitor’ took a Geiger counter to parts of Baghdad that had been subjected to heavy shelling by U.S. troops. He found radiation levels 1,000 to 1,900 times higher than normal in residential areas where children were playing nearby.

One explanation is the presence of depleted uranium (DU), the trace element left over when uranium is enriched and the most radioactive types have been removed for use as nuclear fuel or nuclear weapons. DU munitions vaporise on contact, dispersing particles over wide areas, where they settle as dust that can be inhaled or ingested.

The Pentagon has portrayed DU munitions as indispensable in giving U.S. soldiers an edge on the battlefield. The high density of DU shells allows them to punch through walls and armoured vehicles.

But some see a more cynical reason for their popularity: the United States is the largest generator of DU in the world, with a stockpile of 700,000 tonnes and growing. Since the supply is controlled by the Department of Energy, it is readily available and free of charge. Transforming DU into weaponry has the added advantage of easing the DOE’s burden to safely store the spent nuclear fuel.

DU munitions made their debut in the 1991 Gulf War, and were later deployed in Bosnia and Kosovo. It is almost certain that DU was used in Afghanistan in 2001, but information on the exact amount remains unavailable.

Precise data is similarly hard to come by for the most recent U.S.-led invasion of Iraq, but based on preliminary reports, experts estimate that at least 200 tonnes of DU were released during combat.

While some studies on the effects of DU have been inconclusive, others determined that it raises the risk of childhood cancers, birth defects and other long-term health damage.

”The Pentagon’s own published studies have shown adverse health effects,” said Charles Sheehan-Miles, executive director of the Nuclear Policy Research Institute, which published an analysis of the available scientific research on DU in July.

”That’s what so bizarre about their stance on this.”

NPRI and other groups are now calling on Washington to immediately halt the use of DU, initiate a plan for cleaning up contaminated areas, and to support further studies.

”The research that’s been done — the little and flawed research that’s been done — has focused on adults,” Sheehan-Miles added in an interview. ”No one today has ever done any study on children that are exposed to it. We know from other research that children are much more sensitive to toxicity..”

His concerns appear to be well founded. Two Iraqi doctors visiting Japan recently reported a ten-fold increase in the number of cancer cases diagnosed in and around the southern region of Basra since 1988.

Dr. Janan Ghalib Hassan, a neo-natalogist at the Women and Children’s Hospital in Basra, said that in 2001, 611 babies were born with no limbs, no eyes or other birth defects, compared with 37 such cases in 1990. The area where the children were born was subjected to heavy shelling with DU munitions in the first Gulf War.

A recent analysis of already available data by the U.N. Environment Programme (UNEP) concluded the latest invasion has ”undoubtedly” worsened the serious environmental problems that have accumulated in Iraq over the past two decades, dating back to the Iran-Iraq war of the 1980s.

”Given the overall environmental concerns during the conflict, and the fact that the environment of Iraq was already a cause for serious concern prior to the current war, UNEP believes early field studies should be carried out,” said UNEP administrator Klaus Toepfer in a statement.

”This is especially important to protect human health in a post-conflict situation.”

A spokesperson for UNEP told IPS that, ”we will conduct a full on-the-ground study once the security situation allows, but there’s no telling when that might be.”

The White House and Pentagon have repeatedly denied that DU munitions pose any threat to human health. One recent State Department report titled ‘Apparatus of Lies’ has a section called ”The Depleted Uranium Scare”, which accuses the Iraqi government of exaggerating the toxicity of DU in order to generate international sympathy.

”In recent years, the Iraqi regime has made substantial efforts to promote the false claim that the depleted uranium rounds fired by coalition forces have caused cancers and birth defects in Iraq. Iraq has distributed horrifying pictures of children with birth defects and linked them to depleted uranium,” the report says.

”But scientists working for the World Health Organisation (WHO), the U.N. Environmental (sic) Programme, and the European Union could find no health effects linked to exposure to depleted uranium,” it concludes.

However, according to a WHO monograph issued in 2001, ”DU munitions were used in conflicts only relatively recently and the science has not yet thoroughly addressed this exposure situation”.

”What we need is a credible, independent assessment of what the actual effects are,” says Steve Robinson, executive director of the National Gulf War Resource Centre.

”Obviously, the U.S. military needs to allow civilian health agencies and monitoring teams into the war zone to conduct a large-scale epidemiological survey and rule it in or rule it out,” he told IPS.

”If these weapons have a so-called ”after-killing” effect, that is clearly prohibited under the Geneva Conventions.” (END/2003)

ニューヨーク, 9月12日(IPS)
今までのところ, 戦争の始まり以来‘ワシントンポスト’によって得られた数字によると6,000人以上の軍人が医学の理由でイラクから引かれている.
大部分が様々な物理的か心理学的な病気のために真空にされたことを意味して, それらのおよそ1,400は乗り物の事故などの戦闘か非戦闘事件で傷つけられた.
それ以上, 故障はリリースされなかった.
7月に, 米国陸軍は, 2人の軍人が激しい肺炎で死んだと発表して, 100以上は病気のために入院していた.
専門家がこれらの病気のためにただ一つの原因を割り引いている間, イラクに配置される軍も民間でない人口も戦争から残される毒性の残りから適切に保護されていることを心配しままで, 何かが残っている.
‘クリスチャンサイエンスMonitor’のための通信員が放射能測定器を砲弾を浴びせるのにアメリカ軍が重いかけられたバグダッドの地域に取り入れたとき, これらの恐怖は高められた.
彼は, 子供が遊んでいた住宅地域の標準よりも1,000年から1,900倍高い放射能濃度が近いことがわかった.
1つの説明は劣化ウラン(DU), ウランが豊かにされて, 最も放射性タイプが使用のために核燃料か核兵器として外されたとき残される微量元素の存在である.
それらは吸入するか, または摂取することができるほこりとなる.
しかし,ある人々はそれらの人気に, よりシニカルな理由を見る:
供給がエネルギー省によって制御されるので, それは容易に利用可能で, 無料である.
DUを武器に変えることにおいて, DOEの重荷をゆるめると費やされた核燃料が安全に格納される加えられた利点がある.
DU兵器は1991年の湾岸戦争でそれらのデビューをして, 後でボスニアとコソボで配備された.
DUが2001年にアフガニスタンで使用されたのは, ほとんど確かであるが, 正確な量に関する情報は入手できないままで残っている.
正確なデータはイラクの最新の米国によって導かれた侵入のために同様に得にくいが, 予備のレポートに基づいて, 専門家は, DUの少なくとも200トンが戦闘の間リリースされたのを見積もる.
DUの効果に関するいくつかの研究が決定的でないが, 他のものは, 幼年期の癌, 出生欠陥および他の長期の健康損害の危険を上げることを決定した.
「ペンタゴンの自己の発行された研究は, 効果, ‘がチャールズSheehan-Miles, Nuclear Policy Research Instituteの専務を言ったのを不利な健康に示して, 7月にDUにおける利用可能な科学的な研究の分析を発表した.」
NPRIと他のグループは, 今, ワシントンがすぐにDU, 汚染された領域を身ぎれいにすることと, サポートへのプランがさらに研究する開始の使用を止めるように呼びかけている.
「我々は, 他の研究から子供が毒性にはるかに敏感であるのを知っている.」
1990年にそのような37の場合と比べて, Janan Ghalib Hassan博士(バスラのWomenとチルドレンズ病院の新natalogist)は, 2001年に611人の赤ん坊が手足がない, 目または他の出生欠陥がないで生まれたと言った.
最近の分析…Environment Programme(UNEP)が結論づけた国連による既に利用可能なデータでは最新の侵入が「確かに」重大な環境問題を悪化させた…過去の20年間の間にイラクに蓄積している…1980年代のイラン-イラク戦争をさかのぼること.
総合的な環境問題がイラクの環境が既に現在の戦争の前の真剣な関心のための原因だったという闘争, および事実の間与えられる場合UNEPが, 早く分野研究が実行されるべきであると信じる…UNEP管理者クラウスToepferは声明で言った.
UNEPのためのスポークスマンはそれをIPSに言ったが, 「我々は地面における治安状況の一度が許す完全な研究を行うつもりであるが, それがいつだろうかを言わない’ ‘がある」.
ホワイトハウスとペンタゴンは, DU軍需が人間の健康へのどんな脅威も引き起こすことを繰り返して否定した.
1つの最近の国務省レポートが題をつけた…‘…Liesの装置には「Depleted Uranium Scare」と呼ばれるセクションがある…どれが, 国際的な共感を発生させるDUの毒性の誇張でイラクの政府を起訴するか.
「近年, イラクの政権は劣化ウランラウンドが合同軍で発火したという誤った請求を促進するかなりの努力にイラクに引き起こされた癌と出生欠陥を持たせた.」
イラクが出生欠陥で子供のぞっとさせの絵を分配して, それらを劣化ウランにリンクした…レポートは言う.
しかし, World Health Organisation(WHO), 国連Environmental(攻撃する)Programme, および欧州連合で働いている科学者が, どんな健康効果も劣化ウランへの露呈にリンクされなかったのを見つけることができた…それは結論を下す.
しかしながら, 2001年に「DU軍需は比較的最近だけ, 闘争で使用されて, 科学はまだこの露呈状況を徹底的に記述していない.」と発行した.
我々が必要とすることが実際の効果が何であるのかに関する確かで, 独立している査定額である…スティーブ・ロビンソンが言う…National湾岸戦争Resource Centreの専務
明らかに米国軍は, 大規模なepidemiological調査を行って, 中でそれを統治するか, またはそれを除外するために戦争ゾーンに民間健康代理店とモニターしているチームの入ることを許す必要がある…彼はIPSに言った.
「これらの兵器がaと呼ばれる、後の殺害」 効果を持つ…それがジュネーブConventionsの下で明確に禁止されている…」

劣化ウランの急性障害か イラク駐留米兵に謎の病気

劣化ウランの急性障害か イラク駐留米兵に謎の病気

(2003年9月4日 共同通信)




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